Service Learning Lesson 2-15-15 Moroney

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Student Nicole Piccini

Professor Moroney

Course EDU 364-05

Date January 27, 2015

Grade 2

Topic iPad

Content Area ELA

Time: 3:00 4:30

Person/Student/Teachers Name: Gabriella
Institution/School/District (if applicable): N/A

Gabriella, the student, is in the second grade with a high ability level to learn new
technology. She enjoys playing video games and has all of the latest video game systems which
have helped her gain some knowledge in technology. In the spring, Gabriellas class will be
introduced to iPads to prepare them for the third grade curriculum which incorporates a lot of
iPad usage. To prepare Gabriella for the months ahead, my sister has asked me to teach her how
to properly use an iPad. I will also be showing Gabriella how to download and use certain Apps
to expand her knowledge and use of vocabulary and spelling. We will be sitting at the dining
room table, a room that is well-lit and is comfortable for her. We will be alone [just Gabriella and
I], so there will be no distractions from other people in the house. The materials used will be an
iPad, a pen and paper [in case she wants to write something down], her current homework
assignments, and my Smart Phone. The lesson between us will take place by me showing her
how to operate the iPad, how to turn it on and off, how to set a password, take notes, and
download and use Apps. I will allow Gabriella to take a two minute break every twenty minutes,
if she wants to.
At the end of the lesson, Gabriella was able to properly use an iPad, access the Apps I
showed her quickly and effectively [including others as well]. One of the Apps we worked with
was Kevin Bradford LLCs Second Grade Learning Games which has a lot of games to make
learning fun for second graders specifically in math and language. Gabriella loves math so this
App is perfect for her because it makes her studying fun while also teaching her the language
skills she needs extra help in. She was also excited to learn how to use the YouTube App so she
could listen to her favorite songs and watch their music videos by just typing in the name. She
also thoroughly enjoyed having a larger version of an iPhone that she could carry around in her
book bag so she could take pictures of everything she wanted.

Student Nicole Piccini

Professor Moroney

Course EDU 364-05

Grade Junior in College

Date January 28, 2015

Topic APA

Content Area ELA

Time: 11:00-12:00 Person/Student/Teachers Name: Ashley

Institution/School/District (if applicable): N/A
My niece, Ashley, is attending the College of Staten Island and is in her junior year. She
experiences difficulties writing papers with the proper convocations and citations but excels in
science and math. I offered to help teach her the proper way to write an APA research paper by
going through exactly how to write in-text citations, set up a reference page, format the paper,
and additionally, where to find good research. The materials used were a laptop computer with
internet accessibility and a packet I received from Molloy as a reference on how to do APA style
work, which I photocopied and gave to her. We sat in her bedroom at her desk, away from
everyone in the house so there would be no distractions. It was difficult to get Ashley motivated
because she has difficulties writing but I explained to her the importance of a good paper and its
organization. I also was able to get her motivated once she understood what I was talking about,
and also that it was me teaching her and not her actual professor. The lesson went smoothly and
at the end, I feel Ashley was able to properly set up and write her paper. A week after this lesson,
she sent me her finished paper to be revised. She only made one mistake in the APA style of the
paper proving she learned what I taught her and was able to incorporate it in her paper.
Student Nicole Piccini

Professor Moroney

Course EDU 364-05

Date February 5, 2015

Grade 7th and 8th grade

Topic Classwork

Content Area ELA

Time: 1:00 2:30

Person/Student/Teachers Name: All students, Ms. Rattotti
Institution/School/District (if applicable): De La Salle School, Freeport NY
Today I assisted Ms. Rattottis 7th and 8th grade class with their English class work online.
Ms. Rattotti had a worksheet on the SmartBoard which each student had on their mini laptop, to
assist them with learning and perfect their typing skills and familiarize themselves around a
laptop computer and Google Drive. We worked on a worksheet with a small example of a
weather poem [written in the point of view of the weather] in which the students had to
incorporate things they have learned throughout the year such as, personification, onomatopoeia,
and alliteration. The students thoroughly enjoyed this free writing and were especially excited to
use the computer. The motivation for this lesson was the creative writing as well as a YouTube
clip on what the weather may sound like written down. The sounds it makes such as the

whoooshhhh of the wind or the pit patter of the rain on a roof. The students enjoyed this and
were able to successfully incorporate the usage of personification, and the above stated.

Student Nicole Piccini

Professor Moroney

Course EDU 364-05

Date February 9, 2015

Grade N/A

Topic Keyboard

Content Area Technology

Time: 12:00 1:00

Person/Student/Teachers Name: Guillermo
Institution/School/District (if applicable): N/A
I assisted my father, Guillermo Piccini, on how to properly use a keyboard on a desktop.
Although this may sound juvenile, you would be surprised how many older [or perhaps this is
only people who never took a keyboarding class?] use only their two fingers to type. My father
jokes with me that he uses his thumbs to use the space bar. The materials used were a desktop
computer and Microsoft Word. Additionally, I handwrote a passage for my father to type and
printed a worksheet out online to help his typing. Although it took me an hour to teach him, and
consistency to make sure that he continues to use all ten fingers to type, this lesson was very
successful. He told me afterward how much faster his typing has become and how happy he is to
now be able to look at the screen and be able to see exactly what he is writing without looking
down at the keyboard. I explained to him that this will take time and practice because he is so
used to another way but it will eventually be easy and second nature to him. My father is from
Peru, so English is his second language, and he finds himself having difficulties writing rather
than speaking. I was able to get him thinking out loud and coming up with some ideas to make
this easier for him while typing. I suggested he talk in his head and type exactly what he is
thinking instead of thinking in Spanish, translating it to English, and then writing it down.
Although he did not necessarily like this idea, he has since told me speaking the words out loud
definitely helps him not translate everything in his head from Spanish to English.
Student Nicole Piccini

Professor Moroney

Course EDU 364-05

Date February 19, 2015

Grade N/A

Topic Keyboard

Content Area Technology

Time: 6:00 7:00

Person/Student/Teachers Name: Eduardo
Institution/School/District (if applicable): N/A

My brother, Eduardo, was just hired at JP Morgan Chase. He approached me last week
saying he was worried about his new job because he is not as technology savvy as he thinks they
need him to be. I set up a time with Eduardo to help him work with Microsoft Excel and be able
to manage spreadsheets, the usage of shortcuts, and different aspects of the program. Eduardo
has a fairly short attention span so I had the idea to sit and eat first, and have water at the kitchen
table so he wouldnt become distracted because he wanted to eat or drink something. The
materials used were a laptop computer and Microsoft Excel. I had Eduardo start at the very
bottom, with being able to recognize what the Excel logo was, opening and closing, and properly
saving the item where he wanted it to go. I then showed him all of the tabs on top, how to bold,
italicize, underline, and how to select all boxes to expand them or make them smaller. Eduardo
and I were alone and I asked him to shut his cell phone off before we began so again, there
would be no distractions. I told him that practice makes perfect and if he got on the computer
and started imputing things into Excel on a daily basis, and familiarize himself with the program,
he would be able to know it like the back of his hand. I taught him all of the basics and exactly
what he needed to know to properly use the program. The lesson was successful and Eduardo has
since told me he has been able to do everything that has been asked from his at the office.

Student Nicole Piccini

Professor Moroney

Course EDU 364-05

Date February 21, 2015

Grade 5

Topic Journal

Content Area ELA

Time: 3:30 4:30

Person/Student/Teachers Name: Kimberly
Institution/School/District (if applicable): N/A

My cousin, Kimberly, was having trouble accessing and using her schools website.
Although I am unaware as to why she didnt just ask her teacher, I agreed with her mother to
help her input all of her written journal entries online so her teacher could grade them during
Winter Break. Kimberly is not the best speller, with barely legible handwriting, so this task was
tedious for her and I because we could not really read what she had written or the words were so
poorly spelt, it was difficult to determine what she was trying to say. I sat with Kimberly at my
aunts dining room table while everyone else was downstairs watching a movie. I could tell
Kimberly was getting annoyed and discouraged but I told her when her teacher read all of these
great entries, she would see how good of a writer she was and give her a good grade. Her mother
previously told me the teacher gives all the students 100% as long as all of their journal entries
are imputed onto the website, so in order to motivate her, I said the former statement. We were

able to successfully complete this task, I did not type anything for Kimberly except the accessing
the schools website so she could type up her entries. The materials used were a laptop and the
schools website along with Kimberlys journal.

Student Nicole Piccini

Professor Moroney

Course EDU 364-05

Date February 25, 2015

Grade N/A

Topic Testimonials

Content Area Technology

Time: 10:00 11:30 Person/Student/Teachers Name: Metro Business Licenses

Institution/School/District (if applicable): N/A

Today I assisted my father in setting up testimonials on his companys website, Metro

Business Licenses. My father is an accountant and works primarily with small businesses and
testimonials are crucial to his business. Although the website is not as modern as it could be, it is
visually pleasing and is very easily usable. The testimonials portion of the site has not been set
up yet so my father and I decided to do this. Previously I wrote a letter to each client asking them
to write a recommendation if they were pleased with the work we have done for their business.
Out of the 100 letters sent, 100 were returned. I attached a structured worksheet of sorts to the
formal letter, with a stamped envelope to be mailed back to our office. Testimonials were written
in both English and Spanish but we were able to type each entry up and upload it to the website
so other potential clients could see how others liked our services and how we operated as a small
business ourselves.

Student Nicole Piccini

Professor Moroney

Course EDU 364-05

Grade 7 + 8

Date March 12, 2015 + March 19, 2015

Topic Editing Papers

Time: 12:30 1:30 + 1:30 3:00

Person/Student/Teachers Name: All students, Ms. Rattotti

Content Area ELA

Institution/School/District (if applicable): De La Salle School, Freeport NY

At the De La Salle School in Freeport, today I helped the 7th grade [and 8th grade] edit
their papers for the Science Fair. This lesson was a conjoined effort by the English teacher and
Science teacher. The research for their papers was conducted in Science, after school, and for
homework. The actual writing in an outline worksheet was completed in class the previous week.
The materials used for this lesson were mini laptop computers, their outlines, and any research
they had gathered. The students were writing a range of topics such as volcanoes, hurricanes,
acid rain, and tornados, etc. Ms. Rattotti and I walked around assisting the students as they wrote
their papers. I found a lot of students were not able to properly type and were making mistakes
such as not imputing a space after a period, not capitalizing certain words, and not properly
spacing. Ms. Rattotti let me briefly explain to the entire two classes that this is important when
typing because you need to be able to distinguish where the sentence ends, and where the next
one begins. I was able to determine this lesson was successful because as I walked around I saw
the students recognizing their mistakes and adding the spaces between sentences.

Student Nicole Piccini

Professor Moroney

Course EDU 364-05

Date April 4, 2015

Grade 12

Topic MLA

Content Area ELA

Time: 5:00 6:00

Person/Student/Teachers Name: Shayla
Institution/School/District (if applicable): N/A
My niece, Shayla, is attending Fontbonne and is in her senior year. Catholic Schools do
not adhere to the Common Core and are a few years behind a public school senior. Shaylas
English class is writing their final paper on Hamlet. She is very new to MLA and it is a large
portion of the paper grade. Like her sister, Shayla is interested in science and has a passion for
forensics. She does not like to read or write so writing papers is difficult for her. I offered to help
teach her the proper was to write an MLA paper, typical for an English class. I went through
exactly how to write in-text citations, how to set up a works cited page, the heading, and how to
look for good quotes in the book. The materials used were a laptop computer with internet
accessibility and Hamlet. We sat in her bedroom at her desk, away from everyone in the house so
there would be no distractions. I found it was difficult to motivate Shayla because she did not
like writing and had a difficult time understanding the Shakespearean language, but I was able to
get her motivated by explaining to her the importance of this final paper, and how she would
have the entire summer to hang out at the beach after this paper was done before starting at a
new school in September. The lesson went smoothly and at the end, I feel Shayla was able to
properly set up and feel comfortable enough to write her paper. She sat down to write this paper
after this lesson and I edited it for her. She did not make any mistakes in MLA and was properly
able to cite the text, and have in-text citations.

Student Nicole Piccini

Professor Moroney

Course EDU 364-05

Date April 16, 2015

Grade 7th & 8th grade

Topic SmartBoard Lesson

Content Area ELA

Time: 12:30 2:30 Person/Student/Teachers Name: All students, Ms. Rattotti

Institution/School/District (if applicable): De La Salle School, Freeport NY

Today I assisted Ms. Rattotti in a SmartBoard lesson on the past, present, and future.
Everyone in the class got a worksheet, and were able to follow along with the SmartBoard and
Powerpoint. I read the worksheet outloud and did the first one with the class. Then the students
had to do the rest of the worksheet and then go over it again. We constantly reviewed with the
class and they were able to apply what they learned. They were asked to write 3 sentences
comparing technology in the past, present, and future. Ms. Rattotti gave her example, and then
asks for volunteers to answer. I put their answers on the SmartBoard. From the slides the students
were able to take notes on symbols and motifs in Tangerine and Harry Potter. The materials used
were the worksheet, journal, SmartBoard lesson, and a Powerpoint. The students were then put
into groups and filled out a character sheet. They were asked to explain their character to the
group, citing one example for each from the book. I walked around and saw the lesson was
successful as all students were able to expand on the first example. The lesson was almost
identical in both classes, except for the book.

Student Nicole Piccini

Professor Moroney

Course EDU 364-05

Date April 22, 2015

Grade Junior in College

Topic APA

Content Area ELA

Time: 2:30 3:30

Person/Student/Teachers Name: Erica Kampel
Institution/School/District (if applicable): Molloy College

My classmate, Erica Kampel, has been struggling with APA format this entire semester.
As an Math Education major she has only had to take very minimal English courses and in them,
has not had to write APA style. I sat with Erica in the technology room and went over the
importance of APA in all of our papers, how to properly set up her paper, references, and in-text
citations. I also told her how APA is essentially a giant paraphrased paper with little to no
incorporation of your own voice. Specifically in a journal critique you want to have an
introduction, a summary of the journal article, and then your own analysis and critique. That is
where you input your own voice and give your analysis of what it is. The materials used were a
computer and an APA packet I had from Molloy, which she also received. This lesson was
successful because Erica was able to correctly write an APA style journal critique, which I edited
for her, but for the most part everything was perfect.

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