DOM Unit03 Pt2

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DIMENSIONS OF THE FLYWHEEL RIM. rim of a flywheel is shown in Fig.3.21. t R 8 2 ip bo < a Mean radius of rim in meters, Mean diameter of rim in meters, Cross-sectional area of rim in m?, Density of rim material in kg/m’, Speed of the flywheel in r.p.m, Angular velocity of the flywheel in rad/s, Ro = xDN/60 = Linear velocity of the flywheel, and Tensile stress or hoop stress due to the centrifugal force in N/m. Dynamics of Machine Relation to be used are: () Relation between candy: , Hoop stress, 6 = p v? Ge (i) Relation for peripheral velocity (v, »-afe Gl Mass of the rim: m = Volume x Density m= nDAxp Gl (iy) Area of the rim (A): m xD-p Note] 1. Ifthe eros jon of the rim is rectangular, then ‘Area = Width of the rim (b) x Thickness of the rim (0), 2. It may be noted that the fluctuation of energy (AE) for multi-cylinder is generally low compared to a single-cylinder engine. Therefore a multi-cylinder engine needs a lighter fly than that a single-cylinder engine for the same coefficient of fluctuation of speed. Example 3.20 | A steam engine runs at 150 r.p.m, lis turning moment diagram gi the following area measurements in mm? taken in order above and below the mean tor line: 500, - 250, 270, ~ 390, 190, — 340, 270, — 250, The scale for the turning momer 1 mm = 500 N-mi, and for crank angle is 1 mm= 52% Uf the fluctuation of speed is not to exceed + 1.5% of the mean, determine a suit diameter and cross-section of the rim of the flywheel assumed with axial dimension with of the rim) equal to 1.5 times the radial dimension. The hoop stress is limited to 3 and the density of the material of the flywheel is 7500 kg/m?. Given Data: N = 150 r.p.m; Cg = + 1.5% = 3% = 0.03; b = 1.5 x radial dimensi 1.54; 6=3 MPa=3 x 10°N/m?; p = 7500 kg/m}. OSolution: @ = 2nN/60 = 2x(150)/60 () Diameter of the rim (D): 15.71 rad/s We know that hoop stress, c= pv? 3.x 10° = 7500x v2 or v= aDN We know that Wet rEG 2 = = D ee 6 ©. Diameter of the flywheel rim, D 2.546m Ans. -© ing Moment Diagrams and Flywheels 3.39 Cross-section of the flywheel rim (Le, b and 1): First at all, let us find the maximum fluctuation of energy. The turing moment scale: Turning moment, 1 mm = S00 N-m and Crank angle, se <1 mm? on the turning moment diagram = 500 +(s° sa) = 43.63 Nem ‘The turning moment diagram for the given problem is shown in Fig.3.22. Crank angle (0) ——+ All areas are in mm® Fig. 3.22. Let the energy at A = E. So from Fig.3.22, we find the energy of flywheel at various ints on mean torque line as below. Point Energy (mm?) AS SE B E +500 CB +500-250=E +250 D — -E+250+270=E+520 = (Maximum energy) E E+520-390=E+ 130 F E+ 130+ 190=E +320 G E+320-340=E-20 (Minimum energy) H. B-20+270=6+250 I E+ 250-250 Energy at A We know that maximum fluctuation of energy (AE), Maximum energy ~ Minimum energy = Energy at D= Energy atG = (E+520)—(B-20) = $40 mm? = 540 x 43.63 = 23560.2 N-m .- [1 mm? = 43.63 N-m] 3.40 Dynamics of Machinery We also know that, AE = mi? oC, = mR? o? Cg = my?Cg 23560.2 = m(20)2 0.03 a m = 1963.35 kg We know that mass of the flywheel rim (m), m = Volume x Density = (x D A)p 1963.35 = © x2.546x Ax 7200 or A= 0.0341 m We know that A = Width x Thickness = xt “0.0341 = (15a)¢ = 152 Thickness of the rim, ¢ = 0.1507 m or 150.7mm Ans. -© Width of the rim, 6 = 1.5 (0.1507) = 0.226 m or 226mm _ Ans. -© Example 3.21 | A single-cylinder double-acting steam engine delivers 185 kW at I rp.m, The maximum fluctuation of energy per revolution is 15 percent of the enel developed per revolution. The speed variation is limited to 1% either way from the me The mean diameter of the rim is 2.4 m. Find the mass and cross-sectional dimensions the flywheel rim when width of rim is twice the thickness. The density of flywheel mater is 7200 kg/m? Given Data: P = 185 kW = 185 x 103 W; N = 100 rap.m; Cs = 1% either way = + 1% 2% = 0.02; D 52.4 mor R= 2.4/2 = 1.2 m; b =2 xf; p = 7200 kg/m?, Solution: «@ = 2nN/60 = 27% (100)/60 = 10.472 rad/s ( Mass of the flywheel rim (m): We know that for a double-acting steam engine, Workd decd ae eaet0 orkdone per cycle = "*60 _ Px’ 2 2) Energy developed per revolution = “8272096 _ 131999 N-m Given that, maximum fluctuation of energy, AE = 15% of the energy developed per revolution 3 AE = 0.15(111000) = 16650 N-m We also know that, AB = 1@?C, = m#a?Cs = mR? 0? Cy [v k= 16650 = m (1.2) (10.472)? 0.02 5271.84 kg Ans. > m (ii) Cross-sectional dimensions of the flywheel (i.e., b and t): Mass of the flywheel, m = Volume.x Density = (7D A) p 5271.84 = 2x24xAx 7200 or A=0.0971 m? ing Moment Diagrams and Flywheels sai But Area = Width x Thickness = bx = (20)¢ = 2... fw=24] 0.0971 = 22 Thickness of the rim, ¢ = 0.22m or 220mm Ans. -© and width of the rim, = 21 = 0.44m or 440mm Ans. -© The tuning moment diagram for the engine is drawn to the following les: Turning moment, I mm = 1000 N-m and crank angle, 1 mm = 6° The areas above below the mean turning moment line taken in order are: 530, 330, 380, 470, 180, 360, and 280 mn? The mean speed of the engine is 150 r.p.m and the total fluctuation of speed must not seed 3.5% of mean speed. Determine the diameter and mass of the flywheel rim, juuming that the total energy of the flywheel to be 15/14 that of rim. The peripheral ity of the flywheel is 15 m/s, Find also the suitable cross-sectional area of the rim of flywheel. Take density of the material of the rim as 7200 kg/m}. 4 Given Data: N = 150 rpm; Cs=3.5% = 0.035; v =15 m/s; p ~ 7200 kg/m? ©Solution: @ = 2nN/60 = 2x (15060 = 15.71 rad/s Diameter of the flywheel rim (D): We know that peripheral velocity of the flywheel (v), _ DN aera es eet or D=1.91m Ans. -© Mass of the flywheel rim (m): First of all, let us find the maximum fluctuation of energy (AE). The turning moment diagram scale is: Turning moment, | mm Crank angle, | mm 1000 N-m and 60° <. | mm? on the turning moment diagram = 1000 x ( 6° al = 104.72 N-m The turning moment diagram for the given problem is shown in Fig.3.23. Fig, 3.23. 32 Dynamics of Machi Let the energy at A = E. So from Fig.3.23, we find the energy of flywheel at vari points on mean torque line as below. Pe Energy (mm?) A E B E+530 © E+530-330=E+200 D -- (Maximum energy) E E+ 580-470 F E+110+18 G E+290-360 -.. (Minimum energy) H E-70+350=E +280 I E+ 280-280 Energy at A We know that AE = Maximum energy —~ Minimum energy = Energy at D— Energy at G = (E + 580)~(E-70) = 650 mm? = 650 x 104.72 = 68068 N-m [2 1 mm? = 104.72 N-mi We also know that, = AE = m2 @2Cs = mR? @? Cy 68068 = m (1.91/22 (15.71)? 0.35 [v R=DAy Mass of the flywheel, m = 8640 kg It is given that total energy of the flywheel is equal to the 15/14 that of rim 15 ie, (AB )rywneer = fq (AB sim 15 Plea, or Mayypeet R2 02 Cy = Ty X Mim R? 0? Cy ; 4 14 Mass of the flywheel rim, mig = [3X nywheei = 73 * 8640 = 8064 kg Ans. © 3. Cros sectional area of the flywheel rim: We know that, ‘Mm = Volume x Density = (x DA) p 8064 = ax 1.91 x Ax 7200 ~. Cross-sectional area of the flywheel rim, A = 0.1866 m? Ans. -© Two isosceles triangles represent the turning moment diagram of an engine, the base of the two triangles being 0 10 x and x to 2, the maximum torque being 1000 N-m. The engine runs at 500 r.p.m. The fluctuation of speed is not to exceed 41.5%. Find the thickness of disc type flywheel required if diameter is 0.5 m and density of material is 7.5 gm/en’, LINTU, June 2003 (Set-3); May 2004 (Sei-3)] Given Data: Tax = 1000 N-m; N = 500 r.p.m; Cy =+ 1.5% = 3% = 0.03; D = 0.5 m; p = 7.5 gm/em? = 7500 kg/m? 1g Moment Diagrams and Flywheels 3.43 © Solution: @ = 22N/60 = 2x (500)/60 = 52.36 rad/s he turning moment diagram for the given problem is shown in Fig.3.12. fe know that workdone per cycle = Area of triangle OBD + Area of triangle DFH 1 G xop+BK)+(4 x DHxEL) 4 (Gee x 1000) +(5 xn x 1000 }= 1000-m N-m Iso, workdone per cycle = Tyygay % 27 101 ee “hee = 500N-m jow from similar triangles ABC and OBD, AC _ BI AC _ 1000-500 OD! ==Bee™. gs = Fone. c of AC= 1.572 j¢ maximum fluctuation of energy, AE = Area of triangle ABC 1 = 5 x AC x BI = 5 x 1.571 (1000-500) = 392.7 N-m e also know that, AE = 10?C, = mR @?Cy 392.7 m (0.25) (52.36)? 0.03 Mass of the flywheel, m = 76.39kg ‘e know that mass of the flywheel rim, m = Volume x Density = (x D A) p Bogie 1659 mDp 2x05x 7500 = 6.484 x 10-3 m? t and b be the thickness and width of the flywheel rim respectively. A = Width x Thickness = 6x1 6484x103 = 2¢xr= 272 [Assuming 5 =2 4) Thickness of the flywheel, ¢ = 0.0569 m or 56.9mm Ans. © A single-cylinder single-acting four-stroke cycle gas engine develops at 300 r-p.m. The flywheel mass is 100 kg. Hoop stress developed is § MPa. Density uerial of rim of flywheel is 8000 kg/n8. The speed variation on either side is 1% of speed. Determine ratio of workdone during expansion and compression strokes. one in suction and exhaust stroke is negligible. LINTU, Nov 2003 (Set-3); May 2004 (Set-4)] P = 22 kW = 22 x 103 W; N = 300 r.p.m; m = 100 kg: o = 5 MPa = 000 ke/m?; Cy = + 1% = 2% = 0.02. Cross-sectional area of flywheel rim, A en Dat 10° N/m?; p 3.44 Dynamics of Machin © Solution: @ = 2nN/60 = 2m (300/60 = 31.4 rad/s The turning moment diagram for a four-stroke engine is shown in Fig.3.15. It is assume to be triangular during compression and expansion strokes, neglecting the suction and exhai strokes. We know that for a four-stroke engine, number of working strokes per cycle n = N22 = 300/2 = 150r.p.m 60 (22 x 103) 60 Workdone per cycle = ra = Sawer = 8800 N-m Since the workdone during suction and exhaust strokes is negligible, therefore n workdone per cycle = Nexpansion ~ Weompression = We ~ We We know that, Hoop stress, 6 = p v? 5x 106 = 8000 v? or v=25 m/s Maximum fluctuation of energy, AE = m v2 Cs = 100 (25)? 0.02 = 1250.N-m We also know that, AE = 2ECs or 1250 = 2x Ex 0.02 or Energy stored in flywheel, E = 31250 N-m We know that energy is stored during expansion stroke. °. Wp =31250 N-m Networkdone per cycle = We-We 8800 = 31250—-We or We=22450 N-m ‘The ratio of workdone during expansion and compression strokes is given by We _ 31250 We ~ 22450 = 139 Ans. -© A punching press is required to punch 30 mm diameter holes in a Plate of 20 mm thickness at the rate of 20 holes per minute. It requires 6 N-m of energy/mnt of sheared area. If punching takes place in !/10" of a second and the speed of the flywheel varies from 160 to 140 rp.m, determine the mass of the flywheel having radius of gyration I m. Given Data: d= 30 mm = 0.03 m; 1 = 20 mm = 0.02 m; Ny = 160 r.p.m; Ny = 140 r.p.m; k=1m, © Solution: Angular velocity, @, = 2N,/60 = 2 x (160)/60 and © = 2nN,/60 = 2% (140)/60 20 ndt = 2x 30x20 = 1884.95 mm? if 16.75 rad/s 14.66 rad/s ‘Number of holes/minute We know that, Sheared area hurning Moment Diagrams and Flywheels Energy required to punch ahole, E; = Sheared area x 6 N-m/mm? = 1884.95 x 6 = 11309.7 Nem Total work required per minute = Work/hole x Number of holes/minute 11309.7 x 20 = 226194 N-m/min 226194/60 = 3769.9 N-m/s = 3.769 kW Energy supplies by prime mover during punching operation which takes 1/10 second, E, = 3.7699 x 1000 x (1/10) = 376.99 N-m So maximum fluctuation of energy (AE), ee 1 AE = E,-E, = 5 1(@j -03) = 7 mB} - 03) 1 11309.7~376.99. = 3 x mx (1)? [(16.75)? ~(14.66)] Mass of the flywheel, m = 333kg Ans. -© A certain machine tool does work intermittently. The machine is fitted ith a flywheel of mass 200 kg and radius of gyration of 0.4 m. It runs at a speed of 400 am between the operations. The machine is driven continuously by a motor and each wration takes 8 seconds. When the machine is doing its work, the speed drops from 400 250 r.p.m. Find 1. Minimum power of the motor, when there are 5 operations performed per minute, and 2. Energy expanded in performing each operation. Given Data: m= 200 kg; k= 0.4 m; N, = 400 r.p.m; N, = 250 r.p.m © Solution: Angular velocity, @, = 2nN,/60 = 2x (400/60 = 41.89 rad/s and ©, = 20N,/60 = 2x (250/60 = 26.18 rad/s Let W be the work required per operation. i} Ww Total work required per unit oa = 0.08333 W Thus power of motor = 0.08333 W Energy delivered by motor during one operation which takes 8 seconds = 0.08333 W x 8 = 0.666 WN-m Now energy delivered by flywheel during one operation = W-0.666 W = 0.333 W 1 We also know that E = 5 1(@} -0}) 0.333 W = 3 x 200 x (0.4)? [(41.89)? — (26.18)7] or W = 51.33 kKN-m 3.46 Dynamics of Machiner 1. Minimum power of the motor required (P): P = Energy required/operation x Number of operations per sec = 51.33 x (5/60) = 4.278 kW Ans. -© 2. Energy expanded in performing each operation (E): We know that energy expanded in performing each operation is equal to the energy, delivered by flywheel during each operation. = E = 51.33kN-m Ans. -© REVIEW AND SUMMARY Y The turning moment diagram (also known as crank-effort diagram) is the graphical _representation of the turning moment (1).for various positions of the crank (0). Y In this chapter, the turning moment diagrams for a single-cylinder double-acting steam engine, a single-cylinder four-stroke IC. engine, a multi-cylinder engine and other conmon type of engines/prime moves are presented. ae oe Y Flywheel’s function is to store the energy during the period when the supply of energy is more than the requirement, and to give away the same when the requirement of energy is more than the supply. = ¥ A flywheel does not mainain a constant speed, if simply reduces the fluctuation off speed. But the governor regulates the mean speed of an engine when there are nthe load. oe Maximum fluctuation of energy (AE) is given by AE = Maximum energy ~ Minimum energy 4 Y Coefficient of fluctuation of energy (C;) is given by = Maximum fluctuation of energy & ~~ Work done per cycle Y Relations to find workdone/eycle: 1. Workdone/eyele = Tye, XO Mean resisting torque, and where Ten 9 = Angle turned in one revolution. = 2z, incase of steam engine and two-stroke IC engines, = 42, in case of four-stroke IC engines. P x60 n Workdone/eyele = where P = Power transmitted in watts, and n = Number of working strokes per minute. = N, incase of steam engines and two-stroke IC engines =_N/, in case of four-stroke IC engines. ming Moment Diagrams and Flywheels Pxo0 _ P To find Ten? Treg = BE i where @ = Angular velocity in rad’s = 2=™ and N = Speed inr.p.m Y Maximum fluctuation of speed (AS) is given by ‘ AS = Maximum speed— Minimum speed Y Coefficient of fluctuation of speed (Cs) is given by a Maximum fluctuation of speed = ‘Mean speed Y Energy stored in a flywhe The various forms of maximum fluctuation of energy (AE) equation are: Hespations @) AE = 51 (0; - 05) (i) AE = Ta(w,-0,) (ii) AE = 1a? Cs (iv) AE = 2EC, () AE = mR? @ Cy = my? Cy where @, and @) = Maximum and minimum angular speeds, mR & Cs = Mean angular speed, = mk? = Mass moment of inertia of the flywheel, = Mass of the flywheel, = Radius of gyration of the flywheel, = Mean radius of the rim, = Peripheral velocity of the rim, and Cs. = Coefficient of fluctuation of speed. Dimensions of the flywheel rim: The relations used to find the various dimensions of the flywheel rim are. ~ReSSs es me Ke @ o = pvory zs bs m (ii) m = nDAxp or A=— where m = Mass of the flywheel, xDN v = Ro === % = Linear velocity of the flywheel, p= Density of rim material, o = Tensile stress or hoop stress due to the centrifugal force, and D_= Mean diameter of the rim. 3.48 Dynamics of Machinery Pare tae woe as 10. 11. . What is meant by turning moment diagram? Mention its uses. REVIEW QUESTIONS [INTU, May 2004 (Set-1); Apr/May 2007 (Set-4)] Explain the turning moment diagram of a single-cylinder double-acting steam engine. Discuss the turning moment diagram of a four-stroke cycle LC. engine. Explain the turning moment diagram of a multi-cylinder engine. Draw the turning moment diagrams of: (a) Single-acting steam engine, (b) 8 cylinder, 4-stroke petrol engine, and (c) Turbine or electric motor. What is the function of a flywheel? Differentiate between a flywheel and a governor. Apart from engines, mention three machines where flywheels are used. Define: (i) Coefficient of fluctuation of speed, and (ii) Coefficient of fluctuation o energy. [INTU, May 2004 (Set-2)] and mass of the flywheel can be calculated with the help of turning Explain how the moment diagram Prove that the maximum fluctuation of energy (AE) in a flywheel, AE = 2ECs where E =. Mean kinetic energy of the flywheel, and Cs = Coefficient of fluctuation of speed. [INTU, Nov 2002 (Set-1); Nov 2003 (Set-1); May 2004 (Set-3)J PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE A flywheel having a mass of 4 tonnes has a radius of gyration of 2 m. What amount of energy this flywheel will store in it in changing its speed from 420 to 462 r-p.m? [Ans: 328.28 kN-m] ‘The mass of flywheel of an engine is 6.5 tonnes and the radius of gyration is 1.8 metres. It is found from the turning moment diagram that the fluctuation of energy is 56 KN-m. If the mean speed of the engine is 120 r.p.m, find the maximum and minimum speeds. [Aas: 121 rep.m; 119 r.p.m] A flywheel of a steam engine weighs 2 tonnes and has a radius of gyration of 760 mm. ‘The starting torque of steam engine is 1274 N-m and is assumed constant. Determine the angular acceleration of flywheel along with speed and kinetic energy after 10 seconds. [Ans. 10.8 rad/s?; 687.47 KN-n ‘A horizontal cross compound steam engine develops 300 kW at 90 rpm. coefficient of fluctuation of energy as found from the turning moment diagram is to ling Moment Diagrams and Flywheels 3.49 9.1 and speed is to be kept within 0.5% of the mean speed. Find the mass of the flywheel sequired, if the radius of gyration is 2 metres. [Ans. 5630 kg] The turning moment diagram for a petrol engine is drawn to the following scales: Turning moment, 1 em =500 N-m; crank angle, 1 cm = 12°. The turning moment diagram repeats itself at every half revolution of the engine and the areas above and below the mean load torque line taken in order are 2.2, 5.2, 0.4, 2.4, 7.2 The rotating parts are equivalent to a mass of 40 kg, at a radius of gyration of 150 mm. Determine the coefficient of fluctuation of speed when the engine runs at 1800 rpm [Ans. 2.35%] In a turning moment diagram, the areas above and below the mean torque line in order are 395, 785, 140, 440, 1060 and 370 mm?, having scales of | mm =5 N-m and 1 mm = 10° along Y and X axes respectively. Find mass of flywheel at a radius of gyration 150 mm and maximum fluctuation of speed is limited to +1.5% of mean speed which is 1800 rpm. [Ans. 1.18 kg) In a machine, the intermittent operations demand the torque to be applied as follows: = During the first half revolution, the torque increases uniformly from 800 N-m to 3000 N-m. — During next one revolution, the torque remains constant. — During next one revolution, the torque decreases uniformly from 3000 N-m to 800 N-m. — During last 1% revolution, the torque remains constant. Thus a cycle is completed in 4 revolutions. The motor to which the machine is coupled exerts a constant torque at a mean speed of 250 r.p.m. A flywheel of mass 1800 kg and radius of gyration of 500 mm is fitted to the shaft. Determine: (i) the power of the motor, and (ii) the total fluctuation of speed of the machine shaft. [Ams. 46.142 kW: 3.58%] The crank shaft of a punching machine runs at a speed of 300 rpm. During punching of 10 mm diameter holes in mild steel sheets, the torque required by the machine increases uniformly from 1000 N-m to 4000 N-m while the shaft turns through 40°, remains constant for the next 100°, decreases uniformly to 1000 N-m for the next 40° and remains constant for the next 180°. This cycle is repeated during each revolution. The power is supplied by a constant torque motor and the fluctuation of speed is to be limited to +3% of the mean speed. Find the power of the motor and the moment of inertia of the flywheel fitted to the machine, [Ans, 68 kW; 67.22 kg-m2] During forward stroke of the piston of the double acting steam engine, the tuning moment has the maximum value of 2000 N-m when the crank makes an angle of 80° with the inner dead centre. During the backward stroke, the maximum turning moment is 350. Dynamics of Macl 1500 N-m when the crank makes 80° with the outer dead centre. The turning m diagram for the engine may be assumed for simplicity to be represented by two tri If the crank makes 100 r.p.m and the radius of gyration of the flywheel is 1.75 m. the coefficient of fluctuation of energy and the mass of the flywheel to keep the within +0.75% of the mean speed. Also determine the crank angle at which the spi its minimum and maximum valu [Ans. 18%; 197.2 kg; 35° and 1 10. A three cylinder single acting engine has its cranks set equally at 120° and it runs at rpm. The torque crank angle diagram for each cycle is a triangle for the power si with a maximum torque of 90 N-m at 60° from dead centre of corresponding crank. torque on the return stroke is sensibly zero. Determine: 1. Power developed, 2. Coefficient of fluctuation of speed, if the mass of the flywheel is 12 kg and I radius of gyration of 80 mm, 3. Coefficient of fluctuation of energy, and 4, Maximum angular acceleration of the flywheel. (Ans. 4.24 kW; 4%; 2.78%; 292 ra 11. The turning moment diagram for a four-stroke gas engine may be assumed for simpli to be represented by four triangles, the areas of which from the line of zero pressure as follows: Suction stroke = 0.45 x 10-3 m?; Compression stroke = 1.7 x 10 Expansion stroke = 6.8 x 10-3 m?; Exhaust stroke = 0.65 x 10-3 m2. Each m? of represents 3 MN-m of energy. Assuming the resisting torque to be uniform, find the mass of the rim of a flywi required to keep the speed between 202 and 198 r.p.m. The mean radius of the ri 12m. {Ans. 1381 12. A single-cylinder, single acting, four-stroke gas engine develops 20 kW at 300 rp. ‘The workdone by the gases during the expansion stroke is three times the workdone: the gases during the compression stroke, the workdone during the suction and exh strokes being negligible. If the total fluctuation of speed is not to exceed +2 percent the mean speed and the turning moment diagram during compression and expansiot assumed to be triangular in shape, find the moment of inertia of the flywheel. [Ans, 255.2 kg- 13. The torque exerted on the crank shaft of a two-stroke engine is given by T = (701 1000 sin 26 ~ 2000 cos 20)N-m. Assuming the resistance torque to be con: determine: (@_ Power developed when engine speed is 300 r.p.m, and (ii) The maximum fluctuation in speed in percentage The mass of flywheel is 500 kg with radius of gyration 750 mm. [4as. 219.9 kW; 0.8 (Hint: Refer Example 3.15) [A.U., Nov/Dec 20 Moment Diagrams and Flywheels 3.51 The turning moment requirement of a machine is represented by the equation T = (1000 + 500 sin 26 — 300 cos 26) N-m, where 0 is the angle turned by the crank shaft of the machine. If the supply torque is constant, determine: (a) The moment of inertia by the flywheel. The total fluctuation of speed is not to exceed one percent of the mean speed of 300 r.p.m. (6) Angular acceleration of the flywheel when the crank shaft has turned through the 45° from the beginning of the cycle, (c) The power required to drive the machine. LINTU, Nov 2002 (Set-2); Nov 2003 (Set-2)] Hint: Refer Example 3.16] [Ans. (a) 59.13 kg-m?; (b) 8.46 rad/s; (c) 31.44 kW] The turning moment curve for an engine is represented by the equation, T = (20000 + 9500 sin 26 — 5700 cos 20) N-m, where 0 is the rotation of the crank. If the resisting torque is constant, find: (i). Power developed; (ii) Moment of inertia of the flywheel; and (iii) Angular acceleration of the flywheel at 45° of crank rotation from IDC. The speed of the engine is 180 r.p.m and total fluctuation of speed is 1%. [A.U,, Apr/May 2004] {Hint: Refer Example 3.15] [Ans, (i) 377 kW; (ii) 3121 kg-m?; (iii) 3.044 rad/s?] The turning moment diagram of an engine rotating at 200 r.p.m is expressed as T (kN-m) = 15 + 8 sin 20 — 2 cos 26 where 0 is the crank angle. The external resistance is found to be constant. A flywheel weighing 20 KN is fitted on the engine shaft so that the total fluctuation of speed does not exceed 1%. Evaluate the least value of moment of inertia of the flywheel and the radius of gyration. [A.U., Nov/Dec 2007 (Set-1)] [Hint: Refer Example 3.15] ‘A machine is coupled to a two-stroke engine which produces a torque of (800 + 180 sin 30) N-m, where 9 is the crank angle. The mean engine speed is 400 r-p.m. The flywheel and the other rotating parts attached to the engine have a mass of 350 kg at a radius of gyration of 200 mm, Calculate: i) The power of the engine, and ii) The total fluctuation of speed of the flywheel when (a) the resisting torque is constant, and (6) the resisting torque is (800 + 80 sin 8) N-m. _[Ans. 33.5 kW; 0.404%; 0.703%] Two-stroke engine with a mean speed of 400 r.p.m coupled to a machine produces a “torque of (1800 + 180 sin 36) N-m. 6 being the crank angle. The flywheel attached to the engine has a mass of 350 kg at a radius of 220 mm. Calculate: (® Engine power, and (i) Total-fluctuation of flywheel speed when resisting torque is (1800 + 80 sin 0) N-m. [Ans. 77 kW; 0.70] 3.52 Dynamics of Mack 19. A certain machine requires a torque of (1500 + 200 sin 0) N-m to drive it, where 0 is angle of rotation of shaft. The machine is directly connected to an engine wh produces a torque of (1500 + 250 sin 20) N-m. The flywheel and the other rotating ps attached to the engine has a mass of 300 kg at a radius of gyration of 200. mm. M speed is 200 r.p.m, Find: (i) Kinetic energy of flywheel, (ii) Percentage coefficient of fluctuation of speed, and (iii) Crank angle at maximum turning moment: LINTU, May 2004 (Set-1); Apr/May 2007 (Set (Hint: Refer Example 3.19. (i) KE of flywheel, E =} 10% (ii) Use eA (T,-T,)=0) [Ans. (i 4.38 kN-m; (ii) 4.56%; (iif) 90° or 2 20. Turning moment area for the revolution of a multi-cylinder engine with reference to mean turning moment in are: — 0.32, + 4.08, — 2.67, +3.33, — 3.1, + 2.26, —3.74, + 2.74, The scales for the ordinate and abscissa are 1 om = 14°, 1 ci 2.58 = 6000 N-m. The mean speed is 200 with 1.5% fluctuation. If hoop stress in the rim materi not to exceed 56 bar, calculate the diameter and cross-section of rim of the flywhi Neglect the effect of bars and arms. Density of material = 67200 kg/m? [Ans. 0.872 m; 0.03 21. ‘The intercepted areas between the output torque curve and the mean resistance line turning moment diagram for a multi-cylinder engine, taken in order from one end an follows: -0.35, +4.10, -2.85, +3.25, -3.35, +2.60, 3.65, +2.85, 2.6 ‘The diagram has been drawn to a scale of 1 em = 700 N-m and I em = 45°. The en sped is 900 r-p.m and the fluctuation in speed is not to exceed 2% of the mean speed. Find a suitable diameter and cross-section of the flywheel rim if the safe centrif stress is limited to 7 MPa. The density of the material of the flywheel may be taken 7200 kg/m®. The rim is rectangular with the width 2 times the thickness. Neglect effect of arms, etc [Ans. 0.66 m; 65 mm; 130.9 m 22. An engine runs at a constant load at a speed of 480 r.p.m. The crank effort diagr drawn to a scale 1 cm = 2000 N-m torque and 1 cm = 36° crank angle. The areas of: diagram above and below the mean torque line are measured in units and an the following order: +1.1, 1.32, +1.53, -1.66, +1.97, 1.62. Design the flywheel if the total fluctuation of speed is not to exceed 10 r.p.m and. centrifugal stress in the rim is not to exceed 5 x 105 N/m2. You may assume that the rim breadth is approximately 2.5 times the rim thickness 90% of the moment of inertia is due to the rim, The density of the material of flywhi 7250 kg/m’. {Ans. 1.044 m; 155.33 ke; 51 mm; 128 1 jing Moment Diagrams and Flywheels [3.53] An engine develops 200 kW at a mean sped of 100 r.p.m. The coefficient of fluctuation of speed is +2% of mean speed and the coefficient of fluctuation of energy is 0.10. Knowing the mean diameter of flywheel rim as 2 metres, density of flywheel material as 7200 kg/m? and the hub and spokes provide 5% of the rotational inertia of the flywheel, find the mass and cross-sectional area of the flywheel rim. __[Ams. 2600 kg; 0.057 m2] An otto cycle engine develops 50 kW at 150 r.p.m with 75 explosions per minute. The change of speed from the commencement to the end of power stroke must not exceed 0.5% of mean on either side. Find the mean diameter of the flywheel and a suitable rim cross-section having width four times the depth so that the hoop stress does not exceed 4 MPa. Assume that the flywheel stores 16/15 times the energy stored by the rim and the workdone during power stroke is 1.40 times the workdone during the cycle. Density of rim material is 7200 kg/m}. [Ans. 3 m; 170 mm; 680 mm] A machine punching 3.8 cm diameter holes in a 3.2 em thick plate, does 600 N-m of work per square cm of sheared area. The punch has a stroke of 10.2 om and punches 6 holes per minute. The maximum speed of the flywheel at its radius of gyration is 27.5 m/s. Find the mass of flywheel so that its speed at the same radius does not fall below 24.5 m/s. Also determine the power of the motor driving this machine. {Ans. 248 kg; 2.292 kW] ‘A punching press is driven by a constant torque electric motor. The press is provided ith a flywheel that rotates at maximum speed of 225 r.p.m. The radius of gyration of ie flywheel is 0.5 m. The press punches 720 holes per hour, each punching operation kes 2 seconds and requires 15 kN-m of energy. Find the power of the motor and the inimum mass of the flywheel if speed of the same is not to fall below 200 r.p.m. [Aus. 3 kW; 618 kg] riveting machine is driven by a constant torque 3 kW motor. The moving parts icluding the flywheel are equivalent to 150 kg at 0.6 m radius. One riveting operation es 1 second and absorbs 10000 N-m of energy. The speed of the flywheel is 300 r.p.m fore rivetting. Find the speed immediately after rivetting, How many rivets can be sed per minute? [Ans, 257.6 r.p.m; 18 rivets] aga

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