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ISTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MAGNUM ALERT 1000e CONTROL PANEL/COMMUNICATOR UL Listed: Household Fire & Burglary Waring Systom Control Unit ‘See page 7 for a summary of changes from the previous edition. Table of Contents Section 1. INTRODUCTION GENERAL DESCRIPTION . FEATURES SPECIFICATIONS ORDERING INFORMATION UL CLASSIFICATION : (COMPATIBLE UL-LIGTED DEVICES ‘SUMMARY OF UL REQUIREMENTS... 2... 2INSTALLATION .. CONTROL-PANEL MOUNTING KEYPAD MOUNTING. ‘TYPICAL FIRE INSTALLATION a 7 3.GETTING UP AND RUNNING .......-. 005-5 POWER-UP SEQUENCE 7 DEFAULT PROGRAM... - CENTRAL-STATION REPORTING USER KEYPAD PROGRAMMING KEYPAD UPEHAIION if i TESTING THE SYSTEM Bead 10 APROGRAMMING 0... 000202 cece ee eee eee ee eee KEYPAD PROGRAMMING... Seat " PROGRAMMING SHEETS OWNLOABING FROMACOMPUTER .. . - 13 PROGRAMMING RECORD WORKSHEETS . 5, GLOSSARY & PROGRAMMING DATA 6. WIRING DIAGRAM... . « INDEX STARTS ON PAGE 28 Nopeu Security Systems, Inc. 393 Bayview Avenue ¢ Amityville, New York 11701 For Sales, Repairs and Technical Service, call Toll Free: (800) 645-9445 ‘Technical Service Direct Line, call Toll Free: (vu) 649-¥aa0 Te 1. INTRODUCTION GENERAL DESCRIPTION ‘The Magnum Alert 10000 is a microcomputer-based slat eone contra parc! with yrurlsunm for Aste ee types of keypad panic (police, fire and auxiliary), ised Fire Zone and a variety of reporting features. The system Is contalned within a wall-mounted enclosure and lindas art hityyrat dighal communicator and @ power transformer. ‘Tho RP1054e keypad allows the user to perform the following functions: ‘© arm and disarm the system, ‘© chock the status of each zone, © check which zones wore violated after an alarm, © selectively bypass one or more zones, © display bypassed zones, cancel entry delay, © send an Ambush alarm or Police, Fire or other Panic alarm, ( enter or change arm/isarm codes, * tect the audible alarm olrcut, @ test each zone for problems (Fault Find), © test the tlephone line weile disarmed, ¢ ‘ast the backup battery @ reset Ac-Faiure indication, ‘© bypass a Priorty-with-Bypass Zone © tum the Chime feature onvoff, and @ program zone features and communicator information Four LEDs, a digtal display and a soundor onthe keypad provide sual and aule eystom and inghual ze Status information. Most keys have secondary functions that are accossed by holding down the sounder beops, and are therefore termed “hold-down" ‘functions, The folowing hold-down functions are provided: ‘Koy [1] - BolyBattory Test Koy [2] - Display Zones Bypassed Key [9] - Display Status Key (4] - Instant Alarm (cancels entry delay) Key [5] - Chime on/off Key [6] « Communicator Canticane Test or Manual Download (see text) Key [7] - Fault Find Key [81 - Proaram Key {9] - Reset (Ac-Fall indication; Day-Zone indication; Alarm-Memory display; Fire Zone; Faull-Find mode: Bypass Priorty-with-Bypass; and Power-Up Delay) Koy [6] - Alarm History (displays last zone() in alarm) ‘The panel may be programmed (a) from the keypad, in lts secondary Dealer-Program Mode of operation or (b) {com on 10M PC-aanpalitay computer Using NAPUU'S PCD2000 Quickoading Software, Designed for use with the PCi2000 Computer Interface Kit tha MA100Na includes a madem to pormi. romeo downloading/uploading over telephone lines or local downloading using a PCL2000 Local Download Cable. FEATURES Protaction Zanes ‘© Six ond-oftine-resistor supervised zones. ‘© Two soparately-programmable entry delays for ExdvEntry Zones. ‘© Burglary Zone options include: = Priotty or Priority with Bypass ~ Selective or Group Bypass =. 24-Hour Protection = Day Zone Supervision = Auto Reset = Evy Delay 1, Extent Dotay 2 ~ Keypad Sounder on Burglary Zones ~ reprogrammed Auto Bypass (removable) = Optional 6om8 or 7mé Loop Nesponse (normally 7e0m8) = Programmable Abor Delay ‘Soparate supervised Fre Zone «© Keypad Panic Zones (Fir/Polic/Aunaary) Alarm Outputs 12 Timed Burglary and Fico Output Programmable by zone and time ‘© Timed Fie Output: Fed to Fire Zone, programmable fortime ‘9 Flsing wet! Output: Fixed to Fire Zone, program- ‘mablo for time © PGM (Umtimed Output) Lug RP1054e Keypad Functions ‘© Keypad permis: ~ Amm{Disarm Code Selection of up to 8 user codes, Upto digts each = Digital Code Entry to arm and disarm system ~ Selective and Group Bypass Selection = Feo/AuPoloe Panis Alarm Activation ~ Ambush Activation ~ Hold-Down Function Access — Resetting of various funatione and oonditons ~ Programming zone features and communicator options © LEDs display: ~ Alarm State (armedidisarmed) (#6tED/ALA=) ~ Zone Status (srATUs) - one or more zones in trouble Zanes Bypassad (avPAS8) ono oF more zones removed from system = Fire Zone Status (nReAOUSLE) 12 ight eplayineatoe: = Zone(s) in alarm and alarm history = Zone) introuble Zono(s) bypassed = System troubles ~ Programmed data entries (Dealr Program Mode) 3 © Sounder indicates: = Entry Delay in Progress Hold-Down Function Accessed Entry Door Opened while Disarmed (Chime) ‘System Armed with a Zone in Trouble = Day Zone in Trouble = rire Zone Alarm/TrouDIE Central-Station Ringback Communicator Feature ‘© tncogra! cigar communicator wan true aiat-tone detection, double-poe line seizure and antjamn, ¢¢ Programmable abort delay time ‘ Rotary or TouchTone® dialing avalablo. Rotary dial- Ing avelable as backup to unsuccest ToucTone ing. ¢ Two telephone numbers and recelver/data formats ‘can be aecessed, ‘¢ Two-igt event codes and 4.cigt subscriber codes programmable fr those receivers accepting these formats © Central-Station Ringback Reporting Features port on Alarm Opening and/or Closing Reporting by individual User Opening Report After Alarm # Day Zone Trouble; Fire Zone Trouble ymbush; Panic «© Test Timer, estat Test Timer on Any Report Ac Failure; Low-Battery Roport ® Force-Arm Repon: Force-armyStatus Report {© ControLPanel Restore Report; Zone-Restore Report ¢ Backup Reporting; Double Reporting; Spit Reporting Omer Festures ¢ Aube Boll Test on Arming Power-Up in ast State Proyannnatte Clit Duras ¢ Chime/Display Chime Mode (¢ No End-oFLine Resistor + Aosoee Contra (© Watch Mode (Sensor Watch™ fen Seok Datactr Compatity ¢ Electronic Dealer Lockout prevents unauthorized ac- cess. SPECIFICATIONS, Operating Temporature: 0-49 °C (82-120 °F) Input Power: 16Vac, Ciass 2 step-down transformer (TRFa) BurgiFire Zones, Loop Voltage: 10-13Vde Loop Current: 2.8mA (normal resistance) ‘Loop Heststance: 30042 maximum series resistance ‘Alarm Output (Burg/Fice): (Note: Not UL listed for Mer- ccantie.) Commercial Installations, 12Vdc, 1.08 maxi- 4 ‘mum; Residential Installations, 10.9-12.5Vde, 125mA max, ‘Auxillary Output: Commercial Installations, 12Vde regu- lated) Rootsenda! motaladora, 10.8 *20Vde ‘Combined Standby Current: (Remote Power, Aux. Out- ut, Relay Output), S00mA maximum with standard ‘TRF; 500mA maximum wah optional TRF'2 Romoto Station, ‘Current: 35m typical Maximum Number: 5 (if Chime andior Display Open Zones are prograrned nt 10s rermow Suton) Recommended Battery: Rechargeable, sealed lead-acid, 12V dc, 1.2AH (RBATI.2) ‘Standby Timo: 4 houre at 126mA Combined Standby Cur Tent wih standard RBATI.2 battery, 4 hours at SODmA Combined Standby Current with optional RBAT4 battery Fuses, Burglary/Fre Output: SA, 1AG (F2) omote Power: 1A, 1AG (F2) Battery: 5A, 1AG (Ft) (Nor-Replaceable) Housing Dimensions: 10846 x 898 x3" (28.2x 21.9 76cm) HeaWxD Shipping Weight: Approx. 7 Ib (8.2kg) ORDERING INFORMATION Equipment Supplied Magnum dled t1io ~ Residential 9.1 conta pana, with 6 Burglary Zones, 1 Fire Zone, 3 Keypad Panics and Ambush; cluding ntogral commurteato FRPt054e Keypad; TRP8 Power Transtormer, and RBAT 12 Battery Magnum Alet 100064 As above, but with RBATS 4AH Battery. Optional Peripherals and Accessories FRP10000L.C0 Designer Style Keypad with LCD display. BATS Rechargeable Battery, 12Véc, 44H RBAT-H1* Dual Battery Hamess (nol for UL installations) ‘TRFS Transformer, 16Vac, 14.4VA, Class 2 (UL Listed) TRF12 Transformer, 16Vac, 19.2VA, Class 2 (UL Listed) DH-1* Diode Harness (not for UL installations) EOL22K End-ol-Line Resistor Assembly, 2.2402 12200 End of Line RelayResistor Supervisory Module ‘GSM-400 Ground-Start Module (nt for UL installations) LOR LOCK & Rey Bet 'M278* Line Reversal Module (not for UL insttatons) C2000 Quiclloador Interface and Sofware POL2000 Quickloader Local Download Cable 7M900* Timer Module (not for UL instalations) WLI Wire with Lug Connector, 20° (not for UL installa tions) (01146 Operating Guide *UL-Listed Accessory UL GLASSIFIGALION Household Fire and Burglary Warning System Control Unit. COMPATIBLE UL-LISTED DEVICES Bell: ‘Wheelock 34T-12R (Rated at 85dB for Indoor household ‘applications) ‘Smoke Detector (wire): ESL 445AT ‘Subtract total smoke-detector alarm current from avall- ably standby Garrat, ‘SUMMARY OF UL REQUIREMENTS ‘The following summarizes UL programming and wiring requiremeris. ‘¢ Rocognized Limited-Enorgy Cable fr inating in- ‘dating and supplementary cil; «© Intiating loops suparvisad i langar than 2 feet; ‘© FT2200 End-ofLine Relay for Fire; ‘© Minimum alarm timeout of 4 nutes; (© Maximum exit time: 60 seconds; maximum entry time: 45 seconds, ‘© Program Disable Callback Download; Disable Func- tion-6 Download: 4 Duimt program Swinger Shutdown; Force Arming: Group Bypass: 7mS or S0mS Loop Response; Dis- ‘ahla Rell Tact; Nigahia Fin Raat with Hold.Dowm 9: ‘and Key input on Zone 5. Abort Delay may not ex- ceed 45 seconds. ‘¢ The PGM Output may not be connected. (© ne keyswrcn zone may not be Used. ‘© Automatic dialer may not dial a palice-station number that hes not been dedicated for such service; '© Bottory Fuco Ft lo not fold eordooablo. ITF le open, ‘totum board to Napco for repair, ‘© System must be tested atleast weekly under acibat- tery and battery-only conditions; ‘© Roplace the rechargeable battery at least every S ‘years; «© ‘the battory is heavily discharged, replace it or have it tested by a qualified technician. ¢@ Remote panic switches must be located in the same room as the control unit and keypad. Wiring may not ‘pass through any barter. ‘¢ For sient pani, connect only to UListed nokgup devices. In California: May not be used for fire protection until approved by the California Fire Marshal (pendina).. 2, INSTALLATION CONTROL-PANEL MOUNTING Choose a mounting levativn usveosilte IW (a) @ vane tinuousiy-powered ac source, (b) a cold-water-pipe ground ‘ideally no further away than 10 feet, and (c) telephone lines {keep telephone wiring away from speaker wires), Remove lapproprlaie kiwvekouts for cables. Place tne CONITOL panel at a corvenist viewing height and mark the mounting 4 keypad should be focated near the exiventry door. Up to 5 keypads may be connectod il the longest cable run from the panel to the farthest keypad, whether daisy chained or home-run wired, Is less than 1000 faat. The ‘maximum distance for § keypads on. single run is 300 feat using #22AWG wire. See Combined Standby Current specifications. Each keypad typically draws 35mA, how- fever do nol use more than 5 Keypads. The control parc! door Is secured shut by 9 screws (supplied). lock and keyset are avalableasan option (see ORDERING INFORMATION). Grounding. Connect the control-panel Terminal 1 (EARTH GROUND) to ‘ametal cold-water pipe. Do rnot usea gas pipe, plastc pipe ‘or ac ground connections. Use at loast 16-gauge wire. Malo the run a9 ohort and direst a2 possible, without ary sharp bends in tho wire. ‘Also ground the circuit board to the metal enclosure. ‘Connect a wire with a ground lug crimped or soldered onto ‘one eng trom rerminal 1 totne cabinet installa set-apping screw through the lug into one ofthe unused tamper switch holes. Tamper Switchoe Tamper switches may be installed to prevent opening of the enclosure door or removal of the cabinet from the wall Idealy tamper switches should be connected to a zone that i actve ar all times, thus it may be necessary 10 ‘rogram that zone for 24 Hour Profecion, When used on ‘8 normaly-open zone, normaly closed tamper switches (open when set) should be wired in parallel. On a normal {closed zone, install Napco normally-opon tamper switches (closed when set) in seies. There ere two tamper- ‘hitch provisions in the cabinet: 1.Te provont cabinet removal rom the wall hore ae three ‘mounting Holes on the it side ofthe cabinet: another hole on the back that alows the switch button to contact the wall 2.To prevent opening sne capinet ooor, mere are twee ‘mounting Roles on the right side ofthe cabinet. When ‘mounted, the tamper-switch button should contact the inside of ine door. Be sure to alert the user that opening {he enclosure door wil cause a tamper earn, KEYPAD MOUNTING Note: For installation of the RP1000eLCO Keyead. refer to Wi603, Opening the keypad. There are two slots along the bottom edge of the keypad about 1 inch from each side. ‘To open, insert a medium sorowdrvor into ethor slot and push up witha slight twisting motion to release the retainer tab, Repeat for the other slot, Pull outat the bottom and lit Off the two hooks atthe top. 6 This keypad features a handy pull-up reference label otore insuring tre Roya unite he wai, pasts te Og Label Plate (with label and felt backing affixed and handle facing forward) down the guides at the rear of the keypad Lunt snaps inta placa. Ones installed, tha Sliding lahat Plate cannot be removed without first removing the keypad from the wall. When instalina the rear case, be surethat the words "10>" ‘and "UP" (molded into the case) are properly oriented, The roar case Is provided with a variety of holes to accom- ‘modate virtually any mounting situation. The four angled ungated lioles are for muueting directly Into a wall using approptate screws; these holes will alow leveling adjust ‘ment. If installing into a double-gang box, Insert mounting ‘screws through the two vertical elongated holes an the loft ‘ide ofthe case and into the box. I the box is visible when viewed from the front, adjust the keypad vertically, then tighten the screws. Then, using hardware suitablo for the ‘mounting surface, add one or two screws at the right side ‘ofthe keypad case directly into the wall to ensure a secure installation. Keypad Wiring (Aso see Wiring Diagram) Connections tothe keypad are summarized in the follow- ing table, Avoid routing keypad witing close to zone wiring Note: If using a soldering iron, avoid splashing solder ‘onto keypad circuit board or components. iKeyped Wire Gotor] _ContioiPanci Tem Yallow KEYPAD, YEL @) Green KEYPAD, GAN (10) Red KEYPAD, + (?) Black | KEYPAD, — (8) White | toN/O momentary contact push- White* button switeh(es) ‘Table. Keypad Wiring. “Wire adattional Panic Switches in parallel. Insulate both white wires i not used (a shor will cause a panic alarm). Remote Panic. To connect a remote (Police) panic but- ton, splice the two white keypad wires to a normally-open momentary-contact pushbutton switch. Similarly, aaition: al panic buttons may be wired in parallel wath the trst, as ‘needed. Ifremote panic will ot be used, insulate both white wires, as a shox’ across them will cause panic alarm, Note that in UL inotallatione, remote panie buttons rmust be located in the same room as the keypad, with no interven- ing barriers. Flanklighting Keynart haculghting rapiras ne adcBion. al wiring. In normal use, the keypad is always dimly backil. ‘To reduce or disable backlighting, see KEYPAD JUMPER OPTIONS, which follows. Keypad Jumper Options ‘Several white jumpers provide a variety of options. View- ing the keypad from the front, these jumpers are con- ‘eniently located atthe top edge (Jumper D) and along the wh eile age tap tmtestaos limpare © 8,8 at ae easy access Disable Keypad Panic. Cut Jumper Ato disable alltree keypad panie features. (Cutting Jumper A will not sable Met wile reatespaite wea) Disable Keypad Sounder. Cut Jumper B to completely disable the sounder. Note: Jumper B must be let intact for Uc instalations. Disable Touchpad Backlight. ut Jumper C to disable touchpad backlighting Reduce Touchpad Backlight. Cut Jumper D to reduce backight intensity ‘Activate Fire & Aux. Panics. Cut Jumper Eto onabie Fire and Auxllary Keypad panies. Note: This jumper must be ‘Ut in all Yeypads to ulize the three keypad: panic feature ‘of the MA1000e. Conversely, if Jumper & fs cu, Enable ‘Keypad Au Panic andior Enable Keypad Fire Panic must be programmed. ‘Assomblingthe keypad. To roaecomblothe oypad ator instalation, hang the top o the front panel onto the hooks in the rear case and push infmly at tha bottom untl the retainer tabs snep into place. (i ficult is encounterod, Bush the retainer tabo up Sighily using @ sciewdiver 03 ‘when removing) ‘TYPICAL FIRE INSTALLATION A toast Ole SIHUKY UELECIOT SOUL be Installed UIeCtly ‘outside each sleeping area. Ifthere is more than one floor, additional emaka detectors shoud ha installed on each level, including the basoment. The living-area and base- ‘ment smoke detectors should be installed near the stairway (of the next upper level ou CENTER, @) FIRE ALARM SOUNDINE DEVICE: (© woes ocreeroR. © MEAT oevectOR |. 1. Typical fre installation. ror increased protection, acditional detectors should be installed in areas other than those required, such as dining rooms, individual bedrooms, furnace rooms, utility rooms and hallways. Heat detectors. ratherthan smokedetectors. are recommenced in garages, atics, and kitchens due to Cconditions that may result in false alarms and improper ‘operation, Large areas and areas with partitions, ceiling beams, doorways, and open joists will require additional detectors. Refer to NFPA Standard 74 (National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02209} for adktkonal information, inchading proper mount ing methods. | CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS EDITION { | ‘The following changes have been made 1 this manual since the last editon Page a: DEFAULT PROGRAM revised. Pages 14-10: PROGRAMMING NEGOND OIIECTO: Default programming revised. : Page 17: Table 3, Timed Negative Output: AUX + Terminal corrected (Terminal 6) | Pege ot: © NAPCO LIMITCD WARRANTY: Catered 10.90 sent, 3. GETTING UP AND RUNNING POWER-UP SEQUENCE 1. Referring to the Wiring Diagram, (a) connect the keypad to the four evra Terminals 7 through 10 and (b) install end-of-ine resistors (color code rodjredired) across each zone. 2. Connect an earth ground (cold-water pipe) to EARTH: (GrOUNO Terminal 1 3, Connest the power transformer to the AC Terminals 2 ‘and and plug tne transtormer mo ae power. 4. Install the standby battery, ‘5, Check that the green sTarus LED on the keypad isi. 6: Install loop wining to zone terminals and relocate resis- tors to end of loops. Recheck green sTaTus LED. 7. i reporting to a central station, connect a telephone ‘cnnnecting cord to the TELCO terminals: green to" (22); fed to "T” (23); and PHONE terminals: Brown to "R" (24): gray to “T" (G5). Then see CENTRAL STATION REPORT. ING DEFAULT PROGRAM ‘The MA1000e wil function as a local alarm control panel Hah out of th box! The following dlaut progam is entered atthe factory. 1s the installers responsibilty to add, change andlor delete features In accordance with these instructions to customize the system to the user's ‘equirements and 10 conform to local cada @ AL, Disarm Code: 128 (User 1) © User Program Code: 125456 Dealer Program Code: 486789 Exitiiry Entry Delay 1): Zone 4 Eniry Delay 1:30 seconds Eniry Delay 2: 30 seconds Ext Delay: 45 seconds PGM Lug Output: Zones 1-6; Keypad Panic Priority: Zones 1-6 Eeloctive Bypace: Zonca t © 24-Hour Protection: Keypad Panic ‘Auto Reset Zones 1-6; Keypad Panic Swingee Shutdown: Zonas Chime: Zone 1 Chime Time: 2 seconds Burglary Output: Zones 1-6 Burglary Timeout: § minutes Fice Timeout: 15 minutes owioad with Answering Machine enabled ‘Auto Reset iter Alarm simeout enabied Palsing Fire Output enabled Keypad Tactll Boop enabled Keypad Oourder on Alain. Zuve> 1-0 Keypad Panic onabled Keypad Low-Battery Display disabled Digplay Open Zonoe onabiod Communicator-Confidence Test enabled TouchTone with Rotary Backup enabled Alarm /Tenuhla Corn ecccceee evo cr eccevce = Zones 1-6: 31-96 — Keypad Panic: 21 ~ Keypad Fire: 11 = Koypad Aux: 23 = Ambush: 22 = Fire Trouble: F1 = Day Trouble: DF = rest mer: er — No Ac: Fo = Low Battory: Fa @ Restore Codes, = Zones 1-6: £1-E6 = AueFire: E1 = Fire Trouble: EF = NoAc: £9 ~ Low Battery: £8 © Closina Codes, Users 1-4: C1-C4 © Opening Codes, Users 1-4: B1-B4 @ Force-Arm Code: F CENTRAL STATION REPORTING The following additional programming is required for ccentral-station reporting, ‘© Report on Alarm ® Subscriber ID (Account) Numbers, Groups 1 & 2* @ Receiver Format* @ Data Format” @ Telophone Number* "Obtained from central station. Note: Remember, for optimum security, the following ‘code must alsa be repragrammed: @ User-t Code (see Programming User Codes, below) For other programming, see Dealer Keypad Program ‘ming (Section 4) and the programming aid shown inFig. 2 USER KEYPAD PROGRAMMING Programming User Codes Notes The Veer Pragram Movie i dicahled for the Fst three minutes ater power-up to allow youtto use the Dealer Program Code. To cancel the delay, hold down Key [9] Up to eight cifferent ArmDisarm Codes may be entered lug ume Comal patel sly ine eypaul, User Cente 9 ray be programmed as a Service Code, a special usar code intended for temporary or occasional use only (see Service Code) To program a User Code, 1. Hold down Key [8] unill the sounder beeps, then enter the User Program Code, (The defauit User Program Cade ie 729,456, but thie code must be feprogrammed’) When the User Program Code has been entered, theirs throe LEDs onthe keypad wil flash, and the sounder will beep rapidly, indicating the User Progam Made, 2. Now enter up to eight codes using any combination of Lup to four digits (digits 1-9 only). Feamplas: prac {18}. (1) then any 4digte = User 1's recto {6}. 2]. then any 4 digits = User 2's code I). [5]. then any 4 digits = User's code** ‘Default User-t Code 1,2,9 must be changed, stay be proaiatsnien ao Gorrive Ouale ut ALIMONY Code. 3. To exit User Program Mode, press [B] twice ‘The numbers selected are the only codes recoanized by the system, Each user should be assigned his own dis. similar code and cautioned against divulging that code to ‘anyone else. Thus, should it become necessary to remove 2 usot from tha zyetem, that one cade may be voided without affecting other codes, and that user would then be prevented from entry, Service Code The Service Code, if programmed, provides reduced access tothe control panel for those with limited authority. Operation is similar to that ofa regular Arm/Disarm Code, excopt that tho Servic Code la disabled at times. Wve active, t may be used to arm ot disarm as many times as necessary. See User 5 Service Code in the Glossary. The Service Code is controled by User 1, Whenever User | arms using his code, ma Service Vode Is deactivated. TO activate, merely arm using the Service Code. The Service Code can always be used to arm, Changing ut Votutng a Coue ‘To change any User's Code, refer to Programming User Codes and simply change the 4-digt combination, Thus, to chanae User 3's code. for example 1. Hold down Key [8] untl the function beep sounds. 2, Entor the User Program Code. 9, Press {8}, [3], then 4 new digits = User 3's new code, 4, Press [B] twice to oxlt User Program Mode. Similarly, User 3's code may be voided by not entering a 4-digit combination, Thus, to void User 3's code 1. Hold down Key [8] until the function beep sours, 2. Entor the User Program Code. 3, Press [B], then [3] = User 3's code erased. 4. Press [B] hain to it Ieee Pengram tact KEYPAD OPERATION ‘Arming & Disarming the System When @ User Cade Is entered imo the Keypaa, the fed ARMEDIALARW LED will ether come on, indicating that the panel is armed; of go off, indicating that the panel is disarmed. A "P* on the display with a steady sounder Imalcares an artempr to arm wath (a) a system trouble (hold down [9] to reset keypad and arm), or (b) a Prioty Zone in trouble (re-enter code, then secure or bypass zone). fa ‘wrong code is entered, the system wil fail to respond, Wait atleast 2 seconds before attempting to re-enter a code. ‘Alarm Reset Disarm the nanel to silence a sounding device. ‘Ambush Zone The Ambush Zone Is tripped by entering the Ambush Corie just prine ta disarming Thue, should a user bo forood to disarm by an assailant, he can silently signal an emer- ‘gency while appearing to be merely disarming the system. ‘Tho Arm/Disarm Code must be entered leas thar: 10 seconds after the Ambush Code for an ambush repor to be transmitted. The Ambush Zone is a “report-only* zone. Three keypad panics are available: Fire, Police and ‘Auxiliary. if enabled, each is tripped by simultaneously ‘pressing the following pairs of panic buttons: ‘@ rire Hantc: press Keys [S/F] and [4] ‘© Police Panic: press Keys {*/P] and [#] © Auxiliary Panie: press Koys [B/A] and [#) Police Panic may be programed tu sein a sitet ae toa central station, activate an audible alarm, or both, Note that the key pairs must be pressed at the same time 10 activate panic. See Glossary: Panic Zone; also see Instal- lation: Keypad Jumper Options, Bell/Battery Test (Hokd-Down Function 1) The terminal voltage of the battery is constantly montiored by tho control panel In addition, tne ballery Lndergoes a t-minute dynamic test every 24 hours that checks the battery under load. Hold-Down Function + Provides a similar manual dynamic test, but also briely ‘Sounds the bell rom the battery, Awoak or defective battery willbe indicated by display of ‘a System Trouble *2" (Low Battery). The system trouble ‘icplay wil he cleared and a roctora roported whon (a) the battery terminal vollage fas retumed to its specified res. tored level and (b) the condition has been detected by either the subsequent 24-hour dynamic test, a reset (Hold- BownTunction), or ama ta! bal/atlery West (rud-DOMn Function 1), (Hold-Down Function wil clear a Low-Battery indication unti the subsequent disarm) Totes the battory with afow- battery condition displaved, hold down Key [9] to reset the keypad. After 2-3 minutes, farm and disarm the panel. if the low-batlery indication returns, the battery is stil weak and may require replace- ment. Aiso see Glossary: Low Battary. ‘Communicator-Contidence (Hold-Down Function 6) This feature checks the telephone fine for the presence of f lial tone in those eystome that aro programmed 2 ‘communicate with a central station. (Note: Do not arm and disarm the panel just before making this test.) Hold down ey (6) unti the sounder starts to pulse. Ifthe line is okay, the pulsing will stop, otherwise « steatly tui wil Sour (check phone lines). To silence the sounder, hold down Reset Key [9]. Note: Hold-Down Function 6 has a secondary feature (Manual Download) that can only be accessed within 5 ‘seconds after arming and disarming the control panel, See DOWNLOADING FROM A COMPUTER for this function aut Fing (Hold-Down Function 7) ‘When the Fault-Find mode isaccessed, two things occur: (a) the loop response of al zones is preset to 7m8 (lastest Joon responce) ant (3) sanning a tone ‘trouble wf ‘cause the sounder to beep for about 2 seconds, This set of conditions aids both installer and user. The installer, tap. ping and poking at suspect points, can easily locate ‘wingers by listening for the beep. Silat, Is user ea Confirm the repair of a zone in trouble by listening for the beep, and thus eliminate the need of retuming to the keypad to visually check after each attempt. Hold down Reset Key [9] to restore normal operation, ‘rmina the aystem siieracch tly sil stn the Fault-Find mode, ‘System Trouble Indications, ‘The folowing fib" career] sinsces) as mes ea] fine iar eI] est occ {alae ai See Sat se) cide eect ce) (eres T Tp en bear 2 examples For 2 second, enter 8 in 23. meat peo sesons) East ane: sa ate fesctugt ——Sittater ster] iiss | NoTes: (1) Requires that all keypas hove £/9/h Keypad panics. (2) Shall be Left enabled in Ut-tisted aystone th & ‘iresatara Loop (3) Program in declnal nabers; do nok tse leading tere. Eco TIES Sap a aor ocmeek-OISFINE [+b thar ate Stat ora stat ae aL + (dot) or blank fer ne entry. Pri0006 279% 16 9, GLOSSAHY & PROGRAMMING DATA Abort Delay (Locations 208, 208; 232, 233) ‘A delay period that allows cancollation ofthe central-sta- tion roport. Tho fo done by disarray Une ated wht the delay period. Program Locations 208-208 for zone selec- tion: Locations 232, 283 for delay time (see Time Selec- ton, The BGM Lug E9 wil be subject to th abort delay POM Lury Ouypur ain Avon Delay are programmed tor the same zone, Note: If Abort Delay is selected for a 24-Hour Zone or a Zone-Restore Zone. the cause of tha alarm miset he cor. tected before disarming the panel, ‘Ac-Failure Reporting (Locations 169; 17) Nac is removed from the panel, a "7" on the display and. Ihe frst twee LEDs wil flash slowly (while armed or dis armed). H disarmed, pressing Key [9] will reset the indica. tion for about three minutes to permit arming, however it the pane! isnot armed within this interval, the indication wit return. if programmed for Report on Alarm, the report will bbe delayed for 1 hour. Restores report immediately. ‘Access Number for Outside Line (Locations 115, 147) ome subscribers will have a telephone system that Tequires one digit to access an outside line before the tolephone number can be dialed. Also, the frst dial tone ‘encountered (prior to the access number) may have = frequency that is diferent from that of the accessed dial tone (440H2). One or more 4-second Pre-Dial Delay “D"s ‘may be entered before the access number instead of a dial tone with froquaney "E So0 Pre. Pial Dolay, your subscriber's system uses an access number: 1, Contact the telephone-equipment supplier to find out it a dial tone other than 440Hz is received prior to dialing the access number. If the communicator must delay before dialing the access number instead of attempting to recognize the dia tone, find out how many 4-second dolays must be programmed. 2.For Telephone 1 a Enter the Dial-Tone Detection “€” of Pre-Dial Delay “D" InLocation 114. Enter any extra “D"s that may be requlked starting in Location #48, b Enter the access number digit in Location 118, or the first available location thereafter. ©. Starting in the fist available Ineatinn attar the accose ‘number, enter any Pre-Dial Delay “Ds needed before the second dial tone; the Dial-Tone Detection “E” for the sec. ‘ond dialtone frequency; then the telephone number, 3.1 Telephone 2is used, repeat Step2 stating inLocation 146, (See Backup Roporting; Double Reporting. ard Soft ropa} Ais se Ba tone Beeching Pre Bil Bay ‘Alarm Codes Soe Report on Alarm ‘Alarm History Hold-Down Key [8] will display (on the digital readout) all ‘alarm conditions that have occurred. While holding down Key {8}, note the number(s) displayed Indicating the -20n9(6) violatod. Whon the ayatemisrearmed, the previous ‘alarm history wllstay memorized until automaticaly erased bby a new alarm condition. Note that Alarm History will not display Fire, Fire Trouble, Ambush, or zones directed to ambush, Alger Outputs (Locations 181, 210211; 224-225; 22 229) ‘Table 9 below summarizes witing and programming for signaling an alarm in typical installations. See Time Seloc. tion for timeout durations, Ambush Coo (Locatione 204, 208) ‘1 oF 2-digit code that Is entered by the user prior to disarming to access the Ambush Zone, causing a silent report to be sent to a contra station. Thus, should a user ‘be forced to alsarm by an assailant, he can slenty signal ‘an emergency while appearing to be merely disarming the system. The Ambush Zone will automatically report when ‘programmed to report on alarm. To program the ambush feature, 1. Program Ambush to Report on Alarm (enter a "2" in Location 168) 2. Enter 1 ur 2 digits as the Ambush Goge in Locations 304-305. ‘3, Enter an Ambush-Zone alarm report code in Locations 018-019, Inform the user what the Ambush Code is, and that his armiaisarm code must be entered less than 10 seconds after the Ambush Code for an ambush report to be sent. ‘lsu see Parte Zone, Anti-Jam Time Ifthe communicator does not detect a dial tane within 12 ‘co00nde; the Anti Jam Feature will be aiivate, Tat, 8 ‘communicator will go off line for a 16-second antijam Interval in order to free the telephone circuit from incoming calls, then make another 12-second attempt at dil-tone Output Wiring | Output Locations Timeout Locations Remarks Bell BELL + ( 210,211 224,225, Burglary (Steady) Timeout pene 228,220 Fe (Pulsing) Timeout Timed Negative | OUT-(11); | 212,218 226,227 Program "2" in Location 181 | Output AUX + (6) Untimed PGM Lug | AUX + (6); 096-009 = For Strobes, etc oss than 300mA Output Lug E3 (-) Tin Ut incnlatinne so0 Time Soleaton for moo requremona, Table 3. Alarm Outputs. 7 detection. i stil unsuccessful, the communicator will again {90 off line for 16 seconds, then proceed to lal anyway. Totest he Anti-Jam feature, cathe alarm phoneline trom ‘different phone line, then activate an alarm. The incoming call should be disconnected by the control pandl ‘anitzo LED on POM Lug (Location £07) This feature causes the PGM Lug to golow whenever the panel is armed, Note: Do not program this feature in Conjunction with any other PGM-Lug feature. ‘Audible Test on Arming (Location 180) To test the alarm circuit each time the systom is armed, adda"1"toLocation 180. The alarmisthen activated briofiy ‘about # aeconde after the pancl ie armed. H the alarm doce ‘not sound, the device may be defective, ‘Audio Vertication on PGM Lug (Location 237) Program fer two-way voleefsenin applications. Also program PGM Lug Output for zone(s) on which audio ‘eration ls desired. When the zone stripped, tho PGM Lug will go to 0.7V and remain latched unt a Kssof is roobhvod form tho eontral station. Noto: Do nt program this feature in conjunction wth any other PGM-Lug feature. ‘Auto-Bypass Zone See Remove Auto-Bypass Auto-Downoad 10 Number (Lucas 232, 293) 'Napco PCD2000 Software Version 2.E and tater includes 4 PC-Preset uty wherein numerous programs may be prose or automat remote uploading of downloading om tho instalation sila while the computes unatfenced (in standby mode). The Auto-Download 10 Number iden Iifes the program in the computer that wil be selected. {Note thatthe Dealer Program Code inthe PCD2000 must agree wh that ofthe control pana forthe remote connec- tion tobe established.) At the installation sie, program the Auto-Downfoad iD ‘Number in Locations 252 and 259, In decimal numbers, cortespending to that in the computer. Also program the Callback Telephone Number of the computer. Then, arm the panel, disarm and, within ive saconds, access Function 10 execute an AUtO-Downioad. ‘Auto-Reset (Locations 180; 200, 201) ta zone signals an alarm and is selected for Auto-Reset, ‘As automatically roarm fool 9o0n aor tho alarm cond! tion is cleared. Auto-Reset may be delayed to occur after the timeout period by programming a “2” in Location 180. Zones 1-6 thal are not programmed for Auto-Reeset wll not be capable of signaling artes alt ul (@) the vause cofthealarm has been cleared and (b) the panelis disarmed, ‘Also see Swinger Shutdown, ‘Auto-Reset After Alarm Timeout See Auto-Resot Backup Reporting (Location 178) When Backup Reporting is selected and the com munieator dace nat reach the fst talaphana number altar {wo attempts, seven dal attempts wil be made toreach the second telephone number. Enter Subscriber Identification Numbers for Telephone 2 (Locations 132-143) and other information required for Telephone 2 (Location 144 162), li Double Reporting is selected with Backup Reporting, all reports sent to the first telephone number will also'be transmitted to the second telephone number. However, i Me WSU Transmission Tals, wo reports wil be sent tw aT) ‘Telephone 2 (Double Reporting). Note: Subscriber Iden ‘ication Numbers (account numbers) for both Telephones ad 2 must De entered, wvett I Urey are Wve aan. Battery 12Vde standby power source in the control panel to provide backup inthe event ofa prwarinee An RBAT1.2 (1.2AH) is supplied. The RBAT4 (44H) is available ‘as an option. Note that the battery is an integral part ofthe system. It must be Installed, even ifac power is present. ‘ASO $99 Low Baniary. Burglary Output See Alarm Outputs Callback Telephone Number 1 (Locations 270-285) Callback Telephone Number 2 (Locations 286-301) Callback Select (Location 254) ‘Number of Rings (Location 269) ‘The control panel wil call back the PC!2000 as a security ‘check prior to downloading when using the callback ‘method. Provisions for two callback telephone numbers, ‘are made for the Auto Download mode. Program atleast ‘one callback number. as you would anv other telephone ‘number, starting in Location 270. (Remember that a "D° or ‘an“E” must be programmed bofore the telephone number = see Telephone Numbers). Iftwo phone numbers are programmod,ealost the phono tobe called in Location 254 ‘The panel wil inliate the callback after walting $8 rings, unless programmed othorwise. To change the number of rings before callback, enter the desired number of rings (3 tedniinuen, 15 maximum) in Location 209. Chime Zone (Location 088-089) ‘Chime On with Group Bypass See Group Bypass This annuncletor feature may he programmed for any zone. a chime will sound at the keypad while disarmed when the zone goes into trouble, The zone number wil - sere Menttication Numbers "450", the Force Aun Cove 's "F' the Closing Code for User't Is “C". The com- ‘municator will send the folowing report to the central Slation(Single-digt data format ‘231 Sent when alarm occurs, 4568 - Opening: Usor returned and inspected damage. 456C - Closing: User rearmad. 4500 - Fae An FFFI - Zone status at time of closing: Window fol sti broken. Zone 1 auto-bypasses; repair requied. Control Pane! Restore Goo Restore Repent Data Format (Locations 113, 148) Consult the central station to find out which of the fallow. Ing formats to se Extended Format. Extendod-format reporting allows the communicator to transmit an extra digit to the central station. This extra digtis genorally used to report the user oF the zone on which the event occured, Example. An installation uses the following programmed transmission information: Subscriber Identification Num- ber is “678"; a Closing Report ig selected for User 3: Extended Format Closing Code is “C3" (Closing. User 3). User 3 closes, the communicator will transmit: 678C - Subscriber “678” has closed. 12600 - Closing, User 3, Extended Format may bo used with most central-station receivers. Most receivers capable of recognizing multiple reporting wil also recognize Extended Format. The central sation wal Indicate the event codes to be programmed, Extended Format does not require any programming in Locations 119 and 145. To use Extended Format, flow Steps 2 throuah § of Two-Dialt Event-Caca Format ator in this section. ‘Single-Digit Event Code Format. If the receiver cannot ‘accept extended reporting, 1. Program a "1" in Location 113 (and 145 for a sacond telephone number, if used). See Double Reporting and Backup Reporting. 2. Entor th frst digit for any Alarm/Trouble Code, Restore Code and Opening/Ciosing Codes. Note: It is desired to have a Single-Digit Event Code for ‘one telephone number and Extended Format for the other, [program bath digits for all evant eedoo. Uoo tho Fret digit to indicate the alarm type and the second digit to indloate the zone. The telephone number with a "1" in Location 113 {or 442) wi tranomit only the fist dig Tre te teenie ‘number will use both digits. (Single-Digit Format wil ignore ‘the second digit of the event code.) ‘Two Digit Event Code Format. Some centralstation recovers require tnat'a two-digt code be sent in each report ‘Example, in a certain instalation, the Alarm Subscriber Numhar is "122": a hurglary alarm cecure on Zone # (Alarm ‘Code “31"), The communicator wil send "12331 To use Two Digit Event Code Format, 1. Program a "2" in Location 113 (148 for a second Telépnone number, # used). See Double Reporting and Backup Reporting. 2. Enter an Alatm Code (Locations 000-029) for each zone or condition to report on alarm (see Rano en Alarm) or for a Force-Arm/Status Report as folows: 4. Entor the first digit ofthe Alarm Code. (This digit may bbe used to indicate alarm type.) bb. Enter ne aeciund uly of the Alarm Goue. (Ts aigh may be used to indicate the zone) 3, Repeat Step 2 to enter Rostore Codes (Locations (040-060) for each zone selected for Control-Panal Restora (oF Zone Restore (see Restore Report 4. It Opening Report or Opening Report After Alarm is selected, enter a two-digh Opening Code for each user {Locations 070 977). See Opening Neport: Opening Report Ater Alarm, 5. If Closing Report is selected, entor a two-digit Closing ‘Code (Locations 030-097) for each user. Ita Force Arm or Force-armstatus Neportis Selected, also entor a two-diga Force-Arm Code (Locations 038, 039). ‘Note: Single Digh Format will overide Two-Digit Format in Locations 113 and 148 I both are pragrammact ‘Sum-Check Format. Sum Checks a sophisticated data format used to enhance the speed and check the accuracy of the received transmission. This format should be Preferred whenever the central stalin is capable ul recly- ing ‘After transmitting the Subscriber Identification Numbor and the event code, the communicator sends a vetiving ‘igh that isthe sum of both. The recelver compares the veriying digt with the sum of the other two numbers to check transmission accuracy. To select Sum Chock, pro- cram a"4" in Location 113 (or 145 fora sacand telapenane number, i used) Day Zone (Locations 186, 187) Disable Day-Zone Report See PIR Zone Display Day Zories after eset (L.ccation 078) ‘Burglary Zone programmed to cause visual and audible indication atthe keypad if the loop has an open condition only when disarmed. This feature may be used to warn of trouble during the day, when the control panels notarmed. Ifthe Day Zone experiences aproblem (a breakinawindow foi, for example), the green STATUS LED on the keypad will flash. tha souncinr will haan renantedly, and the digital readout wil display the problem zone(s). Hold down Key {9} to silence the sounder and clear the display. Arm and disarm the panel to reset the Day Zone. Wa “17 is programmed in Luvaikar 078 (Olspay Day Zones Alter Reset), tho Day-Zone number(s) will remain ‘displayed after the sounder is silenced untl the condition 9 {corrected and the Day Zone will auto-reset without the need to arm/disarm. Note: For high security Day-Zone ‘supervision, also program Disable Fault Find (enabling Fault Find wil doable Day Zone suportaton) ‘Also see Watch On with Group Bypass. Dealer Program Code (Locations 912-317) ‘Thie code fe requiad tn antar tha Daalae Program Mode, ‘The default Dealer Program Code is 4,6,6,7,8,9, however this code must be changed to preserve system security. Reprogram the 3- to 6-digit Dealer Program Code starting In Location 34e. Note: (1) The Dealer Program Code must not start with the same numbers as the User Program Code. (2) This ‘code also serves as your Download Securlty Code. Dial-Tone Detection (Locations 116, 148) Atleast one Dial-Tone Detection entry is usually required for each telephone number used to ensure that a al tone fs present before the communicator dials When an “E” is programmed before the first digit of an outskle telephone number, the communicator dialtone detection circuit Is set to detect the standard 440Hz dial fone, The “E" Is generally entered in Location 116 tor Telaphone 1 and Location 148 for Telephone 2, i used. It may be necessary to program at least one 4-seoond ro Dial Delay before Dial Tana Natartinn "E™ With ear. tain nonstandard exchanges, Pre-Dial-Delay "D's may be sed without a Dial-Detection “E”. (SeeAccess Number for ‘Outside Line; Pre-Dial Delay.) Disable Bell Test (Location 182) Program an “8” in Location 1821o prevent unauthorized persons from sounding the bel Disable Callback-Mothod Download (Location 080) Data may be remotely downloaded to a control panel using Napco QuicKoader software and interface if the ‘correct download security code is known. Programn this {feature to prevent unauthorized downloading to an unat- tended panel Disable Day-Zone Report Soe PIR Zane Disable Display Bypass (Location 084) For added security, this feature disables Hold-Down Function 2 (Display Zones Bypassed) while armed. Disable Fault Find (Location 182) Program a “1” in Location 182 to prevent unauthorized use ofthe Faull-Find mode. See Fault Find. Disable Fie Reset with INold-Down [8] (Location Timed Negative Output (Locations 212, 213) Unless programmed otherwise, Terminal 11 (OUT -) is normally low, providing a ground for smoke-detector [POWer (Terminal 6, AUK +), anki gues High wit Key [9] is held down, resetting the smoke detector(s). Thus, if any four-wire detection device in use requires removal of do ‘voltage tg reset, donot program a"2" in Location 181, and ‘irs the device power leads to Terminals 6 (AUX +) an 17 {0Ur-} (see Wiring Diagram) Disable Fire Reset with Hold-Down (9]'s programmed, tho logic at Terminal 14 wu be raversed (that is, Torminal 11 wil normally be high and wil go low on alarm), and Terminals 6 and 11 may be used as a Timed Negative ‘Output, programmable by zone (Locations 212-219). Pro- 1) 20 ‘gram a timeout in Locations 226-227 (s6e f1me Selection). Disable Function-8 Download (Location 080) Programan "6" in Location 0800 prevent manual remote oowrioaaing UsiNy Punnaluit 0 al tive patel. Ove Manual Download. Disable Low-Battery Display See Low Battery Display Any Bypaas (Location 183) Hold-Down Function 2 (Display Zones Bypassed) nor- ‘mally displays manually-bypassed zones only. When Dis- pilav Anv Bypass is selected and a zone is auto-bypassed, the yellow BYPASS LED wil ight and Function 2 wil display ‘auto-bypassed zones and Priority bypassed zones as Well Display Day Zones After Reset See Day Zone Display Open Zones (Location 081) ‘When a "4" is programmed in Location 081, any non-24- Hour Zone that is open while disarmed wil automatically display atthe keypad In addition to the lashing groon LED. Double Reporting (Location 178) ‘When Double Reporting s selected, only information that ig cucceestully cont ta Telenhane 1 will ha sent to Telephone 2 as wel: To program Double Reporting, enter an "8" in Location 478, Enter Subscriber Identification Numbers for Telephone 2 (Lavalivis 192-140) and related information required for Telephone 2 (Locations 144-163). H Backup Reporting is selected with Double Reporting, reports, sent to the first telephone number will also be {transmitted to the second telephone number. However, the first transmission falls, two reports will be sent to Telephone 2. ‘Spit Reporting wil override Double Reporting if ath are programmed. Note: Subscriber ID Numbers for both Telephones 1 and ‘2 must be entered, even i they are the same. “E3" Lug See PGM Lug. Enable Communicator-Confidence Test (Location 182) Program a “4” In Location 182 to enable the Gom- munieator-Confidence Test. See Communicator Lon- fidence. Note: Do not arm and cisarm betore this tet. Enable Download with Answering Machine (Loc. 082) ‘Tu permit Uuwniiuadiny to a telephone with an anowering ‘machine, program a°1” in Location 082. After one ring, the ‘panel will ision for the modem tone produced by the P1200. ifthe tone is recognized, the panel will gointo line ‘seizure and establish connection wnn ine PIZUOD, If security codes match, Enable Keypad Auxiliary Panic (Location 082) "This feature may only bo enabled If all Koypade in tho systemhavethe FIP/A Keypad-panic capabilty and allhave Jumper E cut. Pressing the [B/A] and [#} keys simul: janeously wil activate Keypad Audiary Panic. Tis is a “Toperc-oniy”1eaiure. be sure to prograin u Gioup-2 Su- serber ID Number and an Alarm Code in Locations 062- 063. A successful roport willbe Indicated by a ringback at the kevoad, In ordor to prevent multilealarms trom being transmitted, subsequent Auxliary Panic alarms cannot be tripped for ve minutes. ‘Also see Keypad Aux Alarm on PGM Lug. Enable Keypad Fire Panic (Location 082) ‘This feature may only be enabled Hf all keypads in the system havethe F/P/A keypad panic capabilty andallhave Jumper E cut. Pressing the [9/F] and [#) keys simul Taneouely wil ettnte Keypad Fie Pen Enable Keypad (Police) Panic See Panic Zone Enable Keypad Sounder on Alarm (Locations 164-166) Programmabie for zones 1-b ano Keypad Panic. Wen twippod, a steady tone will sound at the keypad until the panel is disarmed or unt reset using Key [2] Enable Keypad Tactile Deep (Location 101) This feature will cause the Sounder to come on momen tatly as each keypad button is depressed. Note: an FRPIO00LCD keypad is uilized in the system, it may be sirable to cut te tactle-beep Jumper on the Keypad tO prevent a double beep from sounding. Enable PGM Output on Exit/Eniry Delay (Location 236) “Thiofeature causes the POM Ling (C9) 10 Go low whenever exit delay, entry delay 1, or entry delay 2 isin effect, and to remain low unt the delay has expired. Nate: Do net pro- ‘gram this feature in conjunction with any other PGM-Lug feature Enable User 8 for Access on PGM Lug (Location 236) ‘This feature causes the PGM Lug (ES) to golow whenever \Ucer 6's oode lo ontored (while dioarmed) for the purpose cof activating a door strike, If enabled, User 8 can no longer armor disarm. Access Time is fied at § seconds. Note: Do ‘Rot program this feature in conjunction with any other PAM Lay featue ExiEniry Delay (Locations 210-223) Pormitsexitand entry through the Ext/Entry Zone(s (see Locations 202 206) afte the ayatom fe armed without set ting off an immediate alarm, Exit deta allowe the user to leave the premises after the panel has been armed. Entry delay allows the user time to enter and disarm the pan. Upon entering ne keypad sounder wi emia steady tone toremind the user to disarm: ‘Two Individually-programmable entry-delay times are ‘owed in acenemovtate lore arty anes only ne ext delay is provided) I two or more Ext/Enkry Zones are entered in succession, the delay programmed forthe last ExitiEntry Zone entered will ake precedence over all thors. Ext Delaytime (Locations 218-219) and Entry Delay time (Locations 220-223) may each be programmed for upto 255 seconds (404 minutes). See Time Selection. t delay lunes are not programme, ext delay wil be 60 seconds, entry delay wil bo 30 seconds. (Ir UL instalations, Ext Delay time may not exceed 60 seconds: Entry-Delay tine may not exceed 45 seconds.) Eniry delay may be cancelled by holding down Key [$] (nstant Protection), prior to or after arming, until the func: tion boop sounds, however awl be automatically restored Upon elsarming. ExivEntry Follower (Locations 206, 207) ‘Azone programmed as an ExilEntry Fotower wilignore otactin during tha dslay, and any uring ory lay if the Exit/Entry Zone is entered first. Thus, detection devices (passive infrared detectors, for example) along the path betwoon the Koypad and the exiontry door wil not Signal an alarm during exitientry delay under normal con- ions, However, a device inthe Exiventry Folower Zone detects a violation when the extentry door has not first Lpocrrerdevas trove ll ue tu enya an Ue CAVE Follower Zone will go into an instant alarm. If the panel is armed with the entry delays cancelled (nstart Protection), any violation on the ExivEntry Zone or the ExivEntry Follower Zone wil cause an immediate alarm. Extended Format See Data Format Fallura to Cammunieate on BGM Lug (Location 236) This feature will cause tho PGM Lug to go low after the ppanel makes 9 unsuccessful attempts to communicate. ‘Note: Do not program this feature in conjunction with any ‘othor PGM-Lug feature, Fire Zone (Terminals 13 (FIRE +) and 12 (FIRE -)) The Fire Zone is indicated by the red FIRE/TROUBLE. kaypadl| FD devices are connected across Terminals 13 and 12, n parallel with the 2200-ohm end-of- line resistor (see Wiring Diagram). A shor across the Fire Zone wal cause a fre alarm: the red LED wil light and the tho soundor wil puloe: an opon siroult (rouble) wal cause, a biinking red LED and a pulsing sounder aftera 10-secona delay. The sounder may be silenced using Reset Key [2]. The LED wil go off within 30 seconds after reset ifthe alarm lr trouble is cleared. Evo if Ure Five Eun isl sea 2200-ohm end-oline resistor is stil required across Ter- rminals 13 and 12 (FIRE + and -) Ifthe Fire Zone is selected to Report on Alarm (Location 168) or to Restore (Location 172), the Alarm Codes in Locations 016-017 and the Restore Codes in Locations (056-057 wil be sent. Trouble and Restore Trouble on the: Fire Zone ara reported in Lacations 020-024 and 080-061 respectively. Todisable ire reset, programa "2" in Location 181 (see Disable Fire Reset) Force-Arm Report See Closing Report Force-Arm/Status Report See Closing Report Ground Start on PGM Lug (Location 237) “Thicfoaturo oauooe tho PGM Lug to function asa Ground: ‘Start Lug. If the dial tone is not continuously active, a Ground.-Start Module, Modo! GSM-400, will be required at ‘Lug E3 to establish the dialtone. (For installation, refer to tHe notraions fasted wh the @SM-400.) Note: D0 101 [program this feature in conjunction with any other PGM: Lug feature. Group Bypaee (Location 196, 107) ‘Chime On with Group Bypass (Location 081) Group Bypass removes a programmed group of zones from the system, Group bypassing Is often used to deac: tivate sume or all interior zones simultaneously so that the User may move freely throughout the promises but stil be protected from intrusion through armed perimeter zones, Group bypassina is accomplished by pressina Key (8) twice. When the panel is subsequently disarmed, al bypassed zones will automaticaly revert to non-bypassed zones, ‘wher group bypassing fp aclocted, the yellow OvrAgs LED on the keypad wil ight. The zones bypassed may be ‘confirmed by holding down Key [2] (Display Bypass) untit a the sounder beeps. While holding the key down, check the digital display to view the zone(s) bypassed. When "1" te antarad In Location 084 (Wstoh On with Group Bypass), all Day Zones will be activated simul taneously (Watch Mode) when Group Bypass is activated. See Watch on with Group Bypass. nen @ “2° 1s enfered in Location 081 (Chime On with Group Bypass), the Chime Mode will be enabled for ali programmed zones when Group Bypass activated. Note that (2) Group Bypass need not be programmed for any zone for this feature to operate (however there would thus be no visual indication that Chime is enabled); (b) a zone is programmed as a Chime Zone, it may ot be pro: ‘rammed for Group Bypass; and (@)# thie feature is pro ‘rammed, Hold-Down Function § (Chime On/Off is disabled Also see Chime Zone. Include Manual Bypass in Force-Arm/Status Soe Clos. "yg Report key Input on Zone & (Location 183) For a reniote armidisarm keyswitch station. program an 6 in Location 183 ana wire @ normaly-open mamentary | keyswitch to Zone § Supervise the keyswitch with an fend-ofling resistor across the keyswitch terminals and program Zone § for 24-Hour Protection Keypad Aux Alarm on PGM Lug (Location 237) This feature causes the PGM Lug (E3) ogo low whenever the Keypad Aux Panic is tipped. This may be used to tio an untlmed strobe or minisounder to indicated that the ‘alarm was tripped. Lug £3 wil remain lov untl the panel s isarmed, Note: Do not programthis feature in conjunction sith any other PGM-Lug feature, except PGM Lug Output Cocations 096 and 097, Keypad Panic (K/P) Soo Panic Zone Keypad Sounder on PGM Lug (Location 230) This feature causes the PGM Lug to go low when the ‘seypad sounder activates, and to remain low until the ‘sounder stops. Note: Do not program this feature in con junction with any other PGM Lug feature Line-Reversal Module, M278 ‘The Line-Reversal Module allows the pane! to be moni: torea oy a central station through leased tines. Un alarm, tho module reverses normal line-voltage polarity. For details, refer tothe instructions furnished with the module Loup Response (Linctionts 214-217) Loop response ts the amount of time that a normally: ‘closed circuit must remain open, ora normally-open ercut ‘must remain closed, to trip an alarm. The siowor the loop response, the more immune the system wil be to intarmit tents (swingers). Selectable loop-tesponse times are 70mS (.78 sec.): The slowest loop-response time, reoommended for uoe with magnetio contact, window foi et. Unless programmed atherwise, loop-response time willbe 750mS (millseconds) for all zones. '50mS (05 sec.): Used for momentary panic buttons and atea-protection devices, such as photoelectric eyes, pa: sive infrared sensors, floor mats, ote ‘mS (,007 sec.): An extremely fast loop response used primary for wineiow bags. 2 Low Battery (Location 168, 173) Disable Low-Battery Display (Location 080) ‘Alow battery wil sional svstem trouble 2" lashina with LEDS) wan the batey Yomi vlago drop to 18 (nomina), Hold-Down Function 9 wil temporarily reset the LLow-Battery indication, however it will return on the sub- sequent divarming #the coneition fl ovete A lowrbattory ‘condition may report to a central station by programming A” in Location 168. Low-battery restores report upon detection ofa specified terminal vatage during a dynamic battery test. Dee DeliDateny Test had-Ouwn Purntion li Disable Low-Battery Display is programmed, there wil be no indication of a low-battery system trouble at the keypad uniess accompanied by another system trouble. Note: The control panel leaves the factory withthe owbat- tery system trouble disabled. To enable the low-battery display, subtract “1" from Location 080 Newer Arm (Lucations 090-091) ‘Azone programmed as Never-Arm cannot go into alarm, \When ripped. tt wildisplay atthe Keypad when Hold-Down Function 3 (Display Status) is selected, A chime wil sound at me Keypad wniie armed oF isarmea a ime 1s programmed for thet zone and enabled. (The numeric display wil also indicate the zone it Display Chime is broarammed.) This feature fs suadested for use as a garage-door or driveway monitor or similar application. No Ac See Ac-Failure Reporting No Fda. ina Recietar (| vation ARROR7) Program for any normally-closed zone that ls not wired with an end-otting resistor. Number of Rings See Caflback Telephone Numbers Opening & Closing Cades See Opening Report; Closing ieport pening Report (Select User(s) Opening) (Location 176) pening Report er Alam tection ayn ‘Opening and closing reports are generally used in com- ‘mercial instalations. On disarming, the communicator can sand an apaning coca for nach umn (Sailnet Uisarls) Onan. ing), or t may transmit only when the panel is disarmed after an aatm has occurred (Opening Report Alter Alarm), Note that Subscriber Identfication Numbers (Locations 408 111; 140 142) and Oponing Codoe (Locations 070 077) must be entered for ether opening report. rogram Select User(s) Opening (Location 176) toreport each time the panel is disarmed. Each of up to four users may nave nis Own Upenng ode (Locations W007). programming Opening Report (Select User(s) Opening), 0 nat program Opening Report After Alarm. Program Opening Regort Atter Alarm 1" in Location 479) to report only when disarming after an alarm. This feature may be used by the central station to vert thatthe subscriber has responded to the alarm and disarmed the pancl. Oponing Roport Ator Alarm lo ooloctod, do Not program Select User(s) Opening. ‘Also see User 5 Report As User 1; Users 6, 7 & 8 Report As Users 2,38 4 Panic Zone Enable Keypad Panic (Location 182) To enable (Police) Panic from the keypad (KIP on Prowanniiny She), pruyrans a2" i Luxativn 182. The Panic Zone Is trinnad hy preeing Kaye [+/2] and [+]. (Keypad Panic may be disabled af inchvkial Keypads by ‘Cutting the “Disable Keypad Panic” jumper on the board.) Fomotomementarypusbuton panic shes (roa spr) cre arnreute aetuan te aro os Me OT AP1054e Keypad. In UL systems, remote panic buttons ‘must bo located inthe same room as he Keypad For silent panic, (a) be sure that Keypad Pani is anahled: (0) program Keypad Panic to Report on Alarm (Location 167), but do not program it for Burglary Output (Location 211); and (c) program a report code in Locations 014-015. ‘eo 009 Enable Keypad Pre Panic, Eimbte Key! Aiaiay Pane PGM Lug (E9) Lig £9 GM) i programmatie to function a¢ any one (and only one) ofthe flowing features, Do not atom program mare than one PGM Lug feature. «ARMED LED on PGM Lug ‘uci Vermeaton on PEM Lug ‘© Enable PGM Output on Exit/Entry Delay ‘Enable User 8 fr Access on PGM Lug * Fatur to Communicate on POM Ley «© Ground Start on PGM Lug Keypad Aux. Alarm on PGM Lug Kaypad Sour an PEM ng © PGM Lug Output Retertothe respective Glossarylisting or feature descrip tion and programming inirmaton, GM Lug Output (Locations 096-098) This feature, programmable by zone, wil cause the PGM Lug to 90 low on alarm. Note: bo not use ths featur conjunction with any othor PGM Lug feature except eypac Ain Alarm on PGM Lug, Location 237 BR. Zone cation 82,09) jensor Watch (Locations 0984 Disable Day-Zone Report (toction 679) Power-Up Delay Program for any zone containing a PIR or dual-technol- 100) sana. ne mat, door canta, ot Coan peserog Up the control pane 3-4 minute delay on theco zones allows sensors to stabilize, For power-up delay only, donot (program Sensor-Watch time (Locations 094-095, see Time Butcoton). Pewer up delay may be eared bp ag down Fasot Key [unt a beep sounds, if no trip is detected within the programmed Sensor- Watch timo, a Day Zone trouble wil be transnited tothe ‘Central station, it programmed to report ("8" in Location 168). There is no audible indication at the keypad. Program Sensor Wetch ime in Locations 094-095, Soloct 4 vale according 10 the expoctod. acthty within the coverage area while disarmed. In calculating the Sensor Watch timo, note thal only the dlsarmed hours (th timo between armed periods) are added. In moderate traffic ream, Senor Watci twos puttaps 19 Rows Maly OO For Sales, Repairs or Technical Service, Call Toll Froo:(800) 645-9445 Tech Service Direct Line: (800) 645-9440 ‘appropriate, whereas i rermate ares, a thts Of 8 NOUS ‘or mote may be in order. Sensor Watch time should be calculated for the PIR Zone withthe least amount of traffic. However, if no activity is expected on a zone (in an at {or exarn) tnat zone snouid Not be programrnex! as 4 Pl Zone. (f Locations 094-095 ate left blank, FIR Zones will stil be delayed on power-up, but they wil nt be monitored for activity.) If this feature is selected and any other zones are programmed as Day Zones, a "2" may be programmed in Location 079 (Disable Day-Zone Repor() to Inhibit Day- Zenetroulle reports. ADay Zone oonaltion wal atl display atthe keypad, buta trouble report at the central station wil ‘now indicate a PIR-Zone trouble. Pro-Dial Delay (Locations 114, 148) ‘A Pro-Dal Delay may be used whenever a delay is r0- quired before dialing. It fs usualy required to program Dial-Tone Detection, which causes the communicator 10 waltora dialtone store dialing coe Dial Tore Detscton), Grain telephone exchanges senda nonstandard tone that the communicator may not be able to dotect. With these nonstandard exchanges, itis possible to program Pro Dial Dotayintead of Blat Tome Detoetons even Ue Communicator to wat for a predetermined time belore Important Io that Telephone Number 1, with is associated Pre-Dal Delay ‘Access Number, and Dial-Tone Detection, be whaly con- {ained within Locations 114-131, and tht they be Inthe proyer eyunce ly, Tact, be aavartageous 0 12aVe ‘ne oF two blank locations before entering the telophone ‘number to alow for tho unexpected (an addtional Pre-Dia! Dele. tor example}. The above applies a Zelehone Num- er 2'(Locations 149-189) and the Callback Tolophone ‘Numbers 28 wal Note: An “F° in any focation wil be ignored by the communicator whon dating, ‘Aso see Calck Tolephone Numbers 18 2 Test Timer (Locations 024, 025; 169) Reset Test Timer on Report (Location 181) ‘When a "1" is programmed into Lacation 169, a dally test report wie transmited to the central station from the time the panel is powered up. The respective Alarm Code is ragrammod ints Locations 024, 028. By entering an “8” in Location 181, the timer wil be programmed to send a daily test only f there has been no ‘ther report. (Note that this, or the above, is required in UL Installations) Thus, it one’ normally repons. an opening every weekday morning, for example, this foature may be utiized to maintain reporting continuity on weekends. Test Timor Otfeot (Looationo 294, 296) {t Test Timer is programmed, the test timer will report immediately upon power-up, and every 24 hours thereatter. To delay the timer reporting time up to 24 hours from power-up time, prorat Locations 234 and 236 in Hours {600 Time Selection) Note: If these locations are left blank, the test timer will report immediately uoon power-up. ‘Timed Negative Output See Disable Fire Reset with Hold- Down 9} Timeout (Locatione 224 291) Specifies the length of time that an alarm, alert, or delay will remain active. Abort Delay time and Burglary Timeout 25 ‘must be programmed, ofthe feature will not activate. See Time Selection. Note: in installations aoverned by California Fire Marshal regulations, do not program a timeout for fire alarms, Time Selection Also see Programming Sheet [_ Time [Locations|Units] Wax. Time 094,005 | hr | 255hr (Bas Nota t) Abort Delay (See 232, 233 | sec | 4 min, 15 sec Note) (255 sec) ire lar int rape efmiteownin tebe Tuepoyarmate Tie eerpasy Saas av 58 om [i oo tines ry in seconds -or minutes. In reality, any time up to. 2) (255 sec) ice athalerais tat be pegamoet moat || (ese aa es iat tora rem Tae 7a wa ovarog, Noe t—[ Emy Dany Gee | za0.2% | we |émin 1a sschinah regards lotr rt Time (t)]0] 1]2|3]4]5]6]7]8[9]10] 11] 12] 13] 14/15 Note 2) (258 sec) ey [lselsirelatolstclolele| — fardansmepa [om mn Pow fam a “*Blank. Note: if both programming locations are left (See Notes 1&3) (255 min) blank, refer to the notes in Table 7 for feature timeout. Table 6. Program entries tor unit times To select a time up to 15 seconds, 15 minutes, oF 15 ‘quatter-seconds (8.75 seconds), program the respective ‘entry into the first box only; do not program the second ox. To select a ume greater man 1> seconds, 19 minutes, or 15 quarter-seconds, program both boxes as follows: 1. For the feature selected, choose an appropriate time in Units shown (all seconds, minutes. oF auarter-seconds, ‘Not minutes and seconds, etc.) 2. Divide the time chosen by 16. Enter the quotient in the ‘2nd Box and the remainder in the 1st Box. 9. Cliech enities-by auling the contents of the tat Dox to 16 times the contents ofthe 2nd Box. (Remember that a “zero” entry represents “10") Example 1. Program Entry Delay 1 for 12 minutes. 1. Entry Delay 1 (Locations 220, 221) isin units of seconds, thus delay time is 90 seconds. 2.Divide by 16:99716 = 5 (quotieny) + 10 (remainder). Enter te quottent athe 2rd Box and the rained the tt Box 220 | 221 ors 7 \ remainder quotient @ toro") 3. Check entries (remember, a “0” entry = “10"): 10 + 16(5) = 90. Example 2. Program the sounder to sound a “Chime” for 4 ‘seconds, 1. Chime time duration (Locations 230, 231) isin units of quarter-seconds, thus chime duration is 16 quarter- seconde. 2. Divide by 16: 1048 = 1 (quotient) + 0 (remainder). Enter the quotiont in the 2nd Bax and the remainder (blank enity for "0° inthe 1st 230 | 231 cit femainder "quotient (blank for °0") 8, Check entries (remember, blank = “0"):0 + 16(1) = 16 28 Timed Neg. Aux, Out | 226, 227 | min | 4 hr, 15 min (SeeNotes 4 & 7) (285 min) FireZone Timeout | 228, 229 | min | Untimed (See Note 4) Chima Duration | an, 9a | va | UTntimed (ae see | "Noto 4) Timer Oftset 234,295 | tw | 23hr (See Note 5) Table 7, Programmable times and timeouts. Notes: 1. Ifboth ocatlone are eft blanks thie foaturo will not activate (timeout 2.|fboth locations are left blank, Exit Delay = 60 sec.; Entry Delay = 30 sec. ‘8, Timeout must be at least 4 minutes in UL installations. 4, both locations are left blank, this feature wil remain active until system is disarmed. (Chime may be reset Using Key [9]; however ia timo fs programmed, Chimo ccannotbe reset and must time out, If both locations are programmed °F”, maximum time = 4 hours, 16 minutes (255 minutes); of 63.75 seconds (255 quarter-seconds) Tor Crime Duration. 5. left blank and Test Timeris selected, will report imme- diately on power-up. In ingtalatione gauarnad hy Califamia Fire Marshal regulations, do not program a timeout for fre alarms. 7. Disable Fire Resat with Hold-Down [9] must also be programmed. Timed Negative Aux Output See Disable Fire Reset with Hold-Down [9] TouchTone® Dialing (Location 178) ‘Touch tone with Flotary Backup (Location 178) ‘Select TouchTone Dialing only when the subscriber has ‘TouchTone service. TouchTone dialing is faster than rotary dialina, but not always as reliable. For the communicator to use TouchTone on all dial attempts, add a1" to Location 178. To use TouchTone on the first attempt with subsequent rotary dial attempts, add "2" to Location 178. TovohTone Dialing wil override TouchTone with Roiary Backup if both are selected. Note that if Backup Reporting is also selected, the communi- caator will use rotary dal to reach Telephone 2. Trouble ‘Anabnormal zone condition (a breakina normally-closed loop; a short on a normally-open loop; or either on an €end-of.iine-resistor supervised loop) while disarmed. Troubloon a Burglary Zono will ue ofyilin! by SUUNET beep upon arming, indicating auto bypassing (does not apply to zones that have been manually bypassed). If ‘uto-bypass has been removed from a Burglary Zone, that one wil go into alan unr aug. NOL het tne Zone Is ExivEntry, it will go into alarm afer exitdelay and entry- delay times have elapsed. ‘Trouble (open circuit) on a Day Zone (normally clase) ‘wil be indicated by a flashing green STATUS LED and a pulsing sounder: the display wil indicate the troubled 7zone(3). Keypad indications are reset by Key [9]. Troula on a Fir Zone will bo indloated by the red fretpouaLe LED and the sounder. An open citcult (trouble) wil cause a flashing LED and a pulsing sounder ‘after 10-second delay. (A short circuit wil cause an alarm ‘onaltion: steady-on LED anu pulsing sounder) RESGt Rey [8] wil sience the sounder; the LED will go out within 30 ‘seconds if the cause ofthe trouble Is removed Two-Diolt Format See Mata Format User Program Code (Locations 206-311) Aco, raed to acess he Use: Pram Modo, tat allows an authority fo program User Codasanc!tha Seve Code (see GETTING US AND RUNAING. Programing User Codes. The defaull User Program Codels 12.3:456, however this code must be charged to preserve sysiom Saou, Entra 2 inf. Los Programs Code stertng in Location 308, Note: The Doaler Program Code must not start wih the same numbers as the User Programm God. User § Arm Only (Location 078) User 5 Report as User 1 (Location 078) Users 6, 7 & 8 Report as Users 2, 3 & 4 (Location 078) User 5 Service Code (Location 078) Torestrict User Code 5 as an “arm-only” code (for single- digit easy arming), pruyranita “4” Location Ur¥. (UO not program User 5 Service Code.) Note that ia single-digit arm-only code is programmed, the hold-down function for that digt is disabled. To@nable User Code 5 as a Service Code, program at” In Location 079. For the Service Code to report must report as User 1 (°8” in Location 078). For Users 6, 7 and Ria tapas. they must report as Usore 2, 9, and 4, respec” tively (4" in Location 079) ‘Watch On with Group Bypass (Location 081) The Watct hue activates ali Uay Zones simultaneously by group bypassing (pressing Key [B] twice), even F nd zones are selected for Grcup Bypass (see Group Bypass). ‘When a "1" entered in Location 081, the Watch Mode wal ‘be enabled when Group Bypass is activated. Note that (a) Group Bypass need not be programmed for any zone for this feature to operate; (b) I a zone is programmed as a Day Zone, it may not be programmed for Croup Bypass; fand (6) Chime On with Group Bypass should not be programmed, Zona Restate Sa Restore Report Normally, Convol-Panel Restore is programmed for a Zone to send a restore report to the central station. The report will be sent when eli the zone is repaired or the: vvaved fs ulsarmed, If tne restore repont Is to be sent ony ‘when the zone is repaired, Zone Restore should be selected (also program Control-Panel Restore). tis recom. mended that Auto Reset and Priority or Priority wth Bymnass also be selacted for propor operation. See Restore Report ‘24-Hour Protection (Locations 198, 189) AA zane that provides protaction at al timoo, whether or not the system is armed. Neither the green STATUS nor the Fed ARMED/ALARM LED will indicate the condition of a zone. programmed for 24-Hour Protection, however an alarm ‘condition wil be recorded by Alarm Hislury (sev Alarm History). 2 ‘Abort Delay ‘also see Time Selection ‘Accessories, see Optional Accessories Account Numbers, ‘See Subscriber (enuicadton Numbers Ac Failure, Indication Reporting ‘Access Number for Outside Line Activate Fire & Aux. Panics (Keypad Jumper €) ‘Alarm Codes, see Report on Alarm ‘Alarm Hisiory (Key (6) Alarm Outputs also s0e Time Selection Alarm Resa ‘Alarm Timeout, see Timeout ‘Ambush Code ‘Ambush Zone ‘Antrvam time ‘Aum/Disarm Codes, ‘see Programming User Codes ‘Arm Only Code, 200 User 5 Arm Only ‘anMeD LED on PGM Lug ‘Auming/Disarming ‘also see Ac Failure Reporting Audible Lest on arming, ‘Audio Vertication on PGM Lug ‘Auto-Bypass Zone, see Remove Auto-Bypass Auto.Downlead Failure ‘Auto-Download 1D Number ‘Auto-Download Method Auto-Raset ‘Auto-Heset Atter Alarm timeout, see Auto-Haser 8 Rackup Reporting also see Double Reporting Battery also see BelliBattery Test ‘bet Uutpur, see Avarm Ourpuns Bell/Battery Test (Hold-Down Function 1) Burglary Output, see Alarm Outputs Bypass, Group Sdlective c Callback-Method (Download) ‘also see Callback Telephone Number 1, 2 false «ae Nieahla Callhaek-Mathadt Download Callback Telephone Number 1, 2 ‘also see Telephone Numbers Callback Select Gentra-Station Heporung 28 3, INDEX 7 26 4 2 10 7 7 7 24 w 7 26 9 8 7 8 uw 13 8 20 18 8 18 ‘Chime Zone (Key [51) ‘also see Time Selection (Crime On win Group Bypass, swe Croup Bypass losing Codes, ‘800 Closing Report Closing Rept ‘Communicator-Confidence Tost (Koy [6] ‘also see Enable Communicator-Confidence Test and Failure to Communicate ‘Conditional-Opening Report, ‘see Opening Report After Alarm Control-Panel Restore Report, ‘s00 Restore, Cantrol Panel Data Format ay Zone Trouble, see Trouble also see Watch On with Group Bypass Roslor Program Carla 8 Detauit Program Dial Delay, see Pre-Dial Dolay Dial-Tone Detection Disable Bell Test Disable Callback Method Download Disable Day-Zone Report, see PIA Zone Disable Display Rynase Disable Fault Find ‘also see Day Zone Disable Fire Reset with Hold-Down {9} Disable Function-» Download Disable Keypad Panic (Keypad Jumper A) Disable Keypad Sounder (Keypad Jumper 8) Dicable Lou:Rattary Dieplay, aaa! aw Aatiany Disable Touchpad Backlight (Keypad Jumper C) Display Display Any Bypass : Display Bypass (Key [2}) see Display Any bypat also $00 Disable Display Bypass Display Day Zones After Rosot, soe Day Zone Digplay Open Zonoe Double Reporting also see Backup Reporting and Spit Reporting ‘Download Secunty Code, see Dealer Program Code ‘Downloading From a Computer ‘Auto-Download Method lee 00 Auto-Downloadl ID Numbor Callback Method also see Callback Telephone Number 1, 2 Functlon-6 (Manual Download) Method E ES Lug, see PGM Lug acy Arming, coo User 5 Arm Only Enable Communicator-Confidence Test 18 6 ave 18419 18419 20 10 194 Enable Downioad with Answering Machine Enable Keypad Auxiliary Panic Enable Keypad Fire Panic ‘Enable Keypad (Police) Panic, see Panic Zone Enable Keypad Sounder on Alarm Enable Keypad Tactile Beep Enahla PRM Outpt on ExA/Entry Delay Enable User 8 for Access on PGM Lug Entry Delay also see Time Selection Equipment Supplied Ext Delay also see Time Sefection Exiv/Entry Follower Exivntry Zone, see Exit/Entry Delay Extended Format, see Data Format F Failure to Communicate Failure to Communicate on PGM Lug Fault Find (Kev (71) also see Disable Fault Find Features ‘Alarm Outputs Cunanivatr Keypad Reporting Zones Fire Installation, Typical LED (rreROUate) soe Trouble Trouble, see Trouble Zone also soe Alarm Outputs Roset. sae Disable Fira Reset with Hold-Down [9] also see Time Selection Foree Arm Report, see Closing Report Force ArmStatus Repor, see Closing Report Functor-s (Manual Bownioad) Metnod @ Glossary Ground Start on PGM Lug Grounding Group Bypass 4 Hold-Down Functions Include Manual Bypass in Force-ArmyStatus Report, 00 Closing Report Inatalation Control Panel Keypad Jumper Options (Keypad) 20 20 21 22-23 21 2 Fa 21 28 4 a 28 21 at 19 10 at s797 21-22 39 16-19 or e7 Koy Input on Zone 5 Keyra, ‘Assembling Backdighting Functions jumper Upuons Mounting Opening Onaratian Wing Keypad Aux Alarm on PGM Lug Keypad Panic ‘also see Panic Zone Enable Keypad Aullary Panic Enable Koyoad Fie Panle veyed Programming, Dealer User ‘Reype Sounder on FGM Lug L Lino Reversal Module, M278 34,91 22 7 2 BBB Listenin, see Audio Verification on PGM Lug Local Downloading Loop Response ‘Low Battery ™ ‘Manual Download (Function 6) ‘Mounting, Control Panel Keypad N Nover-Arm ‘No Ac, see Ac-Failure Reporting No End-of-Lne Resistor Number of Rings, see Callback Telephone Number 1,2 18 o ‘Opening Codes, see Opening Report Opening Report Opening Report After Alarm Optional Equipment (Ordering Information Outputs, see Alarm Outputs Pp Panic Zone ‘also see Remote Panic PGM Lug (E3) ‘also see ARMED LED on PGM Lug ‘Audio Verification on PGM Lug Enable PGM Output on EukiEntry Delay Enable User 8 for Access on PGM Lug Failure to Communicate on PGM Lug 22-28 18 18 a1 a Ground Start on PGM Lug a ‘Keypad Aux. Alarm on PGM Lug 22 fejpad Sounder os Pau tug 2 PGM Lug 23 POM Lug Output 2B PIR Zone 20 also see Time Selection 26 Powor-Up Delay 23 Power-Up Sequence 8 Pre-Dial Delay 2B Priorty Zone 2B Priority Zone with Bypass 2B Program (Key [0}) 89,11 Program Code Dealer 11,20 User 89,27 Programming 113 Examples: 12 Keypad Bit ecurd Sieets 12, Ie ‘Stops 2 User Codes 89 Pulsina Fire Outout. see Alarm Qutouts 7 R Receiver Format 23-24 Reduce Touchpad Dachlight (Keypad dune 8) T Remote Downloading 13 Remove Auto-Bypass. 28 Report on Alarm 28 ‘also see Programming Example 2 12 Reset (Key [9)) 3 eset, Alarm 9 Reset Fire, soe Disable Fire Reset with Ilokd-Down [9] 20 Reset Test Timer on Report, see Test Timer 2 Restore Report 24 Rostore Coes, see Restore Report 28 s Select User(s) Closing, see Closing Report 18-19 Select User(9) Opening, see Opening Report ee Selective Bypass 24 Sensor Watch, see PIR Zone 23 ‘also see Time Selection 26 Service Code 9 also see User 5 Service Code a7 and Programming User Codes 8 Single-Digt Event Code Fommal, see Data Format 19) ‘Smoke Detectors 2B ‘Sounder indications. 4 Sounder Output on PGM Lua 25 Spectfications 4 Split Reporting 25 also see Double Reporting 20 ‘Status Repor, see Ciosing Report tog Strobes, see Table 4, Alarm Outputs 7 30 ‘Subscriber Identification Numbers. ‘Sum-Check Format, see Data Format ‘Swinger Shutdown ‘System-Trouble Indications T ‘Tamper Switches ‘Telephone Cord, see Power-Up Sequence Telephone Numbers Tost, Bol/Battory (Key [1]) ‘also see Audible Test on Arming ‘and Disable Bell Test Tost Timer Test-Timer Offset ‘esting the System Timed Negative Output, ‘see Disable Fire Reset with Hold-Down [9] Timeout Time Selection ToueiiTure Dialing ‘TouchTone with Rotary Backup Trouble Two Digit Event Code Format, see Data Format ‘Two-Way Voice, see Audio Verification on PGM Lug u uu. Classification LUsted Devices, Compatible Requirements, Summary of Unconditional Ciosing Ropor, see Clasing Report Untimed Output, see PGM Lug Output also see Table 4. Alarm Outputs User Codes User Keypad Programming User Program Code User § Arm Oniy User 5 Report as Usor 1 User 5 Service Cade also see Programming User Codes Users 0, 7 & OMeport as Users 2, 08.4 w Watch Mode, see Watch On with Group Bypass Watch On with Group Bypass Wiring Diagram z Zone Restore also see Restore Report 2.Digit Event Code Format, soe Data Format 2Mlay Voice, see Audio Veritication on PGM Lug 24 Hour Protection SRBBSoBoo SBSBRS 23g ar 24 19 18 7 6. WIRING DIAGRAM MA1000e WIRING LIAGKAM WARNING: TO PREVENT RISK Fr wa ano CET vk on fee NOTE 3 NAPCO LIMITED WARRANTY IN22Co,SEcuRITY systems, Inc. (NAPCO) war- rants its products to be free from manufacturing Getecis In materials ana workmanship Tor tirty-si ‘months following the date of manufacture, NAPCO wil, within said period, at its option, repair or replace any {uc fling to operate correctly without charge to fhe original purchaser or user. ‘This warranty shall not apply to any equipment, or _any part thereof, which has been repaired by others, Improperly instalied, Improperly used, abused, allered, damaged, subjected to acts of God, or on which any serial numbers have been altered, defaced or removed. Salior will not be responsible for any dismantiing of ‘installation charges. In case of defect, contact the security professional hg instaied and ‘maintains vour security system, NAPCO shal have no obligation under this warranty, or otherwise, the product has been repaired by others, improperly installed, improperiy used, abused, altered. damaged. sublected to arin wlan flood fre or acts of God, or on which any serial num bers have been altered, detaced or removed. NAPCO wilt be responsible forany dismanting, reassembly Dr eainetalaion charges In order to exercise the warranty, the product must bbe retuned by the security professional, shipping costs prepaid and insured to NAPCO. After repair oF replacement, NAPCO assumes the cost of returning products under warranty. There aro no warranties, express or Implied, which extend beyond the description on the face hereot There is no express or implied warranty of merchan- tabity or a warranty of fitness fora particular purpose. Adktionally, this waranty (in lieu uf all uller Ubliga tions or fabilties on the part of NAPCO. ‘Any action for breach of warranty, including but not nite any nll warvarny Orne tar Ay, USL be brought within the six months following the end of the warranty period. In no case shall NAPCO be liable toanyonefor any consequential or incidental da {or breach of ins or any other warranty, express of implied, even ifthe loss or damage is caused by the seller's own negligence or fault. This warranty contains the entire warranty. Itis the sole warranty and any prior agreements or repre- Sentations, whether oral or writen, are elther merged herein or ara expressly eancelled) NAPCO naithar assumes, nor authorizes any other person purporting fo.acton its behalf to modify, to change, orto assume for it, any other warranty or liability concerning its pradiete Inno event shall NAPCO be lable for an amount in pa. excess of NAPCO’s original selling price of the product, for any loss or damage, whether direct, indirect, in- cloemnal, consequential, or omerwse ansing ou or any failure ofthe product. Seller's warranty. ashereinabove set forth, shall not be enlarged, diminished or affected no obligation o lablty shall arse or grow out Saler’s rendering of technical advice or service in Connection with Buyer’ order of the goods furnished hereunder. NAPCO RECOMMENDS THAT THE ENTIRE SYS. ‘TEM BE COMPLETELY TESTED WEEKLY, ‘Warning: Despite frequent testing, and due to, but ‘not limited to, any of all of the following; criminal tampering, electrical or communications disruption, ft | possible for the system ofall to performas expected. NAPCO door not roprocont that tho produoteyetom: ‘may not be compromised or circumvented; or thatthe product or system will prevent any personal injury or [property loss by burglary, robbery, fre or otherwise; ‘Ror that the product or aystem wil in all asco provide. adequate waming or protection. A properly installed and maintained alarm may only reduce risk of burglary, robbery, fre or otherwise but it isnot insurance or a ‘yuarantoy tat dies events wll nut uccut. CONSE- ‘QUENTLY, SELLER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, OR ‘OTHER LOSS BASED ON A CLAIM THE PRODUCT FAILED TO GIVE WARNING. Therefore, the installer should in turn advise the consumer to take any and all precautions for his or her safety including, but not limited to, fleeing the premises and calling police or fre ‘department, in order to mitigate the possibilties of harm and/or damage. NAPCO is not an insur of nites tha property o¢ safety ofthe user's family or employees, and limits ts lablty tor any loss or damage including incidental or consequential damages to NAPCO's original soling prioo of tho product rogardloce of tho eaueo of euch foss or damage. tthe user wishes to protect itself toa Greater extent, NAPCO wil, at user's sole cost and expense, obtain an insurance policy to protect the Asser cupplernental to une ow pokey, ala premium t0’be determined by NAPCO's insurer upon write notice from user by Certified Mai, Roturn Receipt Fi quested, to NAPOO's home office address, and upon Payment ofthe annuat premium cost by user. Some states do not allow limitations on how tong an molied Warranty lasts or do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or diferentiate in thelr treatment of limitations of liability for ordinary or gross negligence, so the above limita tne ar evainione ray netannlytayent ThieWarrany «ves you specific legal rights and you may also have ‘other rights which vary from state to state.

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