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Belmont Lesson Plan Template

Building together for excellence in education
Lesson Planning Document
General Information
Teacher: Shannon Cain
Students: 30
Mentor: Mr. Cargile
Number: 1
Date: 3/4/15
Sequence: 1

Subject: Science

Number of

Grade: 8th grade


Time Allowed: 50 min

Lesson in
Unit Title:

Life Science
Topic- Classification

Subjects Integrated- 8th grade science, Biology, Ecology, Life


Readiness and Background Knowledge

This is a completely new unit for the students. They learned about the
classification system in the 6th grade, and I will use questioning throughout my
lesson as well as an introductory activity to activate their background
knowledge and assess where they are.


SPI 0807.5.1 Use a simple classification key to identify an unknown organism.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.4 I can list the levels of classification in order from
most general to most specific (domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family,
genus, species).
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.4 I can classify organisms based on appropriate
characteristics (e.g. types of symmetry, way it obtains energy, presence of
certain body systems, method of reproduction, etc.).

Student learning objectives:
By the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to list the levels of
classification in order from most general to most specific.
By the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to create dichotomous key to
classify organisms.
Teacher learning objectives
I will work on lesson pacing, wait time, and implementing an appropriate
literacy strategy into my lesson.
-I will assess the students informally through questioning throughout the
-We will also assess their dichotomous key answers at the beginning of class
the next day. (This is a practice dichotomous key. The students will work
through a leaf dichotomous key next week, and this will count for a grade).
-The students also have homework in the textbook that we will assess for a
homework grade at the beginning of class the next day.

Resources and Materials

-PowerPoint- will be accessible to diverse learners
-Knowledge chart
-Shark Dichotomous Key
-Small plastic animals/dinosaurs

Instructional Model, Procedures, and Strategies

-Copy homework page- 2 minutes

-Knowledge Chart- 5 minutes (literacy strategy)
-PowerPoint presentation/discussion about classification and dichotomous keys15 minutes
-Creating a dichotomous key activity- 15 minutes
-Grading each others keys- 5-10 minutes
-Homework time- 5 minutes


Attention Signal
The students enter the classroom and start copying down their
homework page from the projector. They are great about starting class on time.

Opening and Advanced Organizer

I will hook the students with a short video about whales and a short
introductory partner activity.

Behavioral Expectations
We expect the students to treat the teachers and each other with
respect. Only once person will speak at a time during the discussion, unless the
class is notified to call out an answer collectively. If the students have a
question, they will raise their hands.
-The students will be active listeners and participate in our discussion.
-The students will complete the activity with their group members.

Instructional Steps
-Students copy down homework page for todays lesson.
-I will show pictures of organisms, and the students will discuss with their table
partner about how they would classify these organisms. (They have not learned
about classification yet this year, so this will help me see what they know and
any misconceptions they have). They will write this information in the
Knowledge Charts.
-We will have a short class discussion about what the students talked about
with their table partners. How did you classify these organisms? What does it
mean to classify something? How are these organisms similar? How are they
-We will have a short PowerPoint lecture about classification. The students will
take a few notes on their Knowledge Charts.
-We will practice reading a dichotomous key as a class, and then the students
will work with their table partner on a shark dichotomous key.
-Activity: The students will be given a bag with plastic organisms inside. With a
partner, they will create their own dichotomous key to identify the organisms.
-After the students complete their key, they will trade bags and keys with
another group. They will work through the key and see if it can be used to
correctly classify the organisms. If not, they will make suggestions and the
original group will self-correct.
-Any additional time will be given for the students to work on their homework
from their textbook.

Lesson Closure
We will close the lesson by having the students evaluate each others
dichotomous keys.
Feedback and Evaluation
Because this is our first life science lesson, feedback and evaluation will be
informal. I will assess their prior knowledge during our discussion at the
beginning of class. I will offer feedback while the students are working on their
dichotomous keys. After the next lesson, the students will have a quiz over life
I have an ELL student in my 3rd period class. Fortunately, I have another ELL
student would speaks English well. For partner activities, these two students
work together and can talk in Japanese while they are working. I also provide
the PowerPoints with space for notes in case they do not get everything written
down during class.

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