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Annotated Bibliography
"5 Mistakes Parents Make With Teens." WebMD. WebMD, Web. 31 Mar. 2015. Teen parents
give either too little, or too much discipline. Too much value and importance will be put on
obedience. Some parents, sensing a loss of control over their teens' behavior, crack down
every time their child steps out of line. Others avoid all conflict for fear their teens will push
them away. But protecting your child from the realities of life takes away valuable learning
opportunities, before they're out on their own.

"11 Facts About Birth Control." 11 Facts About Birth Control. Web. 19 Mar. 2015. This source
shows different facts about birth control and the 16 types and different methods. This
method started back to an Egyptian manuscript written in 1550 B.C. There are four things to
consider when deciding on the best birth control method which includes the reliability of the
method, ease of use of the method, potential side effects, and health risks. This information
will catch the attention of young adult women more than teenagers because teenagers are
more concerned about the type of birth control that there is today than back in history. The
reaction to this surprise many young women and many people didnt think that birth control
existed that long ago.

"Birth Control." Birth Control. Fri. 16 Mar. 2015. This site is saying that if teenagers are ready
to have sex with their partner then they should feel comfortable to talk to them about birth
control. There is more than one kind of birth control that people can choose from. The
number one type of birth control is the pill. Many people find it hard to remember to take the

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pill once every day. Thats why birth control providers give you many choices of birth
control to take that most teenagers will feel comfortable with. Some kinds of birth control
can have terrible side effects, thats why they should be careful with the kind of birth control
that they choose. Itll be easier if people research about their decision on birth control. The
perfect audience for this topic is teenage girls and adult women. Most peoples reactions to
this makes them feel comfortable because now they know that theres more choices of birth
control to make things easier.

"Birth Control Methods: How Well Do They Work?" KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site
about Children's Health. Ed. Mary L. Gavin. The Nemours Foundation, 01 Aug. 2013. Web.
18 Mar. 2015. On this site, it is describing about how there is different methods of birth
control and how some methods work better than others. The best method of birth control is
abstinence. Why? Obviously, because abstinence means a person is not having sex and they
dont have to worry about any STDs. This is good proof because look at the percent of
people that continued to participate in abstinence and have no diseases. The best audience
for this is adults of and teenagers of course because in the present time, teenagers engage in a
lot of sexual activity and there are lots of diseases going around, even in people you trust.
Thats why abstinence is the best birth control.

"Birth Control Stories." - Planned Parenthood Action. Web. 01 Apr. 2015. Birth control has
empowered teenagers to be responsible for their own reproductive health. They have to take
charge of their future, and becoming a contributing member of society. Some teenagers have

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no access to birth control. Teenagers made it through high school from the help of birth
control. Birth control saved many teenagers from unaffordable surprises.

Engelman, Peter. A History Of The Birth Control Movement In America. Santa Barbara, Calif:
Praeger, 2011. eBook High School Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 10 Mar. 2015 Birth
control saves many people from getting pregnant at the time that theyre not prepared or not
ready to have a baby. This product is more providable for teenagers, especially in this
century. People are able to trust this because birth control has been around for centuries, it
just wasnt that popular then. The perfect audience for this source is teenagers of course and
adults. Most people are NOT against birth control, why would anyone be against it in the
first place?

"How Adolescent Parenting Affects Children, Families, and Communities." How Adolescent
Parenting Affects Children, Families, and Communities. Web. 01 Apr. 2015. Adolescents
who become parents often have a shortage of key life skills. On average, children who are
born to teen parents are less likely to ever reach their full potential. They dont have the
perfect guidance. They also dont have the perfect home training. Its better for children if
they are born to mature adults.

"Looking Ahead." - AboutKidsHealth. Web. 01 Apr. 2015. Teenagers reach young adulthood and
start to gain independence from their families. They are faced with new physical, emotional,
and social challenges. Teens and young adults with epilepsy will need to make choices about

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what to do after high school. Teenagers have unique challenges and concerns and they will
have to figure how to do those challenges.

Teen Parents. Web. 30 Mar. 2015. It is unlikely that adolescent mothers will marry the
fathers of their children. Adolescent parents are much more likely than older parents to face
social problems. Teenage mothers are more disadvantage and less mature than older
mothers. They are more likely to experience birth problems and complications, like birth
defects. They have far fewer resources in meeting those problems. Teenage mothers bodies
are ruined when they have children because their bodies are still not developed fully.

Rett Syndrome: Adolescence and Adulthood. London: Rett Syndrome Association UK, 2001.
Web. Teenagers start adulthood at the age of 17. Teenagers dreams are important because it
guides their efforts and choices. Teens have unique challenges and concerns and they will
have to figure out how to face those unfamiliar challenges. This is proven because thats
when teenagers start driving themselves around and they go to work. They are faced with
new physical, emotional, and social challenges.

"Sex and Your Teen | HealthyWomen." Sex and Your Teen | HealthyWomen. Web. 27 Mar. 2015.
70% of high school teenagers have sex before graduating. An estimated one in five
adolescent girls has an STD and doesn't know it. Each year and more than 80 percent of all

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STD cases occur among those under 29. One out of eight teenagers contract a sexually
transmitted disease.

"Teenage Issues." - Web. 01 Apr. 2015. Teenagers will grow up to a frightening,
exciting, and dangerous world. Teens today will face many challenges as they grow toward
adulthood. Some teenagers are more modern in nature. Other teenagers are worrying about
future education or career counseling for example. Teenage issues are troubles or difficulties
that may arise in an adolescents life when living in the modern world.

"Web Analysis for Youngwomenshealth -"Youngwomenshealth :

Center for Young Women's Health. Web. 13 Mar. 2015. Birth control pills can arent taken
just to prevent pregnancy. Its also taken to improve conditions like acne, menstrual cramps,
or irregular periods. This product isnt for everyone. Theres proof that birth control pills
can cause health problems as well. The side effects can be nausea, headaches, mood
changes, weight change, and sore or enlarged breasts. This information is perfect for
teenagers because in this century, birth control is very popular in lots of states and countries
for young girls. Adult women are not too big on birth control because their decisions are
made to not prevent themselves from having a baby.

"Your Options for Permanent Birth Control | HealthyWomen." Your Options for Permanent Birth
Control | HealthyWomen. Web. 19 Mar. 2015. On the Healthy Women site, it tells us about
how permanent contraception is the most common type of contraception overall. Its a

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common choice for women ages 35 and older. Permanent contraception is a female
sterilization that gets the fallopian tubes blocked, tied, or cut. This is good information for
adult women because if teenaged girls get this procedure theyll regret in the future because
then theyll wish for a baby then.

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