Appendix I Lesson Plan

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Appendix I lesson plan

P2 University of Manchester Lesson Plan

Subject: ICT/Computing Class: Year 2
Lesson context
Childrens learning from
previous lesson S2b, S6b
Children will continue Children have used word
working on software, processing software before and
with the end goal (3/4 understand
week unit) of creating functions.
In the previous
Me lessons we used PowerPoint to
add slides, format backgrounds
and import graphics.

Provision for inclusion (SEN, EAL, G&T, Beh,
GRT, LAC...) (S5d, S5b)

Objective: what do I want the pupils to learn and how I will know they have learnt it?
Lesson objective
Success criteria: To be successful pupils
Differentiation (who will do what?)
link each activity to the success
criteria on the left (S5a)
To be able to use 1) Open saved work from previous
All children will complete the same
animations and slide
activities (lesson will be structured in
2) Add a slide transition
a step-by-step way i.e. model,
3) Add an animation
children do themselves, model - so
4) Add/Use a text box to add facts
To be able to add
instructions should be clear and
about themselves
and use text boxes
5) Save work
HA group can add:
Different transitions between
each slide
More than one text box
Seat LA group near to the front of the
room to support/keep on task.
Have HA children help others nearby
when they have completed their own
Subject knowledge: what do I need to know in order to teach this lesson?
Concepts I will explain: S3a
I will model:
Animation Making our objects (such as How to use PowerPoint/features see teaching sequence.
text and graphics) move on and off the
Transition Moving from one slide to the
Vocabulary I will use: S3a

Pedagogy: teaching strategies I will use (S2d): eg talk

partners, investigation, active learning, games,
collaboration, IT.
Active Learning/IT Children will learn through modelling
before carrying out activities themselves independently,
using the computers and software.
Partners Work in a pair to investigate features of

PowerPoint, presentation, software, screen,

audience, button, click, mouse, keyboard,
type, text box, font, colour, style, size,
save, file, graphic, image, picture, internet,
search, animation, move
Safety S1a
ICT suite
- Computers
children moving around the
- PowerPoint
Demonstrate how to
Homework Sheets
safely switch computers on/off.


*If searching online ensure

using should
not need the internet during
this introductory lesson, so
make sure children are not
Formative assessment and feedback (S6)
To challenge and extend the
pupils my questions are: S1b,

What techniques and

strategies am I using to assess
the learning? (S6b)
How and when we I give
oral/written feedback to the
pupil against the success
criteria so that they can
respond? (S6d, S2a)

What do you think we will need to do in the next lesson? What skills
would we need?
What else could we add to make our presentation more interesting
and informative?
We have added graphics and word, what other things could we add to
Discussion and answers given during teaching input and questioning.
Confidence and competence using software when working
Oral feedback given during whole class discussion, when taking
feedback from questions and when children are demonstrating skills to
the whole class.
Written feedback will be given by reviewing presentations from shared
drive and leaving comments for the children to read at the start of the
next lesson (allow time to read and edit title slide accordingly)

Teaching and learning sequence: How will I teach this lesson? What will I do? The guide to my
lesson (S6a, S4 and S7)
(Think about behaviour management, timings, transitions and assessment leading to feedback)
Behaviour/timing What the teacher is doing
What the pupils are doing
leading to
10 minutes.
Children come in, log on and wait.
2.35 - 2.45pm
Explain WALT/LO.
Begin by discussing what we have done already,
get children to recap: changing the backgrounds,
adding a title and sub-title (name), changing the
font, adding a new slide, adding a picture.
Explain that today we are going to do 3 different
1. Add a transition between 2 slides
2. Add an animation to our graphic
3. Add a text box and write something about
Opening a saved file
Office > PowerPoint > File > Open > All About Me
Presentations 2015 > Click on name

10 minutes.
2.45 2.55pm

How do we open our file? Take feedback. Ask

everyone to open their presentation. 1.
Adding a transition
Transitions > Choose one
Explain that we need to add some movement into
our presentations to make them more interesting
and exciting for our audience. We are going to
add transitions between slides, which means
when we move from one slide to the next. Give
children 1 minute with the person sitting next to
them to see if they can work out how to add a
transition. Take feedback and ask someone to

10 minutes.
2.55 3.05pm

Allow children to experiment and choose a

transition of their choice. Ask children which they
have chosen and why.
Adding animation
Choose 2nd slide > Click on graphic > Animation
tab > drop-down list > Choose one
We are now going to add some animation to our
slideshow, on the graphic we put in last week.
Why might be it be good to include animation?
Take feedback.

10 minutes

Demonstrate how to add an animation. Point out

that there are different kinds (entrance,
emphasis, exit, motion paths) Why are there
different kinds? Take feedback.
Allow children to experiment and choose a
transition of their choice. Ask children which they
have chosen and why.
Adding a text box
Insert > Text box > Click and drag

10 minutes
3.15 3.25pm

Explain that the last thing we are going to do

today is add a text box and put in some of the
writing we did for our homework. We are going
to put our writing on a new slide who can
remember how to add a new slide?
feedback. Give 1 minute to choose and add a
new slide.
Point out that if the children choose a slide with a
content box (i.e. lots of small pictures) it will be
easier for them to complete the next step.
Some people will have text boxes already (click to
add text) show of hands who has a box? Set

children who have text boxes off working on

typing, choose one fact about themselves and
type it in (HA can add more than one fact).
For those who dont have text boxes,
demonstrate how to add one and help those who
may be stuck.
Save Presentations and log off
Click save at the top of the screen
Exit PowerPoint
Log off
What have we learned that we didnt know
Do we feel more confident about adding
transitions and animations to presentations?
Next week We will finish off anything we have
not done (i.e. add more text/text boxes so we can
write all out facts, add some clip art, add some
sound to our slide transitions).
Assessment : Identify the progress pupils have made in this lesson (S6)
Identify with a code any children who have exceeded or not achieved the success criteria for this
lesson. In the third column, indicate what you are going to do to meet each identified childs needs as a
result of assessments made.
Success criteria

1) Open saved work from

previous lessons

2) Add a slide transition

3) Add an animation

4) Add/Use a text box to

add facts about

5) Save work



What will you do to meet the needs of the

children identified through this

Evaluation and reflection

Evaluate the progress pupils made in this
lesson in relation to the success criteria (S6b)

What were the strengths and weaknesses of your

teaching? (4d, S8d)

List three actions you will now take to improve pupil progress through your teaching (4d, S8d)

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