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FOR THOSE WORKING AT THE INTERFACE BETWEEN MEDICINE AND LAW OXFORD HANDBOOK OF FORENSIC MEDICINE A guide for the specialist and non-specialist who need to understand basic forensic principles Features case studies using real life examples Combines both forensic medicine and forensic pathology Includes a glossary of medical terms for those working in the legal profession OXFORD Oued ren Psi tune ety of Oded ctantetRy afters tattae SCA hg oar ‘ls Lumpir Moar Meboare Mec Gy Nave New Deb Shag Tp Toren wan teen Arpniea Aves Br Chi Cash Rep Fane Groce Cltursa Honey sy pen Pobre Poni Spore ScthKores Suter Talon’ Twkey Ute Som ‘tbe Ue anderen ther cout by Ox Uneiy Press New Yer © Orr University Pres 2011 ‘Tremor pes othe ashore been ase abe i Oxford Univer Pres far). 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Far exam hesne Should sore thatthe uml res of confidently are nota ron sod and ey ha be purpose ofthe examination may net be purely fherapeuis It le important that ferenre praconer recogni. ht (hey ares spect rsponablly toward dottnens whe are ninerabcby see st nag tha ibery meng Thue, fey Deve tthe bone human rghts of decanee are berg ignore or abuted they have 2 te report the concer eo he appropratepetson n authorty (eg. duty Inepetor or he head of rma urtice un), Foren practioner shouldbe sete to the fact hat the detainee hase choles over the erty ofthe doctor cesta atten, Atal es, the foresie pretiioner should mtrosice himiheraly cen hither Fete and remain courtecus, else shoul appredte that deaines hve ‘he same ght ood expectations af medealcare sary patent an these Incude th rigt to proacy ad confidently. 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In cases vier the forensic practioner percaes tha subsequent questions ay berated abot the valy ofthe conser itmay be approprate to hve the patents const wnesed bys third par. Consent ftom eden and young people Under the Farly Lav Reform Act 1963, chen atin aul status st ge eyo andar ete to eonean to tren own made! strane. ‘Ntnough not decaed many ie enonabi ta sesume tt young peeps ge 16 or 17 yours have the coaaty to consent to 2 foerle eam itor us as they ta therapeteexammation However, ren (APPROACH TO CUSTODY WORK) 49 priciones need o be aware tht thar re dion procadiral con $leraons th ear wo fren exarnstions young people. inte sera he PACE eee barome sae ge Vad thie jar scan ge conse When desing win detanersnder ie Agere pone sa equres to flow cvtan eso esi at ere ‘Staned om vents ncostody egal assem court Theres repro bang ate Sle fom 3 dead person eure eproprate concent in order forthe Ima sample endence 10 be adrinble "Appropriate conse i Getined secon 5 of PACE ot TTnrllin toa peron wh hs ted the age of 17 yr the aan tit peron + Inrelavon toa peron who hasnt atanes ha age buts athe ‘heage oft yar the cnsen oft perscn sahsher pret or pardan «+ Inriston toa paren who hana stan he age of ers the Censentothisher parent or gordon where tn content ofa parent or guardian is required itis not nacesary ‘orthe paren r uardan tobe atthe police avon to pe that concen ‘mere the corsntof te Juveniles required ist be abaned he prosence ofan appropriate aul ho may be th parent or glardan oF Some other suitable person aver the ae of 18 yar Confidentatcy Respzing a paent'sconientsty poses partir probit n dine fSrice meds and nen cbeaag comet fost mation om bor detnesr sod wctne te ferent practioner soul eae Dat ‘hey re are of hot el be ade tbe norman soeane “tinen conaicng heaped sarin of aetinec, tense pracones shu ecard’ the Et recad ni Sat riommaton Shh rane to the ewe ole cranes per Tis ele “recto othe cstdy sal for the nee ce ofthe dane, te fing of ty medcabon, sd an armen St faa for decarton, ‘este, chars, tater or retae Cine oaton tht 9 ot ‘lvne to he ne ea ofthe etune nals be renae ne ovens Pracidoner prone nots sed not vaged to the Cstdy sa By Eerste porpore of orense samston t gsn lemon ‘Grise a evcene, deals of xaranaton nig pesto be reveled 0 Inviting offers When selig coon fom sper ct to ‘Grea extmnato, the lores rotor mur expan th purpre of {Ec caratn ard the er at inns wi be suequny ine. ‘he naa ban has a opporany tater agree ore ts

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