Anotative Bib

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Hunter Shirey

UWRT 1102
28 May, 2015
Annotated Bibliography
-Bents, Barbra, and Kathryn Hausbeck. "Marketing Sex: US Legal Brothels and Late Capitalist
Consumption." Marketing Sex: US Legal Brothels and Late Capitalist Consumption. Sage, 24
Jan. 2009. Web. 1 May 2015. <>.
This source is about how the U.S. sells sex and the brothels end up making more money
than they ever expected. It talks extensively about the Nevada brothel industry and how it
markets itself. The purpose of this article is to educate people on how and why the brothel
industry has become so successful in the state of Nevada.
After reading this article, I have learned that the sex industry in Vegas is one of the
biggest reasons people decide to make the trip, and is a hot bed for bachelor parties. This article
didnt give the information I necessarily wanted. I was looking for some dangers that may appear
in Vegas and instead I found another attraction. I can and will still use the information that I have
been given from this article and I think it will make my paper just that much better.
I believe this is a very credible source. One of the authors, Kathryn Hausbeck, has written
many pieces on the topic and seems to be some sort of an expert on the topic. This is also
credible because, it is an article from the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. Since they are so
close to the area I am researching, I have no reason to discredit it.

-Herczog, Mary. "Google Books." Google Books. Wiley, 1 Jan. 2009. Web. 1 May 2015.
This source is basically a list of what to do in Las Vegas. It gives in detailed descriptions
as to what to do in Sin City. Whether its where to go to eat or what club to go to. The purpose of
this book is to inform people who may be planning on making a trip to Las Vegas and dont
know exactly what to do.
After reading a lot of this book, I really got a good grip of what Las Vegas really brings to
the table with their attractions. This book fits exactly into what I want to do in my paper. I want
to bring up the reasons people go to Vegas and this book brings up the exact reasons. This source
will be my main foundation to this paper and I plan on using it extensively.
This sources I found to be very credible. The author also wrote Las Vegas for Dummies,
which is an excellent series of books that informs people about the basics of whatever topic they
are writing about. Since she wrote that book I would imagine she did extensive research on the
topic which would make her a valuable source.
-Rothman, Hal. "Google Books." Google Books. New Mexico Press, 1 Jan. 2007. Web. 1 May
This book gives a solid background to the history of the mid-west. They talk a lot about
the gaming industry along with other topics. The purpose of this book is to inform people on how
the mid-west was built up and how it is now.
After reading a little of this book, I am going to put all my focus onto the first chapter of
this book. The first chapter is about the gaming industry and gives a lot of information about the
gaming industry in Vegas. I will use this source only when I am talking about gaming. You will

see a sparse amount of information from this source due to the very little information that
actually goes with what I plan on doing with this paper.
I find this source to be very credible. It is published by the New Mexico Press, so they
must know a lot about the mid-west. Throughout the book they also cite other sources like the
Las Vegas Sun Times. With this source using other sources as well as the location in which it was
published it doesnt allow me to discredit any information.
-Fainstein, Susan, and Dennis Judd. "Google Books." Google Books. Louis Stern Memorial
Fund, 1 Jan. 1999. Web. 1 May 2015.
This book talks about different tourist cities all over the country, and gives extensive
information about how each city has become so popular among tourist. The purpose of this book
is to inform every one of the best tourist cities and why they are the best.
I skipped to the part about Las Vegas and they mainly talked about the gambling industry
and how that drives the Las Vegas economy. I found this source to be very helpful and exactly
what I needed to have a great gambling part of my paper. I will be using a lot of this information
but it will be concentrated into a small portion of the paper.
The main thing that makes this source credible to me is that it is copyrighted by Yale
University. Yale is a prestigious college and known for having the smartest kids in the world. I
doubt that Yale would copyright something that is not credible.
-Thompson, Hunter. "Google Books." Google Books. Straight Arrow, 11 Nov. 1971. Web. 1 May
2015. <
hl=en&lr=&id=ke02t2OyPDsC&oi=fnd&pg=PA3&dq=las vegas

vegas travel&f=false>.
This book is about a man and his lawyer going to Vegas and they experience a lot of drug
use. The purpose of the book is to entertain yet the book is filled with real experience which
would make it some sort of learning experience.
I may take some experiences the two men had as a way to classify the dangers Las Vegas
can present. I dont plan on making this source a main part of my paper but I plan on using it a
little when I am talking about the dangers of Las Vegas. I find it too hard to look through the
whole book and find specific things about the dangers.
At first I didnt think that the book was a credible source. When I researched the book it
was said to be rooted from an auto biography of what happened to the author. So that seems to
me that this book is as credible as one can be.

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