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Personalised Feedback Sheet for IGCSE Section 7 The uses of ICT

Name: Lucas Cooper

Target grade: A
Score on this assessment: 84.85%
Grade for this assessment: A
General feedback/class needs:
This test was basically a general knowledge ICT test. It brought together all the
things youve learned from previous units about sensors, input and output
devices, processing and put them in a real world context for things such as
transaction processing, expert systems, monitoring patients and so on. In reality,
there were no new concepts here, only new applications.
It should be more than clear to you all now, the value of exam question practise.
When you look at the amount of time we spend going over exam questions in
class, and then look at your test you should see that the time spent on those
questions was valuable.
There were few excuses this time around for poor performance being as youd
seen most of the questions during the lessons and it really has now become a
matter of practise makes perfect. If youre still not quite happy with where you
are in terms of progress, the formula is simple the more you practise past
questions, the higher your grade will be.
Most people struggled with the question on stock control this is a bullet point
list answer (and one we did in class) and the question on expert systems.
Your test review:
One question I got completely right was about banks. This is because I revised
One question I achieved some, but not all marks on was about or, MICR and OCR
this is because I forgot what MICR was.
I did not get one question completely wrong

Your personal targets:

1. To learn the four parts of an expert system
2. To be able to write out the steps taken when an automated stock control
system is updated
3. To be able to explain MICR, with an example

Write out and answer fully questions 3, 9 and 10

1. A supermarket uses POS terminals. The stock levels in the supermarket

are updated automatically.
Describe the steps involved in updating the stock level of a product
when the bar code is read.
[5 marks]
2. Describe online processing of data, using the booking of airline tickets
as an example. [4 marks]
A person chooses the seats they want and send a request to the airline.
Then the person enters their payment/card details. The airline contacts
the persons bank, checking if they have enough funds. Then the money is
directly transferred to the airlines bank.

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