Cultural Proficiency Rubrics1

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Cultural Proficiency Rubrics The following rubrics were taken from Lindsey, R.8., Graham, $.M. , Westphal, C.R. and Jew, C.L. (2008). Rubrics as keys to the Cultural Proficiency Inquiry. In Lindsey, R.B. et. al Culturally proficient inquiry: A lens for identifying and examining educational gaps. (pp. 78-74). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corin Press. Table 6.1 Leverage Points and the Five Essential Elements of Cultural Competence [ Tevenge Pts Five Essential Elements | Curriculum and struction | Assessment rents and Comomuty Profssonal Development Valuing Diversity | Extent to which curriculum | Extentto which cltural | Extent to which parent and | Exton o which professonal reflects divert Aiferencesareused'o | eommunty diversity is valued, | development addresses gather data cultural sous, Arsesing Culture | Extent to which curriculum | Bxtentto which sagaregated | Fatentvo which community | Estent to which profesional provides opportunites for | data areused toenhance | tnvlvementfaciltatesthe | development addresses extucators and students to | knowledge and shape Ldenicaton, sessment and sues of caltaral deny Jearn about self and others. | practice evelopment of cular ety ‘Managing the Dyrames | Extent to which curriculum | Extentto which data are used | Extent to which community | Bxtent to which professional a Diference promotes multiple toadaress the gaps between | involvement efforts devdop the | development promotes and perspectives cultural proups, capacity omediateculural | models the use of inquiry cole between and among | and dialogue related to diverse parent and community ‘groups and the school, maltple perspectives and fssues arising from diversity, ‘Adapting o Diversity | Extent to which cultural | Extent towhich assessments | Extent to which peopleand | The extent to which knowledges integrated | are changed tomeet the —_| schools change tomeet the | professional earning Into the curriculum. needs of cultural groups. | needs of the community. facilitates change to meet the needs ofthe community. Institutionalaing Extentto which valuesand | Extentto which assessment | Extent to which people and | The extent to which policies support culturally | data shape values and schools Integrate knowledge | professional development ‘responsive curriculum. policies tomect the needs of | aboutdiverse community | shapes polices and practices cultural groups. ‘and organizational cultures into daily practice. Table 6.2 Curriculum and Instruction Rubric Cultural = re [ eat ad Beoents Desrctveness | Inopacty —_—_| Bless Precompcence | Calta Competene | Cut! Proficeny Assessing UUrworprotiot | Promote | tgnoreacpecivot | Recognising hat the | Regularly provide | Asssthe gap ultra sharing tealtural | astiniation to | culture aff or | cureuium doesnot | opportunites fr | between the eacher’s Knowieige | inowisdgeand | thedominant | student) that | include students’ | students 0 culture thecaltureot Teatiowbich | delopingeataral | cultreand | connectcutare | cataral perspectives. | contribute ther | thecuscaim and carson | identi dominant | andlearning. | Tosorporateintothe | nowledgennd | healt ofthe coporttes oe leaning styles | carseat perpectnesabouta | sudentsandsck ecbeais and an language, inition and | sson'topks)and_|onging opportunites stdenstokarn resouresthatmay | wetheknowledge | toler aboutand se boat and relectstudents” | toplanand calturly responste exh perspectives sequence theteson, | curse, valuing Select andimpiement | Seectand | implement Tecognithat | sec doweiop, | Promote and dewiop Diversity curictlamanduse | implement crreutam and | cureutommay | andimplement | student’ advocacy Bsteatiowhich | resourssihat | turiculamand | useresouces and | provelimte? | corrcuiathat | frsoiatjastice encresiom | deigratspeeic | tocresourees | langongee Calum perspectives, | reflect verse relects divers. | pespectiescr | thatrelect | recommended by | Select and develop | perspectives and reups. andor | dominant group | state educational | supplemental languages and rove incomplete | values, feencesand | curcolamand | provide ints trlnaccrate perspective, | pulses theceby | resoucesthat provide | acura portrayal portrayals events | andlanguage. | providing limited | nrmationsbost | of historical events tndvidals, falar contrbatonsof | andcaitaral soups perspectives, | dersegrones. | grou. Managing he | Ignore seek orate | Vew tecore | tplement only | Recogling tat the | Provide students | Provide stwdens Dynamiesof | atatovaldatsthe | pgramas | mandatedstae and | curreulom may not | curicutam options | opportniies Ditterence | placement of Imeeing the | federacurrcokum | beaccesibetoall | that are tolean how to xteattowhich | stadentsintorigd, | nowsot all | andinterventions | students, teachers | challengingand | lerm—develop | curriculum | fining curscular students, determined tobe of | may diferente | incorporate inquiry | academic bt, promotes muliple| paths that vide | Vaderperorming] minum benef | instruction, at times | and higher order | intellective pase. | neptieedvcatonal | gadgty ar | outdreoming | napa | king sista | competes nd conseuences forall | yeched ate igil] tents prodiogto | pervnaln aavocrey for sciel | students currcolar pth Challenging kasons | connections nd | justice | ned to be the forundererorming | evoke mite | most effective students perspectives | ‘proach to Uderpecioeing | tesa and ee advance ongoing timely. students, and personalized Suppor fom pees, teachers. and parent, ‘Adaptingto | Sdectanduse | Uecurricatum | Smbracestandais, | Recognizing Tategrateand | Promote mull Diversey carscatum that | that portrays | stindardaed | students cultural | infaseito esting. | perspectives inthe Benttowhich | perpetuates valves and | curvicuam, Girne, carte Curriculum to model calural Inaccurate and/or | behavorsot | rewares, curvcatum maybe} utr reevant | and develop Tnowedgeis | native portrayal | the dominant | textooks, and | axpplemented with | content and advocacy practices integrated nto | diverse groups and | group to Standardned tests | information about | dieentiated | forseial ustice. theeureutam. | hisorcalevents. | promote the | toensureequalty | cultural instructional Cultural Precompetence Cultural Competence Cultural Proficiency ive Essential Cultura uleurat Cultural Elements Destructveness Incapacity Blindness CCarriculum assimilation of | across the Aenigrates culturally | diverse geoups, | curriculum for diferent groups and | siaft believes | allstudent events through that roups without omissions, distortions) gestation is | Tear for and fallacious beget cultural assumptions eae diferences Institutionalizing | Create policies and | Create policies | Standardize Extent to which | practices that and practices | agency values and policies | ensure a that protect | sanctioned support culturally | curriculumtbat | agency- curriculum and responsive ‘excludes, sanctioned | instructional, curriculum, denigrates,and | curriculum | resources misrepresents and meet the needs diverse groupsand | instructional | ofall student historical events. | approaches | groupe, Actively pursue the | Hille identification and | sting them as beneiclal limination of a Perspectives that | agsimilating threaten the desired | oy . diferent groups, contributions or ‘events without Integrating such Ino the ‘curriculum, Recognizing the limitation of the existing curriculum to be culturally responsive, stat may integrate culturally responsive approaches and materials approaches/resources lomeet the needs of all students, Create polices and practices to ensure that ccurricalum enhanced with information, instructional approaches, and resources to ‘maximize the learning ofall students Stratoges wo ensure student suceess are articulated vertically and horizontally across grade Jewels. and departments within schools and betwen feeder schools. Students, stall, and parents regularly collaborate to examine data leading to continuous Improvement ofthe curriculum program, thustastically Jembeace a districtwide responsibility for closing learning and achievement aps. Table 6.3 Assessment and Accountability achievement. 5 Besta altura altura Calta ature Cutral Catal laments Desrutveness | Inapacity Blinds Precmpetence | Competence Profideney ‘Ascessing Intentionally we | Use taditional and | Unaware that | Reoognkng he | Usemalliple | Advocate for Cultural culturally tmsecommodsted | eulturelmpacts | connection rmeasuresof | selecting and Knowledge | inappropriate | assesmentsand | student between culture | sessment that | designing Bxtenttowhich | test) that, Gatatosortgelect, | performance on | andleaming use | reflectstudents’ | assesment tools educators reinforce remediate and | assesment and | mulnlomeasares | cultures and that fic the ndestand the | misdlagnost, | justify the thactetsare | thatmay bento | language Aiversity of Timtatinsof | misplacement, and | assinilation of | culturally biased, | refectstudent’ | backgrounds. | student. standard ats | val perspectves | clay dese | oe singe caltraLaterences. | cotect and use| Advocate for fordiverse student | aboutstudents’ | groupstothe | mensuresot | Recognising | dsaggregated | colocing and using populations learning outcomes | dominant school | assessment. fined Enseladgs | data totwiber al | aggregated dha make epropeate | and nods. caltore and Unaware ofthe | shout some sakeholders | woanalye assessment Avoid or resist curriculum, need to collector | cultural groups, | about the demographic trends | accommodations, | collecting data sort data tolearn | use disaggregated | progress and andanticipatethe | vwemuitple | and/or misuse data about the propress | data butmay | needsof nest ever assessment tools, | to disseminate and/or needs of draw inaccurate culturally diverse | changing student and use inaccurate ‘culturally diverse | conclusions or groups: populations while disaggregated conclusions about groups. make decisions closing gaps for data toshape | diverse caltural that may not meet current population. practice to meet groups. their needs. Uheieneeds Valuing ‘void resist or | Below that ‘ware of Recognize student | Behoving that all | Susana Diversity provoke dissent for | student cultural | aiffrencesin | culturaldversity | studentsean | community cute Extent ‘owbich | makingassesment | andlanguage | achievement | may lead to initat| mect high thatadocates for educators value | accommodations» | differences are | between groups | ingury bout | standards, seek | high tana oe theculturcand | thatmeet diverse | defictsand se | but believe that | multiple measures | opportunities to | underserved languoges of | student needs. | single assessments | standardized tests | ocastessment | len about | students, and sols sfudentsin the | gio rest | atid tet scores to | andtradiional | accommodations. | stadets’ cultures | community npat ancssment | Calecingor determine student | assessments are | Recogntang | atdlanguages. | about he cultural, proces. thas | Goes gdata| karningand | valdandreflect | timetuenat | Commttousing | Mngusi and ensuring thatrefect, lacementin | thestatusquo. | information from valid and reliable | earning patter of tose omrams. allen. ‘methods that are | cultural differences | Usedisaggregated | Use aggregate singular data assessment for Inform all q valid and reliable | inthe community. | data to justify test | data to promote sources, educators | diverse student ‘stakeholders about fordverse aes deficits among | homogeneity and | collect and froupsand to | thearpepriae student Pee demographic | jstfjcommon | analyze data from | educating parents | eso assessment populations, and | festict programs | #f0upsandto | approaches. tiple sources, | andatudents | adieatefor tellewthat all | Satserncesion | maintain programs {nd begin tolearn about the rele, alld studentscan | Soecinecttarat | aeservies that which may be | purposes and ses | asesment mectclassroom | Sonne support the status invalid, reliable, | of esesaments. | menmres, and andstate au, cumbersome or | Gofect and use| shremutile standards and inconclisin. | Geacgrercod data | soucesof data to expectations, from maliple | | efomand support souresto develop | theprogresof a am accurate students picture of student 5 Bssentat ular altar utara atu alu Cara Elements Destractiveness | Ieapcty Bndess Preeompetence | Competence Profecy Managing the | Avoid resistor | Believingthat | Sincediflerences | Recognizing that | Collaborate with | Advocate for Dynamics of | provoke disentfor | tadonsl, between groups | learing and | otherstakholders | authentic Difference | information that | singular areexpected, there | achievement gaps. todevelopand use | pernesbips and Bxtenttowhich | wouldleadto | assesmentsand | tsnomeed to | existbetween | relble and valid | coloration that, edueatorsand | difrentmethods | standardied tets | seek further | demographic | asesaments that | leadio sessment parents of asessment for | leadtoaccurete | information about | groups educators | support student | mathodsand tools Collaborateto | underserved information about | cuturl issues | beyintoseek | lamingand are | thatreflct the ensurethat | students. stant progres, | that could input bout the | usedtomake | cultoraland assesment Teedata about | restseeking | Influence student | implications of | decisions about | linguistic asetsof produces vad | Uoyeetaet nays | additonal or | petformence and | culture on student progress. | dvene student renultsfordiverse | Seyememenne | alternative ascesament assesment. Unleornngend | 9% learners and does | student groups to | information about | y4inimize ‘Assessment achievement gap | Use learning and notlead to justify heidi | students collecting practices and | datatoprovoke | achievement gap negative status and Use data about disaggregating, apcommodations | ongoing inquiry, data to initiate educational and | unworthiness of Jearning and and analyzing may be superficial | investigation, and | actions that Me-consequences | resources. achievement gaps | data that provide | or applied across | decisions to meet | narrow and close foe students; seek topromote deficit | information about } theboardto all} thenesdsof |} learingand caitaral thinking about | thestatus, needs, | demographic | dnersestadent | achievement gaps understanding underperforming | and gaps between | student groups, | groups. foratdents wile aboot stidents in demographic | cakaral groups | andriskmaking aso addressing and oder fo bridge soups leadingto | duetodlscomfort | inaccurate or removing the tearing gars and decisions that serve | in noticing unreicble systemic bares use data to shape towilenthe gaps | dference anda | conclusions about imantintcte conversations between them. | belie in a stadent needs and ans aod prevailing saps. lnderstending | meritocracy. bout student needs and cational gaps. Adapting co | Avorest or belnthar —[Useaseoment | Reaping hat” | Ghngedawoom | Alkoaor Diversity | prove dsent | atone toddatato | aeementsdo, | sucument | fmol and Btenttowhich | forany snguae diagnose tho | notadequately or | precesto reflect | teal edvestors adapt | tccommodaions | egemmentsand | lating progress | sco Stadent cultures | ements tat orcbens toassersment” | sandardiaai tats | otallsuidents | meanresome | antangueger | matenoteot praccesbased | jractssfor | ledtoaccarate | witout Sten learning | whibmaintanig | dere audens Snlnowledgeot | dverscatident | ifommattonsbout | eonsdeaton ot | orpotental make | Yaneous content students cultures | Sudentr progress | cuter or supercialor | Yscasement | | Saeed: andlanguages | thatdiverse groups | and therefore aid | linguistic severe tattomaks a. and promote have special making any differences. adaptations that decisions and ‘ensuring, : Stichoties er, maynetmest | facponensto | sa preccesand | ascoanentaceds | toformal and | arin needsot | fone sring | SO a decisions that | Ueasesment | inbemal some tecachleenent | Sma a helpstudents | Garmmavenl, assessnents. demographic for all ednnuanearesrTs rater than | ret sabotage, | Uso msemment rou demographic | TmNevrorcest Reeorantce | nine | Seana Siaome” fH | sate data to shane 7 ae ‘groups, races tomest | adapatonaie | ramalang ical ‘esdop ans and theneedsot | bettermeccthe | students rather Se inti ston to Geographic | needsofsome, | thmexemining may not meet the maleate troupeand cose | cltwal groups, | stonnide neat of haces tome farnng ond Derr to earaing emoerapble See schoteent gas and achiterent eee Chess btmcenall and close gaps. demographic groups. Tnsitaionallsing | Fromotsand [nina pi, Fac, pacts | Necgntng dl Sendo] Adri pace Cattwal Aveo poles fndstracurs | traditonalor | seuctureand | pease and Knowedge | pracoc and | Standardized | reoures allow | Souchaet the Btentowhich | suucturesacros | tmpoweoneste- | adequncyot | aseomentsond | elueatoreto "| dutietand sie everoneinthe | theaysem that | fialtesesments | curen sate and | tesanesments | eilabortcon | Wdetht sare schoolcommunty | ensureonesie- | acrosthesytem | dct upecmont | donot adequate | axeament’” | tocsment demondtaicse | eal that db net tpstemsto provide | mewsreall | stag aterathes, tuttareofedvecacy | esesments, | adequately agate Students learning, | tectve with | eccommatns, foeundenerved | reultngindata| measur progress | inermation about | tegntolewn, | Sher auadent | andessesabiy studetsanda | whichdoes not | baker student | iencotsend | about troupe anaiye | semen val commitnentto | pordevad, | groups progress all | accommodations | swdeut werk, | ree ir and tmonerngthe | teale Tetratrom saan | simeateroape. | oremomment | ersteconmon | equiees ah extent to which ‘information poh ts 10 ‘This limits the alternatives that rubrics, and demographic ee sswmentsto | pec touse | provdevalidor | depen tba | Sterna, tndachovenent | stunt nce det | eement | rinledate- | amment” | seamen tayeacteing” | prgresand | Fetonatoat | Sheets chat | rm deco | terecrana | Tape Srowetand | heeds sie , | ster meet the | frdnes stent | improve learning | Seo! heh Swe se Credatatomake | Bammedesins | resrofdnerse | groups So . assessment datato | decisions that | theenet sent groups demographic resources for tateminethe | fiom tonal | andtocbse 7. pa edo all i pee topo choa demographic the needs of all | groups achievement gaps. ‘and student data to groups and develop | demographic close learning and strategies toclose | groups. achievement gaps, ier ond Table 6.4 Parentand Community Communication and Outreach Rubric Catura ata Caturd Caturad Calta ultra Desractieness | cea Binds Precompstence | Competence Profeney “ssessing [Tene intimidate [Help catarally | Parent, community [Recognising the | Poent community, | Parent, community. cattarat arpunish the |dverseparent and. | and school leaders | emportance of |andschoot leaders. | and school leaders Knowledge | expression of needs | commanity arettomselect knowing about |learnabouteach | continuously sean Extent to which [ofdiverse parent |membersby feommunitis | eachothers’ [others eulturesin_| the envionment in community |andcommunity | purposetuly | without egard to |eullures,parent. order to bridge the | order tobe involvement | groups. Soaimlating thom [ferent euttural | communis, and | gaps between and | responsive to ever- faites the intothe dominant | groups. Schoolleaders may |amonghome, | changing dentieatin, culture Team shout each [communi and | communis assessment. nd aterm authentic. |chool cultures. | demographies. developanent of wae, calla dent. Valuing ‘ately prevent | Kenty parents and | Parent and Recognizing needio | ive Representative | Diversity involvement of ‘community ‘community involve culturally | representative ‘constituencies of fxtentto which | diferent cltural | members to Imolwement | dversecommantty Jeonsutuencies of | parents and parentand | groapsinmaking remediate their | responsive tolegal_| groupsindeision | parentsand fonmsily fommunity | deestons about | euurat nandates without [making may |ommunty members advocate Giersty valued. | programsand |defldences. [respect to diferent | ncudesomebut | members as partners closing seclces that meet cultural groups. | notall groups |inmaking decisions | achivement gaps the needs fal appropriately | about programs and | and dveion and stots servcesthatmest | model advocacy lor the needs of al | soci jstice students. pacts Managing the | Sabotage Tgooreparcatand [Foca groups | Recogning —_[Craloncultre [Stall parents, nd Dynamics of [lnvotementof community groups | working gether to | emerpng intergroup |thatencourages | community groups Difrence {some parent groups | htare working to |Ondcommon [confit sit | muliple work together to xteotto which [By lnsgating [ areosiewues | ground on dlvsve | muy develop confit | perspectives and | anipte the noods comunity competition for | importantto | sues. resolution caeges | bulls capalty for | ofthe ever-changing lnvokementeits |scarceresources | them. or deny Rey sos} nnd practices | community and develop the capacity | hat resin withindiverse | dale between | assocltd sues. tomedatecatural | intergroup cof. Cultural groups, | and among al conf between and community among diverse parent and school pareatand rows community groups andtbeschoot | ‘Adapting to [Parentsand/or | Parentsand | Parents and school | Resgning Parents and acho | Saf prenis, and Diversity school staff prevent | schoolstatt | staff donot dieences between | sa work together | commonity work Extent towhich —|changesintended wo | conser mecting| ackaowledge the | honeandschool | toidentily and | togetherto meet the peopleandschools benefitcultiraly | theneedsof | neodtomect the | alte,parent. | addreseneedsof | need of al cultural Change tormeetthe {diferent communty| culturally | needs culturally | communtyand | dversecutural | yroupsand bens ofthe and student growps. | diferent groups | diferent schrolleadersmay | populations. antcpateand plan common. asdividve. | community groups. | bento adres needs forchanges within of dere community dhe community. populations Tnstitutionalizing | School af reate | Changes to meet | School salt Recognising porent | Geatesructares | Parent and Exteat to which [poles and prt | diverse student | supports and | andeommunity | dat adress the | community groups people and schools |thatysematialy” | needs ar seen as| sponsors tradional| needs as they arte, | dersecultural | provide ongoing Integrate knowledge exiadecuturaly | against te statu] parent and parent, communty, | needs ofthe scboo | meaning aboutdvere — |difeentparent | quoand the | community fn school leaders | parents, and [contributions to communityand [groupe fom bing | asmlation of | organbations and | may develop | eommunky groups | deons. polices, | organlzatonal | imolvedin Aiferent cultural | goveromental | structures to | andassess land practices that callus into daly important dectoos | groups. ‘mandates, beleving | respond tothe needs eflectvenessin__ serves the diverse penis about theecaton they sere al meeting those | needs ofthe rein Selo ss reat communi. | Table 6.5 _ Professional Development Rubric Cultural { Cultural Cultural Culeurat Cultura Cultural Destructiveness | Incapacity Blindness Precompetence Competence Proficiency Assessing Professional Professional | Professional Recognizing Professional Professional Cultural learning that learning learning provides | differences learning informs | learning helps | Knowledge | provides promotes common ‘between the participants staff close | Extent to which | opportunities to | practices and | approaches that | culture of the about their achievement gaps. | professional | Jearn about one’s | approaches | avoid issues home and culture, the for underserved development | own andothers’ | that promote | related to the culture of cultures of groups and | | addresses issues | cultural identities | assimilation to | cultural identity | the school, others, andthe | anticipate of cultural isavolded and the dominant | believed tobe _| professional school’s culture, | changing identity, prohibited. culture, beneficial to all | development may | professional community needs students. address issues of | dovelopment helps culture, close gaps in achievement and ‘bridge gaps in cultural, linguistic, learning, and ‘communication styles. | Professional Professional | Professional Recognizes Professional Professional =| learning learning learning community learning helps | learning | Extent to which | opportunities opportunities | opportunities | diversity andmay staff develop —_| opportunities help professional | intend to support promote one address the needs | approaches that | participants development | extinguish assimilation to | approach to meet | of different meet the needs of | anticipate, identily addresses manifestations of | thedominant | theneedsof all | cultural groups in| multiple cultural, | and respond to cultural issues. | culture, language, | cultureand | students. professional linguistic, and | changing orlearning styles. | learning styles. learning. learning styles. _ | demographics. Managing the | Professional Professional _| Professional Recognizing Professional Professional Dynamics of | learning provokes | learningisused | learning and _| that issues arising | learning learning Difference | and foments toinfluence | meetings from diversity are} opportunities | opportunities Extent to which | opportunities to | and shape advocate topies | ever-present and | incorporate promote social | professional —_| denigrate the practices that | and processes __| often provoke raltiple action to better development | cultural needs of | expectothers | that promote the | conflict, school | perspectiveson | meet the needs of | promotes and | some student, toassimilateto | common good, | leaders may relevant topics | an ever-changing models the use | parent, orstaff | thedominant | andconsensus | identify and and build community. of inguiry and | groups. culturein order | isfavored when | develop capacity for dialogue related tobetter conflictarises. | professional dialogue about to multiple educate and development confit from | perspectives and conserve the opportunities that} Issues that may issues arising resources of surface multiple | arise from issues from diversity. the school or perspectives about | related to district. issues arising from. | diversity. Processes are diversity justified by majority rule or vino. _ | Adaptingto | Professional Professional | Believing they | Recognizing the | Professional Professional Diversity learning activities | learning serve the needs of | needs of adiverse | learning learning Extent towhich | suppress change to | opportunities | all cultural community, opportunities use } opportunities help profesional moet the needs of | assume that | groups, professional data to drive staff anticipate the learning diverse thebest way | professional learning change to better | needs of a changing tomeet the | learning opportunities meet the needs | community and facilitates change | community. Culteral Culeural Cultural Cultural Cuttural Cultural Destruetiveness | Incapacity Blindness Precompetence _ | Competence Proficiency to meet the needs needs of ‘opportunities | examine and alter | of adiverse develop flexible of the adiverse consist mainly | practices that may | community. policies and community, community is | of programs better meet the practices to meet tomaintain | sanctioned by | needs of a diverse current and future thestatus quo | local, state, and | community. needs. and help federal agencies. others to assimilate, Institutionalizing | Professional | Professional | Believing they _| Recognizing that | Professional Professional Caltural learning learning serve the needs of | some community | learning learning Knowledge opportunities | opportunities | all cultural needs are not met, | opportunities are | opportunities Extent to which | shaped by values | thatreinforce | groups, professional encouraged, Jead to improving professional and policies that | values and | mandated learning shared, and community development deny the needs | policies professional opportunities may | applied in welfare and shapes policies | of adiverse ensuring learning examine and classrooms, the | interdependence and practices | school assimilation | opportunities are | shape valuesand | school, and that meet the | community are | are applied in| applied in policies to meet | community for needs of a systematically | classrooms | classroomsand | identified needs. _| the purpose of diverse topliedin | andschools, | school improving | community. schools and student learning classrooms. and achievement, |

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