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How We Express Ourselves

April 13, 2015

Dear Kindy Families,
Kindy children have begun venturing into expressing what they see and how they
feel about their surroundings through Art. Children will be learning to express
themselves creatively and develop appreciation of the aesthetic as they learn that
People use different forms of visual art to express themselves.
The inquiry into Arts will enable the children to understand the:

different forms of visual art (form);

creative uses of art materials (perspective); and,

responses to own work and those of others(reflection).

Children will learn how to communicate apart from the use of language, keep an
open mind to explore alternatives to expressing oneself and reflect on the different
forms of expressions.
We will visit different places inside and outside the school that will allow the children
to observe and engage in artistic practices. If you have any interest in this area and
if you want to share your interest, could you please let me know.
Through this unit of inquiry, children will be encouraged to develop creativity,
appreciation and enthusiasm in expressing their ideas, feelings and understanding
using their own imagination. With the use of non-traditional materials and
processes, we are certainly looking forward to a few weeks of adventure!
We are hoping to transform our classroom into interesting gallery as children
become more independent in bringing out their own creativeness.
Thank you.
The Kindy Team

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