May 15 Newsletter

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Paul United Methodist

May 2015
Lionel Richie released the song Hello
back in 1984. It is unquestionably his
most memorable song. Those of us who
were around at the time are already singing is it me youre looking for?
Hello can be a powerful word. In a few
months the people of St Paul will be saying hello to a new pastor. To the lost and
lonely hello can mean I see you - you
matter to me - you are important. This
is why part of our Five Star Mission giving
this year is in the form of sending cards.
As you enter church you will find a display of cards for our shut-in members,
and for our missionary Larry Kies, in

Although we are at times kept apart by

sickness or by distance we are still one
body in Christ. And, as the Psalmist
wrote centuries ago:
How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!
(Psalm 133:2, NRSV)
Pastor Amy

Office Hours
Tues, Thur, Fri 9:00-1:00

Food Pantry

New Pastor Coming

to St. Paul
Nathan Jeffries will become
our new pastor on July 1, 2015.
He is currently pastor at First
United Methodist Church in
Danville, IL.
Pastor Jeffries and Amy Kiray
will be married on July 31, 2015
in Indiana.
Profiles of the couple appear
on another page of the newsletter.
Pray for a smooth transition
as Pastor Amy Rayson moves to
Waverly and Pastor Nathan
Jeffries moves to Brighton.
Sylvia Skinner
SPRC Chair

I encourage you to stop on your way

past and write a quick encouraging note
to one of these people. Let them know
that they matter to us. Remind them that
we are praying for them. Sometimes even
just hello can make all the difference.

St. Paul United

Methodist Church

Congratulations to Tricia and
Adam Newell on the Baptism
of Remington Dean Newell on
Sunday, April 12, 2015.

Plugged Youth Group

Our next youth rally, the Freedom
Rally, will be Saturday, May 30th at
Godfrey UMC from 6-9. There will
be food, games, worship and guest
speaker Brian Tuggle. For more info
see Jenna.

We have had busy times

in the food pantry for the
last two months. In March,
we served 36 families for
a total of 127 people, and
so far in April, we have
served 27 families with 94
people with one week yet
to go. We also did one
special need basket for an
out of town family with five
members. Because of the
great need and drain on
our funds, we are always
needing donations of personal hygiene items like
shampoo, deodorant, or
any type of food items as
well if you feel a call to
help. I am so thankful for
support from the other
churches in town, classes
at the high school who are
making laundry soap for
us and most of all for my
faithful helpers Sylvia
Skinner and Dorothy
Schroeder. I truly couldnt
do it without these two
faithful Christian ladies.
We are hoping to soon be
able to move into our new
home the garage behind
Cartwright and thanks go
out to Tom & Phyllis Graham for that too. I am so
thankful to be able to work
to help meet a very real
need in our community
and thank God every day
for the opportunities He
gives us. Thanks for your
prayers and donations
Until next timeKaren Porter

Page 2

St. Paul United Methodist Church

Gods Big Top Circus

Where: St. Paul United
Methodist Church, Brighton
(401 North Main Street)
When: June 1st- 6th, 2015
Time: 6:00-8:30 P.M.
(Circus celebration following
church on the 7th)
Grades Pre-K to 6
We have all been given talents for
Christ, come and see how your talent
fit in the circus of life!

If you would like to help in any way

please contact the church office or Brittney Gilleland

St. Paul would like to know the names of members who
will be graduating this Spring from high school, college,
graduate or post graduate school. Please call or email the
office with the following information (372-3255) or put
the info on Karens desk.
Name of Student____________________________
Name of School_____________________________

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