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Bainbridge 1

Emma Bainbridge
Mr. Maite
Humanities VIII- 4A
13 October 2014
Technology is destroying our communication skills. It is causing humans to change the
English language. Many people do not notice this, but we are losing our ability to socialize face
to face. People are beginning to use grammar and phrases incorrectly. Our communication skills
are becoming impaired because of technology.
One reason that technology is destroying the English language is Anonymity. When
people talk to each other they dont mean what they say anymore. Because of technology, people
think they can get away with saying anything behind a screen, which is causing many to begin to
talk that way. Also technology makes us lack emotion, from experience when I text LOL I
normally am not Laughing Out Loud. Technology is causing us to
Also People are making up phrases that dont fit the English language. Many make up
Phrases that are not grammatically correct. For example many go around saying aint nobody got
time for that and if it wasnt on youtube, twitter, facebook, Instagram, etc. it would not have
been used by millions. People do not use the correct spelling on purpose, some tweets on twitter
look like this dis iz not kwel.

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