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A total of 7,055 hectares are devoted to agriculture. Almost 57% of the agricultural land is devoted to rice
and corn. The municipality also produces vegetables, coffee and fruits like banana, mango and citrus. The
people also engage in poultry and fishing as supplemental sources of livelihood.

The different tribes in the municipality except for the Gamonangs prefer to stay in the uplands of Upper
Tabuk. They till the uplands as kaingin farms. They are also engaged in hunting and fishing, bartering
their products in the market of Tuao, Cagayan for salt and clothing.

Tabuk holds so much promise for agro development, given its fertile lowlands watered by the Chico River
Diversion Dam, a steady source of water that has enabled the farmers to produce rice round the year. Its
road building program has tremendously hastened the development of both the town and the people.

Agriculture being the major occupation of the people has the biggest share in terms of land area due to its
wide plains and available water supply for irrigation. Its semi-rolling and rolling hills are covered by coffee
and fruit orchard aside from banana. Other portions are very much suitable for cattle and carabao raising.
Thus, it has become an agricultural center and has continued supplying tons of rice to Metro Manila and
Baguio City to include neighboring provinces. The municipality is noted with the quality of rice being
produced. The rice varieties produced in the valley have a very different taste from the same varieties
produced in the other towns, so tasty and delicious. Aside from rice, the other primary crops are corn,
coffee and coconut.

The total physical agricultural area of 16,103.5 hectares is devoted to the different crops for the first
cropping and 13,059 hectares for the second cropping. The irrigated land has a total land area of 11,971
hectares while 1,637 hectares are rainfed.


Rice is the principal crop while coffee, beans, mango, tobacco and bananas are produced in abundance.
The total land area devoted to rice production is 1,036 hectares. 765 hectares are irrigated and 65
hectares are rainfed while 206 hectares are upland.

Most of the lands are using the communal type of irrigation and two percent are using pump for irrigation.

The livestock population for the year 1997 is as follows: 1,390 carabaos, 928 cattles, 4,095 hogs, 12,090
chicken, and 645 ducks.

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