Flex Presentation

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Madison's Flexibility Presentation

Warm-up: core

opposite arm to leg kick

plank hold, oblique twists (opposite knee to elbow)
bicycle crunches
pilates double leg stretch on back
ab hold, legs in table top or straight out

Main stretch: yoga

Sun salutation
down dog, hold for several breaths
right leg stretch up, pull into lunge stretch
stay low or come into high lunge (option)
pull left leg in towards right, lift into one leg split in the air
o option: stay in lunge
lower left leg into Warrior III position, arms where comfortable
o option: runners lunge stretch
use core to lower leg to mat
forward fold
flat back, reach up and come to mountain
hands at heart, push hips forward and head drops back
return to mountain
sun salutation, repeat everything on opposite side
come to seated, lower down slowly engaging core
lying down, hamstring stretch up, one side then the other
supine spinal twist each side
knees to chest, hug then roll up to seated

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