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WW1 is unavoidable war

The World War1 is one of the events that strongly ruin many countries in the
world. It can lead us to have many conflicts between countries not only AustriaHungary and Serbia but also Germany, France, Russia, British and etc. All countries
are joined together to beat their enemy. It caused by many reasons such as power,
imperialism, and crisis. To concluded, the greed of Germany is the main reason that
made the outbreak of World war1 inevitable.
Power is one of the biggest points that many powerful countries wanted to
have. If the country has many colonies, they will obtain a power because they are big
enough to conquer other countries which are weaker. In 18th century Germany is one
of the biggest country which also known as Prussia. Because of Otto Van Bismarck
who was the leader of Prussia wanted to be unite and planned to be central power in
Europe. The prime minister promised that Prussia would have a liberty. In
document10C, Prussia had controlled many countries that boarder them in the past
such as Austria-Hungary, France, and Turkey. According to Germany Comic Strip,
the conflict started when Prussia was cheating Austria after they are signed to be an
alliance and promised to attack Denmark. After Prussia attacked Austria, they were
proud and arrogant with their country. They thought that they were great in Europe.
Later on, Prussia was spreading the power to another country which is France.
Even though France was a big country in that time. Prussia invaded their armies in
order to took control over France at Versailles. After that, France was surrender and
gave up their land to Prussia. Finally, Germany was born in 1871 and was known as

Germany. Another evidence that shows Germany had much power in Document10F,
it shows that Germany mobilized their armies and troops through Belgium but lucky
for Belgium because they are neutral or not to be with one side. Germany was
preparing for war with France. It led France to be angry and would take revenge after
this war.
Imperialism is another main cause that would lead to have World War1
unavoidable. According to document1, "Imperialism is when a country takes over the
land and makes them subject to their rule". In the past, more powerful countries had to
spread through others to be colony. Germany or Prussia would have expanding their
power to other countries. According to Document10D, In 1914 Germany had
expanding their power even some countries in Africa and Asia continent were being
part of colonized of Germany. Furthermore in Germany Comic Strip shows that
Germany had already signed an agreement with Austria to beat Denmark to be
colonized. But after that, Germany was thinking to betray Austria and overwhelmed
them. Austria was attacked by Germany accidentally. Later then, Germany assembled
their armies and all the people force with France. Finally, Germany took over France.
After Germany took France, the princes pledged their union into a Single Germany
Last cause that made the outbreak of World War1 is Crisis. Actually, the
crisis means a time of disagreement between 2 groups or more. And lead to have an
extremely difficult or dangerous situation. According to Vincent Ferraro(2010)
explained that the first crisis between France and Germany which country should
control Morocco in Africa. France was conquering Morocco in 1905 and but Morocco

was supported by Germany and Germany promised to protect if France attempted to

colonize the state. At first, war could avoid because German government joined an
international conference to clarify the status of Morocco. But in 1911, Crisis between
France and Germany continued to happen again when France was not satisfied that
they could control only partial state in Morocco since 1906. France forced to occupy
the capital city of Morocco. When Germany knew that, they were responded by
sending gunboat yet it made British afraid if the Germany steal their route or not. So,
British has found way to fight against Germany and backed up France. Eventually,
Germany gave in and France was gained most of the Morocco country. Another severe
crisis according to document1, Austria-Hungary took over Bosnia. That was angered
Serbia so, Serbia joined with Russia to threatened Austria. Germany was allied with
Austria and they were prepared to attack Russia but Russia gave up. After that,
Austria was forced to Serbia. Serbia had to belong to Austria-Hungary in the end.
As you can see, Germany was getting involved to be the cause of the World
War1. The greed of German is the main reason that made this war unavoidable.
Because Germany's ambition exceed than other countries and try to deceived the
country which being an alliance. Moreover, They wanted to have more powerful but
did not consider about what they had been so far.
Vincent Ferraro. (Feb 1,2010). The Morocco Crisis of 1911. Retrieved from

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