Teacher Interviews

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Words from the Wise: Teacher Interviews

Jayme Belk
IvyTech Community College

Not all teachers are the same. Most can say a teacher or school experience made some
sort of impact on their lives; weather that be good or bad. This includes teachers themselves. I
can be a better teacher than Ms. Hennis stated Mrs. Freeland. Mrs. Freeland gave her personal
opinions on teaching and what it concerns, along with her co-worker Ms. Essex. She explained
how she had a physical altercation with her teacher at 7 years old and that caused her to make the
life decision to become a teacher. Freeland described herself as the type of student who always
smiled all the time and never got in trouble, and says that it was unfortunate that her teacher
treated her that way. Both teachers come from a quit similar background, and yet had different
paths to education. Mrs. Essex graduated from high school and decided to go to college for
marketing, she soon changed her major because marketing proved to pertain more to company
earnings rather than creativity. She considers her decision to go into education instead as one of
the best she has made. The ladies both work at IPS school #69 and plan on continuing their
practice for years to come. Ms. Freeland will be going into her twenty-fourth year of teaching,
with Ms. Essex behind her going into her seventh year. Most of both of their practice has been in
public schools, which are schools that are financed by the public. There is a significant gap in
their experience but one thing that they do have in common is the expected traits of a teacher.
Effective Teacher Traits
Every person has significant character traits. Professional positions require certain
qualifications all in which should line up with those held by an aspiring position holder. The oneon-one interview conducted with the two teachers not only revealed a significant piece of their
backgrounds but their view on how teachers should conduct themselves and what they should
value. Freeland and Essex both believed that it is important for a teacher to build relationships,

and be personable. Organization and efficiency were both highlighted as well, after all these are
things that teachers emphasize students should practice. They also have fairly different answers
pertaining to this topic as well. Essex says that they must also be knowledgeable, practice good
communication, and flexibility. Freeland stressed professionalism, care, and self-awareness
/evaluation. All of these traits seem to line up perfectly with their profession. This works as a
positive for the two teachers allowing them to be able to conduct themselves selves in a manner
that they are used to all the while corresponding with something they love.
Teacher Values Beliefs & Philosophies
These two teachers have a firm grip on what they believe, value, and practice in the midst
of their on-going study and practice with children and education. The book defines philosophy
statement as your ideas on how to participate in a practice. With the information obtained from
both teachers I was able to successful construct a combine statement that relates to both their
beliefs and values within elementary education. It is simply that you should approach it with a
stable mind be open for any changes or altercations that will help better serve our young society.
Ms. Essex says that she stepped into the Elementary Education with the mindset of
NCLB (No Child Left Behind). This was a method that was put well into action by our very own
President Bush. His goal was to dramatically bridge the gap in quality education. Whether his
methods were a success says Essex is not the point, it is that we do not forget about our duty as
Long term teacher Ms. Freeland starts of by remembering that integrity can take you
farther than you can imagine. She says that that along with the knowledgeable of the role she
plays helps her stay humble and only get better at her job. We prep society; there is no one that
can say they havent been to school.

Valid points were made by these educators and when asked have your beliefs, values or
philosophies of education changed? Both rookie and veteran shook their headed sharply, No. It
is fairly evident that with time comes change, take a growing baby for example, rather when it
comes to the things that we stand on and for one tends not to sway or alter. This much goes for
the ideal teacher.
Good Teacher & Most Important Qualities
If you do that again I swear I'll plant a 1,000 kisses all over your face. A statement like
this is something that would not be considered strange in Ms. Freeland's classroom. While being
interviewed she shared that quote with me saying it is an example of how to incorporate humor
in her classroom. She believes that the ability to do so is attribute that a good teacher should
hold, as well as building relationships. Allowing this to happen encourages the students to enjoy
school and learning its self. While all these things are true Ms. Essex stated her opinion saying
that a good teacher be able to meet students on a variety of success levels. What is a good
teacher? They agree that not only should he/she be able to accomplish these things but have held
the traits, beliefs and philosophies discussed within the duration of the entire interview. These
ladies were in tone with a word discussed in the book. Goodness of fit, is a term generally used to
describe the match between a theory and a set of observation. It means the match between a
teachers values, dispositions, and demands of teaching. Of course no one is perfect so it is
important to save room for error and improvement.
Challenges, Excitement within Education
With all good things there are high and down points. This goes for teaching as well.
Some challenges that were shared with me include parent involvement and paperwork. Some
night one may want to just go home and rest after work, Ms. Freeland says that most times this is

not an option. Weighted down by piles of papers and work load one has to remember that
teaching goes beyond the classroom. Although this is so se finds joy in witnessing lesion plans
go well, and students enjoy in-class activities. They have even gone as far as to clap for me.
Freeland stated with a warm smile on her face. Small gestures like that make my job well worth
Not all parents are involved in their childs schooling this is a point that Ms. Essex made
note to point out. She says that this has proven to be one major challenge when it comes to her
work field. She asserted that having supportive principles and parent liaisons definitely play a
role in making it much less of a struggle. She too agreed with her colleague about small joys,
stating that finished lesson plans along with good grades, excite her as a teacher. You get a
feeling of Awh, Im finally done, sometimes Essex describes how he job may require a lot but
hard work has its rewards.
There is something about intellectual conversation that really ads the the way one views
another. These interview opportunities allowed room for me to be able to analyze exactly what is
expected of a teacher and whole to current ones cope. Never the less I was also given the
opportunity to read into why they do what they do, and further self-evaluate in order to decide if
I too have what it takes. A word from the wise is sometimes all thats needed to predict your next
step. I plan to take the words of these educators to hard allowing myself room to grow as an
overall person and teacher. In the words of Ms. Freeland, Steal what works. Dont be afraid to
mimic those who have done what you desire to do; It might allow you to elevate success to an
even higher level.

Essex, E. (2013, 02 19).Interview by J Belk [Personal Interview]., Indianapolis, IN School 69.
Freeland, M. (2013, 02 19).Interview by J Belk [Personal Interview]., Indianapolis, IN
School 69.
Koch, Janice (2012). TEACH, Boston

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