Eee Instr c461

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BITS, PILANI - K.K. BIRLA GOA CAMPUS SECOND SEMESTER, 2010-11 EEE/INSTR C461 Power Electronics Date: 21/02/2011 Max. Marks: SO TEST-I (Regular) [CB] Duration: 1 hour Instructions: 1) Answer all questions. 2) Make suitable assumptions whereever necessary and justify them. 1. A power transistor has its switching waveforms as shown in the Figure 1. If the average power loss in the transistor is limited to 300 W, find the switching frequency at which this transistor can be operated. {10} Figure 1 2. A thyristor has a forward characteristic which may be approximated over its normal working range to the straight line shown in Figure 2. Estimate the mean power loss for a) acontinuous on state current of 23A. b) ahalf sine wave of mean value 18A. ¢) alevel current of 39.6A for one-half cycle. d) alevel current of 48.5 for one-third cycle. [10] 0 10 24 On- state voltage (V) — Figure 2 4, For the circuit shown in Figure 3, calculate fips Phas, on-state loss in switch (Po) and T; with T, = 40 °C and no heat sink. Consider a duty cycle of 40%. For the IRF530 switch, Tomax = 12 A, Ron = 0.11 Q at 25 °C, Ron = 0.25. at 150 °C, 10 V < Vas < 20V, Oja = 62 °C/W. The maximum allowable junction temperature of IRFS530 is 175 °C. The channel resistance at 175°C is 2.6 times its resistance at 25 mC [10] Figure3 4. The circuit in Figure 4 shows a non-isolated buck converter delivering a load of 10 W under steady state, The switching frequency is 50 kHz and the duty ratio of the active switch is 0.5. The devices in the circuit may be considered as ideal. a) Sketch the inductor current (1,), input current (Ip), capacitor current (Ic) (synchronize all the waveforms to I, to indicate relative positions of transitions) and indicate the values of each transition point in the three current waveforms. b Evaluate the average energy stored in the inductor. If the SPDT switch is realized by a MOSFET and a diode, sketch the current waveforms through MOSFET (Iswiten) and diode (Ipiode) and indicate the values of cach transition point in the two current waveforms. c d Compute the average values Iswitch and Ibioge Evaluate C such that the ripple voltage at the output is 1% of the average output voltage. f) Find the maximum value of load resistance for which the converter will be operating on the boundary between continuous conduction mode and discontinuous conduction mode. (20) © Figure 4 ‘444484899 GOOD LUCK #8" BITS, PILANI—K.K. BIRLA GOA CAMPUS SECOND SEMESTER, 2010-11 EEE/INSTR C461 Power Electronics: Date: 30/03/2011 Max. Marks: 50 TEST-I (Regular) [OB] Duration: 1 hour Instructions: 1) Answer all questions. 2) Make suitable assumptions whereever necessary and justify them. A 10 kHz forward converter shown in Figure 1 operates from a 192 V D.C. input and the transformer turns ratio, Ny:No:N3 is equal to 1:2:3. It is loaded with a 4 Q resistor. The transformer magnetizing inductance is 1.2 mH, when referred to primary. The secondary SMPS inductance, L is 800 j1H. Assume that all the elements are ideal and the capacitor is large enough so that the output voltage is ripple-free. a) Calculate the maximum duty ratio and the MOSFET OFF-time, assuming continuous inductor current, b) At maximum duty ratio, (i) calculate the average input and output currents, (ii) draw the transformer current waveforms in N; and N2 with respect to time, showing the maximum and minimum values, (iii) the minimum value of SMPS inductance corresponding to Ry = 4 Q such that the inductor current will be continuous. [15] Figure 1 A transistor, shown in Figure 2, experiences a linear fall in current from 40 A to zero in 1.5 ys during tun-OFF. The input voltage, Vp is 200 V. The voltage and current waveforms of the transistor are shown in Figure 3. (a) Determine the capacitor values in the snubber network if the voltage rise time, t,y is modified to (i) 0.5 is, Gi) 1.0 us and (iii) 1.5 js, (b) find the suitable value of snubber resistance to limit the initial discharge current to 20% of the load current, (c) detive the expressions for switching energy loss in transistor and energy stored in capacitor, in terms of Vp, Ip, ty and tq and (4) determine the energy stored in capacitor and energy dissipated in transistor, if the ty is modified to (0.5 us, (ii) 1.0 pss and (iii) 1.5 ps. [15] Rete ty | Figure 2 Figure 3 3. The holding current of thyristors shown in Figure 4 is 300 mA and the delay time is 1 us. The converter is supplied from a 230 V, 50 Hz, A.C. supply and has a load of L = 20 mH and R = 20 Q. The converter is operated with a delay angle of 20°. Determine the minimum value of gate pulse width. [5] Figure 4 4. The battery voltage, E of circuit shown in Figure 5 is 15 V and its capacity is 200 Wh. The average charging current of the battery should be 8 A. The primary input is connected to 150 V, 50 Hz, A.C. supply. Calculate (a) the conduction angle, 8 of the diode, (b) the value of current limiting resistor, R, (c) the power rating, Pp, (d) the charging time of battery, hy in hours, (¢) the rectifier efficiency and (A) the PIV of the diode. [15] Yauwoy CQ) Figure 5 #4800888" GOOD LUCK teneneene 2of2 BITS, PILANI — K.K. BIRLA GOA CAMPUS SECOND SEMESTER, 2010-11 EEE/INSTR C461 Power Electronics Date: 13/05/2011 Max. Marks: 80 Comprehensive Examination (Regular) [CB] 3 hours PART-A Instructions: 1) Answer all questions. 2) Write the correct option using PEN in the space provided against each question. 3) Rewritten/ Overwritten answer will NOT be evaluated. [2X15 = 30 Marks; 1 Hr. 1. Ina circuit, during switch-ON from cold conditions of 40° C, a thyristor experiences a surge giving a power loss of 2000 W for 10 msec. If the transient thermal impedance for this time is 0.03" C/W, its junction temperature is [] a) 50°C b) 100°C c) 150°C d) 200°C 2. A Darlington pair of power transistors has an effective current gain of 150. If the driver BJT has a current gain of 20, the current gain of main BIT is faa a)6.2 b) 9.4 ©) 3.8 d) 12.1 3. The laiching current for an SCR, connected between a DC voltage source of 200 V and the load, is 100 mA. If the load is having a pure inductor of L = 0.2 H, the minimum width of gate-pulse current required to tum-ON this SCR is Gl a) 150 psec 5) 50 usec ¢) 100 psec 4d) 200 psec 4. A step-up DC-to-DC converter is used to deliver a load voltage of 500 Y from a 230 V DC source. If the blocking period of the thyristor is 80 psec, the required pulse width is [ ] a) 52.8 usec b) 153.2 psec c) 200.4 psec d) 101.6 psec 5. In a Ciik-converter, the voltage across the output capacitor is 10 V and that across the transfer capacitance is 40 V. If the load resistance, R = 10 ©, the input current is [1 a) 0.33 A b) 0.67 A C1SA d3.0A 6. A 36 diode bridge rectifier is supplied from @ 400 V (line-to-line), 50 Hz, 39, AC supply and connected to series R-L load. If the load is having R = 25 Q and large L, the average output current is [4 a) 24.0 A b)21.6A ¢) 13.056A d)16.0A 7. An SCR has a (4) rating of 15 A/usec, If it is operated from a 150 V DC supply, the YH ax minimum value of load inductance that will protect the device is [1 a) 5 wH b) 20 pHi ¢) 15 pH ¢) 10 pH 4/2 A fully-controlled 36 thyristor converter bridge circuit is supplied from a 220 V, 50 Hz, Al supply, Each thyristor has a voltage drop of 1.5 V. For a continuous load current, if the firing delay angle is 30°, the mean load voltage is tm a) 206 V b)311V co) 254V a 178V . A 16, full-bridge inverter, connected to a 200 V DC supply, operates at 5 kHz. If'a blanking time of 1 psec is used to avoid shoot-through, error in the output voltage is [J a)2.0V b) 1.0V )4.0V a05V ar > ad — a” a |. A 39-to-16 cycloconverter employs six-pulse bridge converter. It is connected to a 415 V (per phase), 50 Hz, AC supply and has a voltage reduction factor of 0.9397. If the series R-L load has R = 3 Q and at low output frequency, aol = 2.5 Q, the fundamental rms output voltage is [1 a) 732 V b) 703 V ©) 594.V d) 645 V . In-an undamped series-resonant circuit, having L, and C, in series with the source, the value of ap is 200 kHz. If the Zo is 50 Q, the values of L; and C, are [] a)80 Hand 64nF ©) 60 Hand 8nF © ¢)40 wHand 16 nF d) 20 pH and 32 nF In a 14, full-bridge PWM inverter, the input voltage varies in the range of 385-415 V. The output voltage is required to be constant at 250 V (rms) and the maximum load current (assumed to be sinusoidal) is 12 A (rms). The combined switch utilization ratio (under these idealized conditions, not accounting for any over current capabilities) is tl a) 0.46 b) 0.11 ) 0.24 4) 0.37 . A 20 kHz forward converter is designed with a transformer whose turns-ratio, N):N2:N3 is equal to 1:2:3. If the supply voltage is 150 V, its maximum output voltage is {J a)50V b) 100 V ce) 150 V d)75V A fully-controlled 16 thyristor converter bridge circuit delivers 20 A to load when it is connected to a 230 V, 50 Hz, 16 AC supply through a source inductance of | mH. If the firing angle is 30°, the value of commutation angle is {] a) 1.3° b) 10.1° ¢)4.2° 434" A separately excited DC motor is supplied by a DC-to-DC bridge converter which is connected to a 220 V DC supply. Under steady state. this motor is drawing an armature current of 4 A and developing a torque of 100 N-m. If the armature current is increased to 6 A, the torque developed by the motor under steady state is [J] a) 150 N-m b) 250 N-m_ c) 100 N-m d) 300 N-m #e4eeHHH® GOOD LUCK tteeenes BITS, PILANI- K.K. BIRLA GOA CAMPUS SECOND SEMESTER, 2010-11 EEE/INSTR C461 Power Electronics Date: 13/05/2011 Max. Marks: 80 Comprehensive Examination (Regular) [CB] Duration: 3 hours PART-B Instructions: 1) Answer all questions. 2) Make suitable assumptions whereever necessary and justify them. [50 Marks; 2 Hrs.] 1, A boost converter is to be used to convert a 10 V input to 100 V output. Rated output power is 50 W, but in practice varies between 20 W and 100 W. The specification for the converter output voltage is 100+0.1% and input current variation should not be more than +5%. The switching frequency is 100 kHz. (a) Select L and C values to meet the specifications and (b) what will be the extra uncertainty in the output voltage, if the uncertainty in the ON-time of controlled switch is about +50 nsec. [10] 2. A 36 diode bridge rectifier shown in Fig-1 supplies a D.C. load of 300 V, 60 A froma 415 V, 36 A.C. supply through a delta/star transformer. Determine (a) voltage and (b) current ratings of diode. Also sketch the waveforms for vi, it, ii, i ig and voi (synchronize all the waveforms to v, to indicate relative positions). [is] 3. For the circuit shown in Fig-2, sketch vo, io, current through Tj, and current through T3 and input current in phase ‘a’ if the converter is supplied from a 400V, 50Hz supply delivering to a resistive load of 10 Q. The firing angle is given as 60°. Also find the Voip Taare and Frvcavg) : [10] 4. A single-phase, full-bridge, voltage-source inverter provides energy to a resistive load with an inductor as a filter from a 144 V lead acid battery set. The load has R = 2 Q while its inductance is 3 mH. The output frequeney is 50 Hz. What will be (a) the highest possible values of fundamental voltage and current that can be supplied by the inverter, (b) maximum values of fundamental output voltage and current if sine-triangle PWM is used in the linear range, (c) the control angle («), if voltage cancellation method is used to get a fundamental output voltage which is half the value of that in part ‘a’ and (d) the load output power in part ‘c* case if only fundamental and harmonics up to 5" order is considered. eal 5. A three-pulse cycloconverter, shown in Fig-3, feeds a single-phase load of 200 V, 50 A ata power factor of 0.8 lagging. Neglect device and supply impedance voltage drops. Estimate (a) the required supply voltage, (b) thyristor rating and (c) power factor of the supply current. [8]

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