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Humanities Study Guide

(Who, What,) (Where, When), (Why is this significant?)
John Paul Jones- an American naval officer, his ships name was Bonhomme
Richard. Near the coast of Great Britain in September 1779, his ship met the British
warship Serapis. The British captain asked whether Jones wished to surrender. Jones
replied I have not yet begun to right. The British surrendered. He was a hero.
The Swamp Fox- Francis Marion was a successful Patriot leader. He was known
as Swamp Fox because he operated out of the swamps of eastern South Carolina.
He used the Hit-and-Run Tactic and he was quick and smart.

Newburgh ConspiracyBattle of Yorktown- In 1781-, Washington secretly planned an attack at Yorktown.

This, he hoped, would keep supplies and aid from Cornwallis. 14,000 American and
French troops stood against Cornwalliss 8,000 British and Hessian troops at
Yorktown. The Americans trapped Cornwallis all around Yorktown. On October 14,
Alexander Hamilton, led and attack that captured key British defenses. On October
19, Cornwallis surrendered his troops

Nathaniel Greene- In October 1780, He replaced Gates as commander of the

Continental forces in the South. He had to retreat but Cornwalliss army sustained
great losses so Cornwallis gave up the campaign to conquer the Carolinas.
Treaty of ParisFriedrich von Steuben- Came to help Washington. Von Steuben had been an
officer in the Prussian army. He helped to train the Patriot troops at Valley Forge and
shape the Continental Army into more effective fighting force.
Battle of Saratoga-General Burgoyne was British. In July he captured Fort
Ticonderoga, but he needed supplies. He sent a force to the American supply base
at Bennington, Vermont, but the Green Mountain Boys, defeated them. Burgoyne
retreated to Saratoga. American troops under General Haoratio Gates blocked and
surrounded Burgoynes army. On October 17, 1777, General Burgoyne surrendered.

General Cornwallis- In April 1781, Cornwallis (British) marched north to Virginia.

His troops carried out raids throughout the region. General Washington sent

Lafayette and General Anthony Wayne south to push Cornwallis back. Meanwhile,
Cornwallis took shelter at Yorktown, on the Virginia coast.

Do a prewrite
A. How did the experiences of the Patriots and the experiences of British differ in
the war? How did these differ in the war? How did these differences
contribute to the outcome?
1st Paragraph
Opening sentence* The Patriots and the British had different
experiences during the war.
Because the Patriots knew the land better than the British, it
gave them an advantage.
The British had to send their troops out to sea for weeks so that
they could get to the Americas
Theses* the experiences of the British and the Patriots
contributed to the outcome of the Revolutionary war.

2nd Paragraph (British)

The British had very different experiences compared to the

They were thought at the start of the war to win because
they had the most predominant army in the world.
The renown British troops and supplies had to travel across
the ocean to battle the war.
They also would not get news about wins and
defeats for months.
They didnt get much help from the recluse civilians who are
neutral because they would take over their land and tell
them what to do.
British had very different experiences from Patriots

3rd Paragraph (Patriots)

The Patriots had many experience that were different for the British
The Patriots were in dire need of more soldiers and supplies
The French joined the patriots and they endowed the army
Since the patriots were quick and small they used the hit-and-run tactic


They knew the geography of the land and the weather

Had lots of support from the civilians

4th Paragraph (How it affected the war)

The Experiences of the British and the Patriots affected the outcome of the
The British came into the war overconfident that they were going to win this
short war but that plan went awry.
The British won most of the naval battles because the Patriots ships didnt
even compare to the British ships. Later on in the war though the Patriots
started to win some naval battles.
Since the Patriots knew the land they knew where to lay an ambush or
surprise attack. This gained some wins for the Patriots.
The Patriots also could move fast because they had smaller numbers. As the
British would defile the Patriots would come out of nowhere attack them and
then scurry off. Without the hit-and-run tactic the Patriots probably wouldnt
have won. The British capitulate because the Patriots could maneuver around
them and capture there forts.
Since the Patriots were in dire need of troops and supplies this made them
more determined to fend off the British.
The Patriots had many allies including the French and Spanish, which gave
them more supplies and troops.

B. Of all the Patriot leaders we learned about in this unit, which do you think
most helped the patriot cause?
1st paragraph

George Washington is the apt leader that I think most helped the Patriot
He had experience from the French and Indian war.
He lead many victories
The British came into the war overconfident that they were going to win this
short war but that plan went awry because of George Washington.
He was a disarming person and many people respected him
Many Patriots look up to him as the figure of the Patriot cause. Congress
voted him leader
I think George Washington is the Patriot leader that most helped the Patriot
cause because he was brave, persistent, and intelligent. (THESES)

2ND Paragraph


George Washington was brave this is one characteristic that made him
greatest leader of the Patriots.
He was able to trap Yorktown and block off supplies and escape routes. He
had the guts to make this risky move that won them the war.
During the battle of Long Island in August 1776, Patriots were extremely
outnumbered and in need of warm clothing, yet Washington and his men still
He lost a great number of battles but kept on fighting
He would make risky plans
George Washington was a brave Patriot Leader

3rd Paragraph

The renown George Washington had a determined mien that made him a
great leader.
During the harsh winter at Valley Forge where many soldiers fell ill,
Washington did not give up even though the Continental army seemed it was
falling apart.
Many battles were lost but because of Washington they kept attacking.
Even though there army was small and didnt have as much supplies
Washington never gave up the on the Patriots.
Because George Washington was such a persistent leader, it made him a
great leader.

4th Paragraph

To be the most influential leader of the Revolution, you have to be smart, and
that is what George Washington was.
George Washington decided that African Americans should be allowed to join
the battle because they needed more soldiers in the Continental Army.
He planned many attacks that would help win the war.
Him and Rochambeau planned the trap at Yorktown that would eventually
lead to the British capitulating.
George Washington was a smart leader

5th paragraph

Bravery, Determination, and Intelligence made George Washington the most

predominant Patriot leader.
Without Washington the war would have taken a very different turn of events.
I think George Washington is the Patriot leader that most helped the Patriot
cause because he was brave, persistent, and intelligent. (THESES)

C. Throughout the Revolutionary War, Washington succeeded in holding his
army together, despite many difficulties. One of these difficulties was political
meddling. Continental Congress often interfered with his military operations.
During the gloomy winter at Valley Forge, some members of congress and
army officers plotted to replace Washingtons removal or resignation have
affected the war?

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