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Smart Bus Stop Shelter in Al Ain City

Done by: Mariam Al Nassibi

Department of Geography and

Urban Planning


Acadimic Year: Fall 2015

Supervisor: Dr. Naeema Al Hosani

Course: Cartography 2

Lastly, the bus shelter will have bookshelf allow



passengers to read interesting books until the bus arrived.

Smart cities are promoting the future of services like

I have used Arc Gis program to introduce a map of bus

The smart bus stop shelters adapt international safety

smart parking, smart grids, smart buildings, smart robots

stops in Al Ain city. Also, I used Archicad program to

standards such as design, form and content, to provide

and smart bus shelters. In the near future, bus shelters in

make a proposal model for the bus shelter.

the maximum comfort and suitability. Strict measures

Al Ain city would be a modern facility with real time





have been taken to assure environmental friendliness.



They feature the latest smart technology and it is

accessibly for passengers, bus ticket machines and other

provided with clear energy. They were also designed to

amenities that will make it an eco-friendly smart bus

provide current and future passengers needs such as bus


ticket and charger board. The project gives priority to

hospitals, schools, shopping centers, labour camps and


airport, followed by residential areas, parks, hotels,

clinics and main roads, as well as industrial and isolated

Most public bus stops in Al Ain city has no umbrellas,

areas. Finally, the bus stop shelters have an external

which increase the suffering of the passengers, especially

in times of heavy rain, and during the summer season,
where hot temperature keeps increasing . Al Ain public


bus services cover all the city and its suburbs areas that
confirm easy mobility of passengers, but the lack of

The bus shelters are a futuristic eco-friendly aimed to

shelters to protect passengers reduces the demand for

reduce the impact of carbon emissions. The solar panels

their use to buses, especially with the vagaries of the

power the shelter's air-conditioner, wi-fi, smart touch

weather, whether it is with rain or wind or high

screen, charger board and bus ticket machine. The main

temperatures. There are a lot of recently installed bus

services of the smart bus shelters are the transit map in

stops do not have even umbrellas, and they do not meet

the required purpose, it is sufficient to protect passengers
from the vagaries of the weather.

Objectives of the research:

capacity of 9 people.

Current Design

Proposed Design

smart screen will be updated in real time if, for example,

one of the lines is delayed, and will then display alternate
routes. As well, the solar panels power the cooling/lighting
system, and any excess energy is diverted to the grid. The
frame contains sensors that detect when and which buses

The existence of closed bus shelters is essential in Al Ain

are passing by, and at what time, so that the transit maps

city, which is witnessing a remarkable development of the

are more accurate when displaying bus times.

urban infrastructure and upgrading of roads on a regular

Also, it will provide passengers with city information

basis and this will require the development of bus stops

guide its map service of nearby locations that allows

with the availability of the lines and the adoption by a

large slice. The existence of closed bus shelters will help a
large number in use even in the side of the transition

citizens to locate nearby stores and other amenities, In

addition to smart screen facilities it allows passengers to
determine their routes and how much time they will spend

from house to work, leaving their own car, which helps

to reach their destinations and if they need to take

reduce traffic congestion during the morning and to

another bus and will show the update of outside

reduce the impact of carbon emissions, in addition to a

temperature and time.

large segment used buses.

I have designed a smart bus shelter to protect bus users
from the rain in the winter, the heat of the summer sun,
and through the development of an air-conditioned shelter
that uses solar energy system. Especially that Al Ain city is
a tourist city from which to move to the tourist areas by
bus instead of using a taxi. The project goals is to have
this facility available to all citizens of Al Ain City, with the
maximum degree of safety and comfort for waiting bus
passengers at bus shelters, attracting the use of public
transport and create an iconic symbol for public transport
across Al Ain city in an attempt to provide world-class
services to the community.

I would like to thank Integrated Transportation Planning
Division in Al Ain for providing me with data that helped
me introduce the map and special thanks to my
supervisor Dr. Naeema Al Hosani for her support.

- Department of transport, Integrated Transportation
Planning Division in Al Ain

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