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The resistance change that will

benefit the company

Some companies have a problem with the agents of change, that when they
want to change some things in the company, there arises an opposition on the
part of the employees against the change in the company, that it would not be
in accordance with that change because it would be harmful for them. Many
critical change agents and blamed opponents of do not allow that the company
forward by guilt them. Without that they establish communication with
employees. Would it be good for the agents of change to have good
communication with employees in the company? Or would it better be good to
listen to the views of employees in respect of the change of the company? Yes,
it might be good to hear from employees because you improve many aspects
of the company and learn many things from them.
To start some businesses have left of you see the change in resistance as a
benefit for the company and see it as a problem for them, the agents of change
does not establish communication with the employees to solve the problem of
the company that exists.
There are some methods that are used and accepted by other companies to
have good communication with employees to improve much in the aspects of
the company and employees East in accordance with the change in the
As it was necessary to Sharon to make a change in the company that
employees were heard by her. Sharon had a proposal to make a training
company in the area of the phone's 110 employees, rose some disagreements
and rejection of some personnel of the company which is not in accordance
with this change that would do with the company. So Sharon did a series of
meetings for personnel who disagreed with that change and she made a series
of list of concerns and ideas of employees, thus fixed the issue that had
employees with change and of greatly improved aspect of the company
through dialogue which had with employees of the telephone company.
Change of resistance is not a problem for the agents of change, but it is a
benefit that can benefit the employees and the company at the same time. The
only way to solve the problem with employees is they listen to opinions of it to
improve some aspect of the company and they felt benefited by the change.

Instituto tecnolgico de Soledad Atlntico

Decifras Resistencias de cambio


Luis fernandos landazury villalba

Victor Moreno



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