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1 Present Simple (I start) 41 We form the Present Simple in this way: 2 With he/she/it we add -s to most verbs: PORTIVE ae ee eee . I But there are some exceptions: 3 a start at eight o'dock, > ‘Weadd esto verbevtich end with -sh, 2 They, finish» finishes catch» catches = i aa do-does go-+goes ~ ee » We change some verbs that end with -y in aa this way: NEGATIVE ss : 1 ‘erycries worry worries j You | donot ae study studies . tart at eight o'clock. We [dome penttcgmecte > But we add -s to verbs that end with -ay, They ray apr i Daysb oe —) ateighto'dock | | Pay+pays play+plays buy buys TM f doesnt | eee 3 Weuse the Present Simple for facts: | Suasnions | Secretaries work in offices. | = Ruth does all her work very well B Do Li start at 8? It doesn’t snow in this country. C com aa. 4. Weuse the Present Simple for repeated actions = ee (eg. habits, and events on a timetable): . Dock.) she, j sertar st usually play tennis at weekends. A at Lessons start at 9 o'clock every morning, B ice 2 a A Put the verbs in brackets () into the correct forms of the Present Simple. For Bz negative verbs, use the short forms (don’s, doesn’t). Sometimes you do not 38 need to change the verb in brackets. 0 Tom catches _(catch) the bus to school at about 9 o'clock. E 1 Ttoften (rain) at this time ofthe year. 14 21 (not/drive) to work. Igo bybus. = 3. She usually (have) lunch at about 1 o'clock. reg 4 He (not/earn) much money in his job. a 5 Thisproblem__________(nouyhappen) very often. ona 6 My father (fly) to the USA regularly. B 7 Trains to Oxford (leave) every hour in the morning. I 8 You (not/do) your work carefully enough. a 9 She. (read) a newspaper every day. ee 10 We (notlisten) to the radio very often, a 11 Heoften| (arrive) at work late a 12 They (go) toalot of concerts. a PAGE 6 ig as B_ Complete the questions in the Present Simple. 0 A: Doss Alanuse computer? B: Yes, Alan uses a computer. 1A in an office? B: No, Carol works in a factory. 2 A: Where your games? B: We play our games in the local park, 3k the bus to school? B: Yes, take the bus to school every morning. 40 A: When 2 B: The shops close at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. 5S & —___________ abroad on holiday every year? B: Yes, we go abroad every year. 6 A: : alot of coffee every day? B: Yes, [drink about ten cups of coffee every day. 7 7 A: Whatkind of car = He drives an old German car. 1B As When stseeteteeteataas ep B: The lessons finish at 4.30 every day. C_ Complete the dialogues using the Present Simple. For negative verbs, use short forms (doesn't, don’t). 0 A: Doyou watch TV every evening? : No,we dontwatch __ TV every evening. 1A: Does Anna take the bus to work? Yes,she___________thebus toworkat 7 o'clock every morning, 2. A: What time do you have dinner in the evening? We usually __ dinner at about 8 o'elockiin the evening. 3. A: Doyou often eatin restaurants? ‘Yes, we often ________inrestaurants. 4. A: Where does Alison teach? She —__ at the university. = here very often? : No, I don't come here very often. 6 A: When —____ in the morning? : The post arrives at 8 o'clock in the morning. 7 &: Doyouplay any sports? No,I —_____any sports. Idon'tlike sport. —____________ to the office at weekends? : No, she doesn’t go to work at weekends. : Where __ your car every evening? park my car in the street outside my apartment. PREP UR PR ERE OR ER BR ER PAGE 7 2 Present Continuous (I’m working) 1 We form the Present Continuous in this way: Positive 1 am/'m’ You | ane | They J working now. He] she bis x fe NEGATIVE | 1 amnot/"mnot You ' i | Saar He), She | isnot Te J snotiisn’t | working now. Questions Where am I you Where are + we they } working now? | he Is 4 she | Lit | Practice 2 To make the -ing form, we add -ing [walk walking go going ‘There are some exceptions: > verbs ending with -e: -es-ing: comes coming Dut: see seeing > verbs ending with -ie: [Hesying: TesTying » verbs ending with one vowel (a,6,,0,u) and one consonant (b,¢,d,6.g,k,Lm,n,p “to-tting: sit sitting run 5 running (For more details, see Table C, on page 95.) B Lookat this picture of Mike: ‘We use the Present Continuous for things that are happening now: Where's Mike? ~ He's sitting outside. We also use the Present Continuous for things that are happening for a period of time around now, but notat the moment we speak: Mike is building his own house. A. Complete the sentences about the pictures. Use the correct Present Continuous form of the verb in brackets, and he/shelthey. 0 ye 0 Hee drinking (drink) a cup of coffee (carry) their suitcases. (take) a photograph. (sit) ona bench. (run) ina race. (write) a letter, go B_ Complete the dialogues using the Present Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets (), and I/youlhelsheetc. 0 A: What are you watching_ (watch) on the TV? B: Pm watching a programme about wildlife in Africa. 1 A: What____ (do) at the moment? B: He's readinga book. 2& (listen) to me? B: Yes, of course I'm listening to you. 3. A: Where go? B: I'm going to the shops. Ae Wheat at (coh B: He's cooking an Italian dish. 5A: Where —____ _ (stay)? Bi She's staying with some friends. feb YAL feecseseeee cae ___— (wait) for the number 36 bus? B: No, 'm waiting for a different bus. Fhe eae ______ (tain) at the moment? B: No, it’s quite sunny now. 8 A: What ____ (read)? B: ['m reading a very interesting novel. C. Complete the dialogues using the Present Continuous forms of the words in. brackets. © A: What’ Jenny doing? B; She'stalking __________(She/talk) to her mother on the phone. 1 A: Whatare John and Michael doing? __(theyiplay) a game of cards. i (the weather/get) better? : No, it’s very cold outside. 3 aS Grouleare)? : Yes, Ihave to go home now. 4 A Where's Harry? B: (He/make) a cup of coffee in the kitchen. 5. A: Where's your car? : Isathome, __([t/not/work) at the moment. 6 A; ______(youy/watch) this programme? No, we can watch a different programme if you want, 7. A: IsMichael at home? B: No, 8 A se _ (Paul/do) a course? Br Yes, he's studying Business Management. (hefpost) some letters at the post office. PAGE 9

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