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Theme : World of self, family and friends
Unit / Topic : Parts of the body
: Listening and speaking
Content Standards:
By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to
1.1 pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress,
rhythm and intonation.
Learning Standards:
1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. name 7 parts of the body in the picture correctly.
2. listen and point to their parts of the body mentioned by the
1. Set induction
a. Teacher sings the song entittled head and shoulder with
the pupils.
2. Pre-listening activity
a. Pupils name the parts of the body from the song.
b. Teacher introduces the vocabulary on parts of the body from
the CD.
3. While- listening activity
a. Teacher reads the words aloud and pupils follow.
b. Teacher reads out the sentences from the CD.
4. Post-listening activity.
a. Pupils listen and point to their parts of the body mentioned
by the teacher.
5. Closure
a. Pupils choose the correct picture based on the parts of the
body given in the CD..
Educational Emphases
: ICT and Multiple Intelligences.
Teaching Aids
: CD Courseware and a song from Youtube.
Teaching and Learning evaluation :

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