Unit 4

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Excersise 1

Excersise 2

Vocabulary UNIT 4
1. Conspicuous
1.1 Easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable.
1.2 Attracting special attention, as by outstanding qualities or
Example: He was conspicuous by his booming laughter.
2. Craftsmanship
2.1 A person who practices or is highly skilled in a craft; artisan.
2.2 An artist.
Example: We learn about craftsmanship and how great art is
created, in any medium.
3. Avoid
3.1 To keep away from; keep clear of; shun.
3.2 To prevent from happening.
3.3 To make void or of no effect; invalidate.
Example: Some critics have said the program is an attempt to
avoid decisive action.
4. Unobtrusive
4.1 Not obtrusive; inconspicuous, unassertive, or reticent.
Example: These unobtrusive additions to your existing roof
capture solar energy and create electricity.
5. Provided
5.1 On the condition or understanding (that); providing.
Example: I'll go provided that the others go, too.
6. Conceal
6.1 To hide; withdraw or remove from observation; cover or keep
from sight.
6.2 To keep secret; to prevent or avoid disclosing or divulging.
Example: In response to the furor, artists began to avoid
forbidden images or conceal them under dotting, stippling and

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