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30 Points Total

20 points group grade, 10 points individual grade

Due: Tuesday 10 PM
Each group should Share by sending to my email:
15% deducted from each group members score for each day late.
Presentations begin on Wednesday, May 6th

Introduction Slide (5 points) Group Grade
Title, Group member names, class period (3 points)
Speaker provides a brief overview/ introduction of topic (2 points)

Overview Slide (5 points) Group Grade
Bulleted list of each slide topic (not including intro & overview) (3 points)
Speaker provides a brief description of the order of the presentation (2 pts)

Presenters (10 points) Individual Grade 3 slide minimum
Each slide includes a related and useful graphic (2 points)
Each slide follows the 6 x 6 rule (3 points)
Speaker provides an in depth synopsis of information researched (5 points)

Summary (3 points) Group Grade
Slide follows the 6 x 6 rule (1 point)
Speaker provides a summary of research conducted by the group (2 points)

References & Questions (2 points) Group Grade
A list of websites utilized (1 point)
Speaker solicits questions (1 point)

Formatting (5 points) Group Grade
Each slide has a background (other than white)
Words are in a minimum of 24 point font
Graphics are used throughout the presentation and related to the content
No spelling or grammatical errors
All words are visible on the background selected

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