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Annotated Bibliography: Immigration

Brownell, Richard. Immigration. Detroit: Lucent, 2008. Print. This book talks about
Immigration. It tells about why people have crossed the border and why undocumented
people are marching. In fact What is the purpose of why they came here to The United States.
In fact talks about calls for reform. This book is pretty good to get information of what would
you like to know about Immigration and its public thats why they decided to put it in the
library. This book is good because it came out in 2008, and it has kinda recently information
about what you have to do if you are undocumented and what the government has said about
what they going to do to strengthen the border. The author of this book explains different
topics about Immigration, he shows The Debate Over Immigration and its history, and some
points shows like what Undocumented people can do to get their citizenship. This book can
be read by people who are interested in this topic, its for everybody but I think is specially
for undocumented people like if they do not know about what they have to do, this book can
lead them well lead us to get at least a permission to be here. This book gives great
information, and tells almost the same thing that the TV says, it is pretty good to ged kinda
new information.

Challen, Paul C. Migration in the 21st Century How Will Globalization and Climate Change
Affect Migration and Settlement? New York: Crabtree Pub., 2010. Print. This book contains
many topics like Looking into the future, A history of trade & migration, our global world. It
provides excellent information and tells the fascinating story of how and why people have
moved around and settle our planet since the dawn of human history. It is a good book

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because talks about how will globalization and climate change affect human migration and
settlement, that more than a quarter of all medical professionals are immigrants, in fact talks
about the climate and how it will change. The author of this book talks about how the world
is going to change, in fact talks about the hurricane Katrina, He gets good issues and explains
how it happened. This book is really interesting and it can be read by everybody who is
interested about immigration and how it helps or affect the world. This book makes reflect
people of what is happening in this world, how people form different countries is working
hard to have a better life.

Hauser, Pierre, and Sandra Stotsky. Illegal Aliens. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 1997. Print. This
book talks about all the Illegal Aliens who have come here from many countries, how they
started to immigrate here and how they tried to cross the border. This book gives information
about what happened whit the first Latinos who came here, it shows the life of the first
Latinos and tells how they got their citizenship. This book is good because contains
information about other undocumented people from other countries and talks about the life
they were living in fact contains pictures of people crossing the Borderline. The author of this
book explains different topics like why people is Immigrating, what is the reason and where
do they come from, Los Mojados, and who are the new estrangers. This book is good for
people who is interested to know about the estrangers who came here. This book gives great
information about the life of all those people who have crossed the line.


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John Powell - Facts on File - 2007. This book talks about Immigration, has some topics like The
law of immigration, Chronology, etc. This book is pretty good to get information about the
laws and how the laws have changed and when did they started. The book is good because
provides laws and glossary of terms, useful annotated bibliographics, including references to
leading journals and primary source collection.
The author discusses legal and political issues, shows graphics which contains population of
people who have come to USA. This book can be read for people who is interested on laws
about immigration. This book gives great information, the last laws were from september

Marcovitz, Hal. How Should America Respond to Illegal Immigration? San Diego, CA:
ReferencePoint, 2012. Print. This book talks more about its own tittle How should America
respond to Illegal Immigration? contains topics like Can America effectively its border?, etc.
It provides good information in addition talks about what can do and what cannot do
undocumented people in America. The book is relevant because it came out in 2012 talks
about some kinda news laws for undocumented people in fact talks about the Mexican border
fence and the borders of other countries and if undocumented people can serve in the
American Army. The author of this book did the struggle to get the best information people
can notice that just watching the photos, notes, etc. The book can be read by everybody
especially for people who want to know about the rights of estrangers who came to America.
This book is excellent to know some rights of estrangers.

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Senker, Cath. The Debate about Immigration. New York: Rosen Central, 2007. Print. The debate
about Immigrations book talks about immigration and law, the history thereof, tells what are
the effects about it and if the immigration causes racism. This book talks more about the
history and what are the laws, if the immigration benefits society. This book is good because
gives information about how undocumented people are working, what are their rights, where
they work in fact how much they earn. The author discusses many topics about
undocumented people from many countries in fact talks about immigration from China,
Europe, etc. This book is public so it can be read by people who is interested in this content,
It contents explicit information with timeline. This book gives good information and talks
about the reality of hw people live after immigrate.

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