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BY: Lorenz, Christin, Alex G, Surinder, Michelle, and Anna

Earth day is an astonishing annual event that notifies people all over the world. The purpose of
this event is to raise awareness to people, that if we do not start taking care of the Earth then soon
the Earth will be a wasteland filled with a cluster of garbage. It is also our responsibilities to tidy up
the Earth because we are the ones how are living on the Earth. In addition to Earth day helps lower
environmental issues such as air, water, and soil pollution. Earth Day first took place in 1970 (there
were over 20 billion participants) because Gaylord recognized how contaminated the air was, and he
wanted to declare to the public to help find solutions, and then it evolved in to Earth day. Over 190
countries celebrate Earth Day including Japan, Canada, United States, and Canada. At this event
many people would do some tree planting, neighborhood clean-ups, and spreading the word about
Earth Day, They would also recycle, reduce, reuse, carpool, turn off any lights that are not in usage,
turn off the water when you brush your teeth, and much more to help the environment. There are
many events held on Earth Day such as Victoria's Earth Walk, Edmonton's Earth Day Festival, and
Ontario's Waterways Clean-up. These events help people really get the message of keeping the Earth
green. Recycle, reduce, and reuse are common words that people use when we talk about Earth Day.
Recycling means to convert waste in to reusable items. You can recycle cans (when you do so you
save 95% of energy), paper (you would save 41,000 trees). Reducing means to make smaller or less
in amount, degree, or size. You can reduce by buying products that don't have a lot of packaging,
because some products are wrapped in many layers of plastic and paperboard even though they are
not necessary. Also cars use up energy and cause pollution, you should attempt to carpool with
friends, walk, take the bus, or ride your bike instead of driving. Reusing something means to use
something again or more than once. Reduce by donating old clothing to a local charity; also reuse
plastic bags by just using it again until they are worn out. Earth Day is an event that brings awareness
to keep the Earth green. Recycling, reducing, and reusing are ways to keep the Earth healthy and
clean so we need your help.
By: Christin

At April 20th, the Boston Marathon races began. Ethiopias runner

Lelisa Desisa won the men's race and Kenyas Caroline Rotich got the
first place of women's race. Both races are really excited for the
spectators. After a sprint with Ethiopias Mare Dibaba, Rotich took 2
hours 24 minutes and 55 seconds and won this race, now let us take a
look at the men's race. It seems no pressure for Desisa to win this race.
He took 2 hours 9 minutes and 17 seconds to win the race and he was
30 seconds ahead of the second, Yemane Adhane, which is also come
from Ethiopia. The thing that really amazed people was the African
runners got the top 10 award in both races.
This is the second victory of Desisa. A bomb exploded two hours after he first vectored the Boston Marathon race at
2013. In honor of the three people killed in that bomb explosion, he returned his 2013 winners medal. Compare to Desisa,
Rotich was more determined. I have been waiting for this and training and training. She said at the finish line. I saw the
finish line tap and I thought this is it, I'm not going to let it go. She is the fifth Kenyan woman who won the Boston
Marathon. Another news is, Rita Jeptoo, the winner of 2013 and 2014, has been banned from athletics for two years after
testing positive for drugs.
This is the 2015 Boston Marathon, every runner did their best to receive their own goal, and we hope they can run
faster and better in the next marathon race.
By: Michelle

There are many types of art in the world, but painting shows
the most
vf expression and creativity. Well known artist Vincent Van
Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Michelangelo are great
examples of famous painters. These artist date back to the 1400s
to the late 1950s with some of the greatest art pieces in the
history, such as Starry Night, Mona Lisa, The Creator

Starry Night

of Adam, Last Supper, and the Accordionist, but painting

was not the only thing these artists did. These artists also work
on sculpting, ceramics, architect, poetry, geology, and many more,
except Vincent Van Gogh, and he was desired for painting and only
painting. Other painters include Salvador Dali, Edward Munch, and
Agustin Rodin, which deserve an honorable mention of arts
Persistence of memory, The Scream, and the Thinker,
these pieces show thinking and scared expressions and thinking in
memory about the past. Art is not a simple thing to do or show plain
to someone; you have to show the audience the meaning and expression
throughout your work.

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By: Lorenz

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Mona Lisa

Katie Kerrick and her sister were excited to head to bell center to
watch Ottawa Senators play against the Montreal Canadians. They
drove from New Hampshire to watch the game. In the game,
when they wore a Senators jersey, they had verbal harassment
thrown at them. Lots of dirty comments were made, but it didn't
bother them. It did bother them when a man hit Katie Kerrick
with a game towel and also called those abusive named. Then
Katie told the reporters that they were getting hit by towels while
going to the bathroom. First they thought it was a accident, but
after it was pretty clear that they were doing it on purpose. They
told the attendants, but they didn't seem to care at all. After the
Canadians won, the man from before threw his beer at Kerrick
and her sister, they were soaking wet. After the Ottawa Senators
heard the news they invited Katie Kerrick as a guest in one of the
private suite for game 3.
By: Surinder

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For More News, READ:


Lyrid meteor showers usually happen every April of each year. From
the dark sky, it would make a better show. Lyrids are the pieces of
debris from a comet, it had observed for over 2,600 years with
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Every year
around April, the Earth runs to the comets stream that causes the
lyrid meteor shower. "For the 2015 shower, I'm expecting 15-20 lyrid
meteors an hour," the NASA Meteoroid Environment Office's Bill
Cooke wrote on a NASA blog. "Peak rates should occur after 10:30 pm
on April 22 your local time, for observers in the northern
hemisphere." Many people around the world should have seen the
lyrids, but many other people are still buying special equipment to
spot the showers. The name of shower would base on where the
point start is called radiant. The radiant is located of the constellation
gives the shower its own name.
By: Anna

Come Out and Show Off Your Inner Rock Star!

Air Bands will compete each lunch hour in the gym
Auditions will be held May 12-15 RECESS
Battles begin Tuesday May 19
Finals: Friday May 29
Grades: 4-7
To register, see Mr. Smith


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