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STEPP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Sarah Field



Date: 3/12/15
Grade Level: 10-12

Content Area: FACS Financial and Life Management

Title: Renting a Residence

Lesson #:_1_ of _1_

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

COSE.12.03 (LFMGT) Demonstrate management of financial resources to meet the goals of individuals and families
across the lifespan
COSE.15.01 (LFMGT) Analyze factors in developing a long-term financial management plan.
COSE.10.01 (LFMGT) Evaluate clients needs, goals, and resources in creating design plans for housing, interiors, and

The terminologies prevalent in leases; what to look for in a lease document

Why it is important to be aware of ones housing budget and determine wants versus needs establishing
The importance of leases and housing decisions
The rights and legal responsibilities of both landlord and tenant

Inquiry Questions:
How is renting related to budgeting and financial management? Why are establishing goals in terms of housing
relevant to financial and life management?
Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets)
After the lesson, every student will be able to understand the terminologies associated with renting a residence,
identify the processes of renting including differentiating between wants and needs and establishing criteria, and
analyze a sample lease by scoring over an 80% on the post-assessment quiz.
Assessment of Evidence Outcomes:

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The students will be assessed via their lease worksheet to be turned in at the end of the activity and also through
the post-assessment quiz via Google Forms.

Planned Lesson Activities

Activity Name

Renting a Residence

Approx. Time

80 minutes


Have students log on to their computers and go to the Google Form website to access the pretest. Website should be written on board before class starts so students can begin immediately.
Students have 5 minutes to complete the pre-test (5 min.)


1. Have students divide into groups of 2. Each group will come up with their reasonable
approximate budget (no more than 30% of each persons estimated income) for an
apartment here in Fort Collins. They must decide between wants and needs:
- it is a studio, 1, 2, or 3 bedroom *in Fort Collins, there are only allowed to be 3 non-family
members living in a space together.
if its furnished or not
where it is located (specific parameters of town- why?)
what amenities it has (i.e. laundry, parking, gym, pool, yard)
- if it needs to allow pets
- what utilities they want included, if any
All items should be written down on paper.
*CSU by going around to each group and making sure they are including each item and
have a practical budget. *note: see modifications for alternate way (8 min.)
2. The groups will then begin the search process on their computers, looking at various
websites (, to find appropriate housing that fits their
requirements. Students should look out for sketchy ads and fraud and take note of any
they see. Once they find a match, they will write down the relevant information of that
apartment: monthly cost, security deposit, utilities, amenities, location (all of those items
considered initially) (15 min.)
3. Bring everyone together for a group discussion. Have each group describe their apartment

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and why they picked it.

Did their budget meet their apartment desires? What did they have to decide in terms of
needs vs. wants? Was it easy or hard to find something that fit their needs? Was
aesthetics an issue? Safety? (7 min.)

4. Next, the teacher will go over various lease terms via PowerPoint to prep students for the
lease search activity. Terms should include: landlord, tenant, lease, security deposit,
furnished, eviction, sublet, addendum (5 min.)
5. Have students work in groups of 3 or 4 now. Hand out sample lease and corresponding
worksheet to each group. Students should work together to answer the questions and find
the answers within the lease. (30 min.)
* CSU before the activity by thumbs up, thumbs down. CSU via collecting the worksheets
when students are finished.
6. Wrap up what did students learn about the leasing process? How does renting a
residence fit in with budgeting?
7. Have students go to the Google Forms again and complete the post-assessment. (10 min.)
(Guided Practice)

Much of the guided practice will be through both the primary activities: the apartment online
search and the lease search activity. The teacher should make sure students are staying on task
and understanding the assignment, not doing the worksheet for them but scaffolding their
The independent practice is also taking place through the activities where students are
encouraged to work in pairs and without the teachers help but the teacher is available to
scaffold as needed.
Questions to ask the class:
1. What did students learn about the leasing process? Get a least 3 answers.
2. How does renting a residence fit in with budgeting?
3. We didnt talk about picking roommates, but why would this be of importance?
The post-assessment will follow the questions and act as closure.


What do you need to do the activity?

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Computers for at least half the class (as they are working in pairs)
PowerPoint for vocab lesson
Sample leases at least for a third of the class
Worksheets for the lease activity one per student
Google Forms pre and post test assessments
Pre-made apartment spec sheets for those struggling to focus on creating their own
budget and criteria.

To modify: If the student pair is struggling to come up with an appropriate apartment budget and
criteria in an apartment, hand them a pre-made spec sheet for their search activity.
To extend: Have the student groups compare and contrast a few different apartments that fit
their criteria.
The students background knowledge will be tested at the start of the lesson:
The students will be assessed based on their lease worksheet as well as their post-assessment:

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