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Army ROTC Community that is Fostered
Among Members Young and Old
Annalee Burks
University of Kentucky


The Army is a military many are familiar with, however many are in the dark regarding
ROTC. This paper serves to show the varying benefits and slight flaws seen in the ROTC
system, particularly ones which take place on public college campuses.


When seniors in high school begin to make their college decision, many become
overwhelmed at the prospect of deciding where to spend the next four years of their lives. While
most are deciding only where to attend school and what to study, a select few make a much
bigger decision and commitment. Army ROTC programs are widely available to college
campuses across the US, and with the financial benefits of earning full scholarships with a
commitment of service post-graduation, more high schoolers are choosing to invest their time
and duty in this academic and job opportunity.

Figure 1: Army ROTC.

As a community, the Army is stereotyped for its strict moral codes, diverse population
and gender inequality. However, much of whats gained from participation in Army ROTC
challenges popular beliefs. Becoming an Army cadet has many rewards, however it is physically
and mentally challenging, thus not for the faint of heart. Army ROTC prepares students for real
world leadership roles, practices a balance between strong moral conduct and college
socialization, and creates a tight knit community among campus members.


Much surrounding ROTC is the confusion behind the program itself. Many people, old
and young, do not understand what ROTC is, or who its members are. Standing for Reserve
Officer Training Corps, the idea of garnering college educated members to be at the call of duty
for national defense made the creation of ROTC possible by Congress in 1916 (Army). Through
ROTC, young, physically and mentally strong persons make annual commitments to serve time
as active duty members of many national defense branches, such as the Navy, Marines, Air
Force, and Army.
What first draws most students to Army ROTC is the option of financial aid, academic
scholarships that can cover up to full tuition and include a monthly stipend. With the annual
rising cost of college, Army ROTC has maintained the financial benefits students seek out. The
number of enrolled cadets with financial scholarships has increased since the 1980s, meaning a
greater number of potential recruits are academically qualified and inclined for success
(Goldman, Mattock, 1999). Although changes have taken place in order to keep up with
increased tuition for public and private universities, the overall ability of Army ROTC to
continually bring financial incentives encourages students to stay sharp in the classroom and
maintain high GPAs.

Figure 2: Young Cadets Recieve Academic Reward


Army ROTC fosters leadership in the classroom and community. Any major is supported
by Army ROTC, but according Stephen Strack, Assistant Professor of Military Science at UK,
students entering math and science fields are looked at more favorably when considering
scholarships. This harbors graduating ROTC classes that are equipped to enter a workforce
heavily reliant on technology after their military service. Community efforts such as volunteer
work and leadership in clubs across campus are supported by Army ROTC, too. We are
encouraged to get out and take leadership positions throughout the university, said freshman
cadet Elizabeth Dempsey. Through this, and work with other ROTC programs on campus, such
as Air Force, interaction among ROTC students and campus helps develop social communication
and leadership skills key to being a sufficient member of society.
Academic integrity is not all thats highlighted when becoming an ROTC cadet. With
zero tolerance for illegal alcohol and drug use, integrity violations are held at a strong standard
for ROTC cadets, according to Strack. Coupled with an intense morning workout regime and the
upheld academic standards, Army ROTC students live differently than most in college. Were
just more committed to our own success and the success of others because we have to mature
quicker, Dempsey said. Higher moral standards, required drug screening, and a strict schedule
that begins with 6 AM workouts may lead to disparity among cadets and other students on
campus (uky Army). Although there are glaring differences between the normal undergraduate
student and an Army ROTC cadet, many cadets hold leadership roles in their classes outside of
ROTC requirements.


Through the Army ROTC, many students gain not only confidence in the classroom, but
also in their everyday relations. Because the Army ROTC harbors physically active young
adults, mental health subsequently follows the physical well-being of cadets. We get up at 5:30
everyday and workout every other day, said Dempsey. This early-rise schedule, which contrasts
with most college students lazy start to their day, leaves little room for late night shenanigans
such as illegal, inappropriate behavior. Because the Army ROTC promotes a healthy sleep
schedule, I would argue members are much less likely to experience the negative effects brought
on by lack of sleep. Said effects range from anxiety, weight gain, stress, or even depression.
Through the Armys focus on physical health, mental benefits are gained as well, which greatly
benefits cadets as well as community members.
Cadets in Army ROTC, like people of the Lexington community, are diverse as well.
We always say if you wanna see a melting pot, come to the Army, said Strack. Women are
gaining more roles in the Army, too. The recent end of rules that prevented women from
battlefield forces now makes possible a woman, who is physically capable, to be at the front of
combat (Strack). This groundbreaking change may increase women enrollment in a male
dominated community.
Although the Army makes strides toward cadet diversity, officer positions in Army
ROTC, and the military in general, are predominantly served by white males (Lim, Marquis,
Hall, Schulker, & Zhou, 2009). This is an area in which the military as a whole would benefit
from more diversified leadership. With greater diversity among leaders comes higher enrollment


among minorities, in race and gender, therefore increasing the possibility of future Armymen.
This increase would widen the Armys scope, and ROTCs scope across the country, bringing
benefits for members and civilians. However, the smaller scope ROTC holds today on college
campuses has its benefits, too.
Small class sizes, ranging from around 18 to 25 on UKs campus, lend Army ROTC to be
a tight knit community. Living, struggling, and growing together for four years creates
inexplicable bonds between cadets. You cant beat the community and sense of belonging, said
Dempsey. This family-like affair creates responsibilities among members and ties cadets to the
honor they have of eventually serving their country. As students grow from nervous freshmen to
confident seniors, the impact of a community like ROTC is visible. Being involved in ROTC
teaching for about eight years, Steven Strack has had plenty of time to observe this change. Its
fun to watch them go from being timid to confident and be able to make a decision, even if its
not the right one, he said.
The community tie to Army hardly ends at ROTC graduation, or even when your time
serving duty is over. Through increased ROTC staffing of retired Army men and women rather
than active duty, it is clear that even once done serving, Army and its members stay connected
through bonds and experiences that, for many, begin at the ROTC level (Goldman, Orvis,
Mattock, & Smith, 1999). Also, when corporations give veteran preferences because its
respected by the community to serve your country, the benefits of Army ROTC are once again
seen (Strack).


As Army ROTC becomes more widely known, so do misconceptions regarding the Army
and military in general. My experience researching and interviewing members of this community
have shown me that the ROTC creates and prepares students to be not only valuable militia men
and women, but also contributors to society. The way I now understand the Army ROTC is an
extremely strong community of young men, women and officers that is not going to be
compatible for most people. Because of academic requirements, physical challenges, and a
required commitment of duty to the military, many people cannot view their lifestyle structured
around these difficult concepts (Goldman, Mattock, 1999). Those who can succeed, Strack
describes as the students who are physically fit, academically capable, and who hold strong,
clean backgrounds will make strides unmatched by most organizations on college campuses.
Through the Armys strong hold on honor, moral code, and community, it builds character and,
for the right people, can change your life for the better, (Dempsey).


Goldman, C., Mattock, M. (1999) Allocating scholarships for army rotc. RAND Corporation.
doi: ADA366978.
Goldman, C., Orvis, B., Mattock, M., Smith, D. (1999). Staffing army rotc at colleges and
universities alternatives for reducing the use of active duty soldiers. RAND Corporation.
doi: ADA361429.
Lim, N., Marquis, J., Hall, K., Schulker, D., Zhuo, X. (2009). Officer classification and the
future of diversity among senior military leaders: A case study of the army rotc. RAND
Corporation. doi: ADA507944.
University of kentucky army rotc website page. Retrieved from

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