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Healthy Mouth - Healthy Body

The mouth is a window into the health of the body. It can show signs of nutritional
deficiencies or general infection.
For example, systemic diseasesthose
that affect the entire body, such as diabetes,
AIDS and Sjgrens syndromemay first
become apparent because of mouth lesions or
other oral problems

There are several explanations for a possible causal relationship between oral
health and overall health. The scientific community is still exploring and debating
this potential connection, examining the role of germs that cause periodontitis
(advanced gum disease), chronic inflammation of the gums resulting from
periodontitis, genetics and lifestyle habits, such as smoking.
There are several possible explanations for the link between oral health and overall
health. One theory involves the germs that cause advanced gum disease
(periodontitis). Another theory points to the potential effects of chronic
inflammation of the gums caused by advanced gum disease. In any event, genetics
or bad habits, such as smoking, may increase the chances of both poor oral health
and poor overall health.
While the nature of the link is not yet fully understood and no cause-and-effect
relationship has been established, what has been shown is that some sort of an
association exists between oral health and overall health, and that both dental
professionals and physicians agree that it is a good idea to maintain the health of
your mouth and body.

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