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Saying Goodbye to the Seniors of North 38

Contact: Colin Boyd

Health Communications

North 38
Apartment complex
(540) 574- 2901
Feature story
HARRISONBURG,VA- After surveying many
seniors of the North 38 apartment complex, I
found that their responses were alike in their
love for the apartment that they spent their
final years at JMU. Of those surveys, I will be

featuring five seniors, Kendall Barger, Brian Reese, Lauren Ford, Katie Brooks
and Amanda Fassbender. Kendall is a senior nursing major involved in
InterVarsity, FOR JMU and a community children afterschool program. Our
second senior, Brian Reese, is a SMAD major highly involved in JMU athletics
as an intern and announces for the JMU basketball games. Lauren is a senior
IDLS major involved in InterVaristy, Kappa Delta Pi and as a volunteer and
tutor for younger children in the Harrisonburg community. The next senior is
Katie, a double major in Communication Sciences and Disorders and Spanish.
She is involved in Phi Beta Kappa, CRU, Golden Key Honor Society

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Goodbye Seniors

and Spanish Honor Society. Our final featured senior is Amanda, a Computer
Information Systems major involved in Friends of Rachel, who also recently
completing a full marathon with Kendall Barger.

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After asking these seniors about their favorite aspect of living in North
38, their comments were unanimous. They all agreed that they love the
community that comes with living in the North 38 apartment complex.
Lauren says, I can walk over to my friends apartment at the drop of a hat.
Its so nice being able to go back and forth without any hassle. They love
how you make friends that are within walking distance. They love the
friendliness and how helpful
their neighbors and the staf
are when a problem arises.
Kendall describes this by
saying, Getting to know my
neighbors and calling them
some of my good friends
has also been a huge part of
the past two years. Friendships are an irreplaceable part of college. Without
the open, friendly community of North 38, these seniors would not have met
some of their best friends. When asked, the seniors faces lit up, and they
quickly began describing their many favorite moments in North 38. Last year
a food truck parked in front of the North 38 clubhouse and would ofer free
philly cheesesteaks if you could correctly rap the entirety of the Fresh Prince
of Bel Air theme song. This was Katies favorite moment saying in her survey

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[My favorite memory was] memorizing and rapping the Fresh Prince of Bel
Air song for a free philly cheesesteak. Another great memory many
residents describe is being snowed in. The majority of the people at North 38
can tell you that the apartment complex is the best place to get
snowed-in during snowstorms.
Lauren agrees saying, My roommates and I always go on a snow walk
when it snows. We have had so much fun walking around North, going
sledding, and having snowball fights. Amanda adds onto that saying I love
walking to Sheets through the snow with my friends, its fun making that trek
for no more than a candy bar. Brian told the story of his first snowstorm,
him and his roommates made pancakes and mimosas for breakfast. He said
it was the best breakfast hes ever had. These seniors recount some of their
favorite memories at JMU being had at good ole North, as Brian calls it.
After their time at JMU our featured seniors are on to bigger and better
things. Kendall recently was accepted to the UVA medical center in the
intensive care unit as a nurse. She is going to move to Charlottesville so she
can pursue her job at the hospital. Lauren plans to get her masters at JMU in
elementary education. After she gets her masters, she plans to move to New
England to pursue her career in teaching. Katie has big plans after college, in
a little bit more than a month shes getting married to her longtime
boyfriend, Nathan Laufenburger. In addition to that, shes getting her
masters in speech-language pathology at ODU and ofered an assistantship
in their Oral Preschool Program. Amanda is moving to Raleigh, North Carolina

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Goodbye Seniors

and working for Fidelity Investments as their Systems Analyst. And finally
Brian, he doesnt know quite what hes going do, but its going to be, as he
likes to say, Legendary.
As the weeks pass and the semester come to an end, we know the
staf and residents of
-moreNorth 38 will miss them. However its bittersweet because we know they are
on to bigger and better things. To things that may change the world. To
things that may change peoples lives. And most importantly to things that
fulfill themselves and the happiness they strive for.

About North 38 Apartments

North 38 is an apartment complex primarily occupied by James Madison University students.
The complex offers many highly sought after amenities including a resort-style pool, spacious
gym, and a study room all located in the clubhouse. Features in the apartments include, but are
not limited to private bathrooms in every room, private balcony and fully furnished with a 32
flat screen television. North 38s new commercial rate for incoming residents is 11 and a half
month leases at $490 per month

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