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Outline: Death Penalty

I. Introduction
A. Background
1. The death penalty/capital punishment is not the best answer for the
wrongdoers, because its is not good to take someones life.
2. Background- The death penalty is when the government takes a persons
life as a punishment for wrongdoing (Staerman 6).
3. Background-The death penalty is the most extreme punishment a
government can use on its citizens (Staerman 6)
4. Thesis Statement-The death penalty should not be used to punish someone
for their wrongdoings because 1) It is too cruel and violent 2) It impacts so
many lives in a bad way 3) Most people are against the death penalty.
II. Body of research paper
A. Thesis Support #1 First main idea of category (Topic sentence- The death penalty
is inflicted in very cruel ways and it violates the human rights.
a. Executions by fire, stoning, beheading, hanging, slow and
prolonged torture-all these methods have been used to inflict the
death penalty (Staerman 24)
b. In some countries the punishment have been carried out in front
of crowds in public places (Staerman 24)
c. Opponents say that the death penalty is a cruel and unusual
punishment and, therefore, a violation of human rights law
(Staerman 24)
d. They say that pain, distress, and indignity inflicted are part of the
punishment and act as a vivid deterrent to would-be criminals
(Staerman 24)
B. Thesis Support #2
1. First main idea of category (Topic sentence- Theos who receive the death
penalty are not the only ones who are affected, but also the families of the
a. Apart from the condemned prisoners, those who are are most
affected are their families and families of the victims (Staerman
b. A murder victims family will experience a range of emotions
(Staerman 42)
c. Their first emotions of grief and distress later turn to anger and
despair, and perhaps also to thoughts of revenge and retribution
(Staerman 42)
d. .Families seek to understand why their loved one died-and very
often they are disappointed in what they find (Staerman 42
C. Thesis Support #3
1. First main idea of category (Topic sentence- The percentage of abolishing
the death penalty has risen over those who support it.
a. Opponents of the death penalty argue that even the worst crimes


should not be punishable by death (Staerman 14)

b. The twentieth century saw an increase in protests against the
death penalty (Staerman 38)
c. Opponents point out that, as more countries abolish or stop using
capital punishment, so public opinion changes and support for the
death penalty fades (Staerman 38)
d. In 1994, a Gallup poll found 80 percent in support but this had
dropped to 65 percent by May 2006 (Staerman 38)
D. Counterargument
1. Supporters say governments must keep the death penalty because it is the
only appropriate and effective punishment for certain crimes (Staerman 7)
2. They say its use stops future crimes by executing violent offenders
(Staerman 7)
3. Capital punishment should be legalized in all fifty state in the United
States because it defers crime rates.
4. Deters other criminals, brings relief to victims, and overall, makes
society safer for everyone (Staerman 7)
III. Conclusion
A. In conclusion punishing someone with the death penalty for doing something
wrong is not the best answer.
B. Tie Thesis topics together
1. The death penalty is cruel and violates human rights.
2. Families are also affected by the death of their loved ones due to the death
3. More turn against the death penalty.
C. Concluding thoughts


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