Exercise 1 4

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Raymond 1

Garrett Raymond
Ms. Dagher
UWRT 1102-092
8 Februrary 2015
Exercise 1.4
1. Inquiry question: Why are some people so lazy in are part of
society today? Doesnt everyone want to strive to be his or her
very best?
2. Explore: what is laziness? What motivates people? How many
people are lazy in our world today? Where is laziest place in the
world? How far back does laziness go back? What happens to
peoples motivation? Why do people only strive to do the very
minimum? How can you fix laziness?
Argue: I plan on testing classrooms and see how many lazy
people are in a class on average? Ill interview someone who is
Thesis: Why are so many people in todays society feel like its ok
to succumb to the bare minimum and not strive for difficult but
rewarding situations?
3. I bring many experiences to this project because ill seen how
laziness can take over your life and its very difficult to break it. I
used to be lazy myself so I feel like this is a good project because
I have personal experience on the subject and I can understand
the people who suffer from it. I wont to find out everything about

the subject so that I can help myself and other people in the
future to help stop it.

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