Portfolio Evaluation and Summary

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While I have been an employee at Park City Mountain Resort as a snowboard

instructor, this internship allowed me to grow and develop more than any prior
season. While I was not involved on any team projects, I was highly involved with
career development projects. Through the American Association of Snowboard
Instructors (AASI), I am now certified as a Level 2 instructor as well as a freestyle
and childrens specialist. Each of these certifications required a great amount of
time and energy, as well as a refined understanding of biomechanics, board
performance concepts, and the relationship between the two. In addition to the onsnow evaluations each had either a written exam (Freestyle specialist), a workbook
(Childrens Specialist), or a research project (Level 2). To successfully complete
these works, I had to pay close attention to detail to ensure that I answered the
questions as fully as possible.
These feats would not have been possible had I not committed myself to training to
meet the on snow expectations. To better improve my riding and teaching, I
attended weekly training sessions and would practice what I learned in those
sessions throughout the week. I also attended training events hosted by AASI. Each
event was targeted toward a different focus. For the Freestyle Specialist I attended a
two day camp at Park City Mountain Resort and had an evaluation immediately
following the camp. For the Childrens specialist, I attended a three hour seminar at
Deer Valley Resort as well as participating in an all-day on snow lesson at Grand
Targhee Resort. For my Level 2 training I was actively involved in two separate
clinics. The first was a riding oriented clinic where we focused on Movement
analysis of other participants and improved our own riding by performing various
tasks and drills. The other clinic was held at Park City Mountain Resort where we
focused on teaching and the progressions we use in our lessons.
I also was a member of the Signature 3 support staff where I worked with children,
ages 3-5, to help them get ready for their days adventure. In this program the
participant spends 2 separate sessions skiing for 90 minutes each. My duties
included dressing kids, depending on if they are going outside or coming in,
organizing their belongings, preparing lunches, and maintaining a fun environment
for all. This was my first time working with kids of this age and seemed to be more
of a handful than I thought it would be. Despite the hardships of being inside
compared to on snow, and working with such egocentric youth, I learned much from
this experience as it helped to better prepare me for my Childrens Specialist.
My hard work was recognized by all of my supervisors and I was nominated for
Instructor of the Year despite only being a part time instructor. I continue to have
future goals and will be working toward my Level 3 over the next few years. In
addition to that, I will also be striving for my Ski Level 1 and Freestyle Specialist 2.

The overall experience was one which I will never forget. I was able to see a larger
side of the ski school by working in Sig 3, and was able to work with some of the
best riders and instructors I know to help me personally develop into a career
position. I learned that while I do not prefer working with younger kids, I am capable
of doing so and am comfortable working with younger clients. Beyond the duties of

the internship, I also had several conversations with those instructors who have
made a profession out of it. From them I learned how to better organize my
returning clients so I can determine which ones I want to teach, and which ones I
rather pass on to another instructor.
I would recommend this agency to future interns but only if they are willing to stay
on top of things themselves and are willing to commit themselves. My goals were
very specific and it had to be so in order for this internship to work. Having reached
my goals I am certainly more marketable to other agencies since I bring a wealth of
knowledge to the table and can create a high quality product without much training.
Following the internship, I will be training my new puppy to be a Search and Rescue
dog over the summer and will be working with him to be an avalanche rescue dog
as well. Professionally, I will be working at Park City Mountain Resort next winter and
will be working at Cardrona in New Zealand in 2016. I plan on taking a week off
during the upcoming winter to find a new resort to offer my services to. I believe it
will only be a sabbatical from my current employer, but I want to make sure that the
year or two that I am away are exactly what I dreamed of.
If I were to give any advice to future interns, it would simply be this: Do what you
love. It may not pay you the most, but when you can wake up each day and be
excited to go to work, that is when you will find success. Find a team that blends
well with who you are and be the very best version of you that you can be.

Portfolio Scoring (Form 14b)

Portfolio Evaluation

Include this completed evaluation in the portfolio you submit to me on. You may
retrieve your graded portfolios from the PRT main office after the end of the

Portfolio Owner: __________Sam Everett____________________________________

Directions to owner: Please take time prior to class to answer the following

1. What have you learned about yourself by putting together your portfolio?

I have learned that throughout the past several years I have had a
myriad of experiences that have enabled me to develop as a professional and as a
student simultaneously.

2. What artifacts are you particularly proud of and why?

My marketing project is an example of what kind of student and

employee I am. I committed a lot of time and energy to receive the data collected
as well as devoted myself to better understand the history of Park City Recreation.
These dedications lead to the development of a new program which is being
considered by the organization.

3. If you could publish one thing in your portfolio, what would it be and why?

I would not publish any of these works. These were requirements. I rather
publish my writings that are born on the trail in midst of the real world where
thoughts bloom boundless and free, away from institution and purpose. I believe the
best published works are those which spawned from necessity; not the necessity of
a system, but the necessity of life. The necessity to spread passion and joy, to
induce thought and provoke the soul.

If I had to publish something, It would be my avalanche rescue lesson plan. It was

the first lesson plan I ever made for that tie

4. What areas of your professional development need further improvement?

What are you doing about it?
I need to further develop both my riding, movement analysis, and teaching. I
have begun to develop a returning clientele and I need to ensure that I am
capable of providing them with the best instruction possible as they
progress. I am continuing to exercise my mind about the subject by
continually studying and researching. The level 3 research project is much

more involved and requires even more time and dedication. I wish to
attain the certification by 2018 and am already starting on the research
project. Also, due to gear repairs, I had to change between several
different boards this season. This lead me to find an interest in muscle
efficiencies when using different board constructions. I hope to use this
research as tool to better understand mechanics and its relation to sliding.

5. How do you feel about your portfolio?

I feel that my portfolio is complete. It is a synapse of my education and
work experience over the past few years. While I did not include reflective
overviews of each piece, I believe the pieces I did include speak for
themselves. I have always understood, as an art major and business major
previously, that a portfolio is to be composed of my work, which, if
deemed acceptable, would grant me an interview where I can then share
my reasoning.

Peer Signature: _____________________________________________________

Part II - Portfolio Scoring

Place a point value in each box based on your evaluation of the content and quality
of each element.



Components of the
portfolio should be
verified; required items
should be present.

Organization: follows
directions; clear layout
Form/Style: visual
appeal, writing
Understanding: shows
knowledge of
application of ideas;

1.Cover page
2. Introductory
3. Table of
4. Cover letter
5. Resume
6. Fact sheet of
interests, hobbies
7. Certifications,


0=NA, missing

1=included, but


2=fully developed



8-11. Knowledge
artifacts (4) plus
reflective captions


12. Rationale for

13. Internship
goals (4)
14-17. Application
artifacts (4) plus
reflective captions


18-19. Summary


20. Appearance
(binder, dividers,
page protectors,
original work)

TOTAL PTS. = ____________


(100 pts. poss.)


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