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Bainbridge 1

Emma Bainbridge
Mr. Maite
Humanities 4A- VIII
29 January 2015
Physical, Emotional, and Relational Descriptions
In the novel Chains it talks frequently about Isabels Physical appearance. It has been
quoted many times that Isabels younger sister, Ruth, is prettier than her. Isabel has dark skin and
has ancestry from Africa. She wears tattered clothed because she is a slave. 14, is the age I
assume she is.
Isabel is a courageous, intelligent slave that cares deeply for her sister. Everything Isabel
does is for her beloved sister, Ruth. She wants to be free more than anything. Isabel is capable of
betrayal because she betrayed her master for the Rebellion. She is emotionally very strong; she
has to stay strong for her sister.
Isabel has very different relationships with many different people. I believe Curzon is a
close friend of Isabels. She cares deeply for her sister and would sacrifice her own life for her
sister. Madam Lockton treats her like a piece of poo; Isabel will do anything to get out of that
house and out of New York. Becky has evolved over the course of the story; she has come to
love Isabel and her adorable sister, Ruth, like a mother. Isabel has many diverse relationships
with many people.

Bainbridge 2

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