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LS Daily Plan


Day 1


6th Grade


Objective: Learn the basic skills of Lacrosse

Day 1 Skill Session: Cradling, Ground Balls, Throwing and Catching
Equipment: a stick and a ball for each student
1) Teach the cradle: open and close the top hand wrist: bigger movement with
top hand than bottom hand; start with stick horizontal and move it up to
a) Half cradle is nose to ear on either side (practice both)
b) Full cradle is ear to ear
c) Practice with non-dominant hand up
2) Teach the ground ball pick up
a. Bend knees, get low, and get beside the ball (not behind it)
b. Push your bottom hand down (knuckles to ground) and scoop under the
ball, move through the pick up
c. Start cradling right away to avoid pop-ups
d. Non-dominant hand
3) Catching
a) Toss to self above head, reach up for ball and use an exaggerated give
on the catch (like water balloon or egg toss); then non-dominant hand up
b) Partner underhand toss; receive to cradle (top hand should be out toward
partner as a target and then give in by the ear on the catch, then cradle)
c) Non-dominant hand up (only do if outdoors)
4) Teach Passing Skills in partners
a) Push and pull action: bottom hand is aimer (pull) and top hand is follow
through (push)
b) Practice passing with partner
c) Non-dominant hand up (only do if outdoors)
d) Passes per min
5) If time, practice passing on the move across the field

LS Daily Plan


Day 2


6th Grade


Day 2 Skill Session: Shooting

Equipment Needed: stick and ball for each student, goal cage, shooting pockets,
and cones
1) Review cradle, throw and catch
2) Teach basics of shooting: aim for corners, follow through to target
3) Set up goal cage with shooting flags in upper corners and large cones in the
lower corners
4) Divide into two lines and practice shooting into opposite corners (standing)
a) aim high first turn, aim low second turn, then switch lines
b) everyone shoots once and then retrieve balls
c) practice shooting on the move
5) Two teams (one team goes at a time):
a. Set up a start line and shooting line
b. Cradle in toward the goal and shoot for any corner target
(2 points in the pocket, 1 point for hitting the pocket or cone)
c. Add up team score, then other team goes

LS Daily Plan


Day 3


6th Grade


Day 3 Skill Session: Dodging and Basic Defense

Equipment Needed: Stick and ball for each student, pinnies

Teach and demonstrate the basics of dodging (protect the stick with the
body, shoulder forward, keep cradle going while dodging, get back on line
behind the defender)
a. Pull dodge- pull and protect on top hand side (shoulder leads)
b. Face dodge- do a full cradle and protect on bottom hand side
c. Roll dodge- put back to D and pivot around defender (keep stick in


Practice in twos at walking speed, then at a light jog
Teach basics of player-to-player defense:
a. On ball: face attacker in good athletic position so you can change
direction easily, keep stick straight up and shadow the As stick, go for
blocks and knock downs, no stick-to-stick or stick-to-body contact
b. Off ball: do not face guard, open up so you can see both the ball and



your girl, be ready to go for ground balls and interceptions

Practice in fours: 2 passing posts and 1 defender at each post
a. Post A passes to Post B while Def A tries to block P As pass
b. Post B is allowed to catch with no D but then allows D B to get in front
of her before she passes back to A, switch jobs after 1-2 minutes
Divide into 2 teams and play Keep Away (give points for every catch
made, either from a teammate or on an interception)

LS Daily Plan

Day 4


6th Grade


Day 4 Skill Session: Play a lead-up game

Equipment Needed: Stick and ball for each student, pinnies, two goal cages

Explain the rules of Steal The Bacon (played on one court or outside)
Two teams and everyone has a number (on opposing sidelines)
Call 2 numbers at a time and they come out to play the ball
There needs to be a catch before the team can shoot (catch can either be

from teammate on the court, from a sideliner, or off an interception)

5) Sideliners must wait for the ball to come to them, no D played on sideliners,
and SLers cannot score
6) Set up a zone or crease around the goal that no one can enter (A or D)

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