Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography
1) Orr, Tamra. Racial Profiling. Edina, MN: ABDO Pub., 2010. Print.

This book can help people see how dierent events has Racial Profiling involved in
it and what they did about it. Tamra writes how most events that has happened
through our history has always involved Racial Profiling. Tamra has shared her
knowledge of what has happened with racial profiling, where and when it has
happened in our history. Discussing the dierent times, places and events racial
profiling took place in, other readers will know how raciai profiling can take place
and how you can tell when someone is showing racial profiling. This book can
surprise many people, it has even surprised me with how much history there is with
racial profiling, by itself!

2) Pampel, Fred C. Racial Profiling. New York: Facts on File, 2004. Print.

This book can help people with showing dierent history on how racial profiling.
This book can be similar to the one Tamra Orr wrote, they both talk about how and
when racial profiling took place at. Fred (the author) goes more into detail on the
events that has happened because of racial profiling and what was the cause of it.
There is some history in this book that wasnt mentioned in Tamras version of
Racial Profiling which is amazing because other people can use both books to find
dierent types of information on how racial profiling and the dierent eects it had
on our history. The author also uses dierent types of It can be very surprising how
our history has changed just because of races and racial profiling.

3) Croce, Nicholas. Detectives: Life Investigating Crime. New York: Rosen Pub. Group,
2003. Print.

This book shows how dierent crimes could have been involved with racial profiling
or anything that has to be with racism or profiling. Nicholas describes dierent
crime scenes and how those crime scenes occurred. Some of the crimes
committed were caused by many reasons and one of theme happened to be racial
profiling. This author is unique to others because he uses crime scenes as
examples of how raciai profiling occurred and what the charges were. Nicholas
knowledge on crime scenes has helped understand why and how the crimes were
committed. Having dierent crime scenes with the same topic of why it happened
(Racial Profiling), it can help the dierent ways Racial Profiling can occur.

4) "Racial Profiling." American Civil Liberties Union. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015.

This article explains what raciai profiling is, how it aects us and what it has
become to. In this article, it shows the point of view of the author.. but also of all the
people that agree with this author. In the article, the author talks about all the
dierent types of events that has occurred in history and how it aects us now in
the present time and maybe in the future too. In dierent places of the US and in
the world, every culture and race has been racially profiled, even though racial
profiling is completely unnecessary because not everyone from each race is the

same. This articles gives us the view/option of someone being against racial

5) Donald, Heather M. "The Myth of Racial Profiling, City Journal Spring 2001." The
Myth of Racial Profiling by Heather Mac Donald, City Journal Spring 2001. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.

In this article, Donald describes the dierent definitions of raciai profiling and how it
escalated the crimes that happens now and days. He creates an amazing opinion
on what he thinks of racial profiling and why it is basically useless/dumb to have
racial profiling in our society. Even the cops, the ones who are supposed to protect
us, sometimes racial profile other people as well, which everyone describes as
Police Brutality. The author gives us amazing examples of how racial profiling was
caused and what the outcome of it was. The author uses his previous knowledge
on what has happened in the past and connects it to how our present life is and on
how if racial profiling continues, then our future will be even worse. Its amazing on
how the author used other resources to back up his statement and on how many
people can agree with him.

6) Warren, Patricia. "Explaining and Eliminating Racial Profiling." Contexts Explaining

and Eliminating Racial Profiling Comments. N.p., 20 May 2009. Web. 14 Mar.

This article shows the history of racial profiling and how it should be eliminated from
our society. The author, Warren, has gave us dierent examples of how racial
profiling is used and how it damages our society as time goes by. As this article
continues on, it shows the dierences between what happens between black
people and on how the media interprets all that is happening with the racial
profiling. This author has showed fantastic examples and used great resources to
prove her, the author, point. In the article, it shows how many of the people with
authority seem to profiling more than other people, like cops. This article can help
many people who agree with this author, on how it should be eliminated.

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