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Dear sir,

There are no hesitancy to your company reputation in Indonesia. Therefore I herewith encourage myself to send this application to
fill the vacants available recently.

I hold S1 Certificate Padjadjaran University majoring in Physics and specially in Physics Instrumentation (2009) and trained and
experience well for electrical/instrumentation installation and maintenance.

You can find a full account of my self and educational background on the enclosed CV, together with copy of ID, Certificate,
references, and photograph for your consideration.

I would be most grateful if I could to the job in your company. Therefore I would fit well and can give good contribution in your

I look forward to hearing it soon and will be available on the following numbers:
081573498774 / 02270402532.

Thank you for your attention and consideration.

Faithfully yours,

Kukuh Prayoga.S.Si

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