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Without doubt, the most applied relation in current electricity is that known as Ohm's
Law. This principle states that the potential difference or voltage drop V across a
circuit component like a conductor is proportional to the electric current I which
passes through it, the proportionality constant being defined as the resistance R of
the conductor:
V = RI
The unit of resistance is appropriately called the ohm. Thus R is in ohms when V is
in volts and I is in amperes. In an electrical circuit with two or more resistances,
Ohm's law may be applied to the entire circuit, to a portion of the circuit, or even to
each individual resistance of the circuit.
In this lab we will investigate the current/voltage characteristics of several circuit
components. We will also learn various techniques
Voltage Dependence.
Without turning on the voltage source, we set the potentiometer value to 2.5K. We
connect the circuit as shown in figure 1 on the breadboard. Once connected the
circuit, we turned the voltage source on and we vary its value from zero to 15 V, as
required in table 1,
With the table above and the obtained values of current (measured), we traced the
next graph

Resistance Dependence.
With the voltage source turned off, we set the potentiometer value to 0. We connect
the circuit as shown in figure 2 on the breadboard. Once connected the circuit we
turned the voltage source on and set it to 15 V; later we vary the potentiometer value
according to the next table.
Resistor power rating is an important parameter to consider when choosing a resistor
for a particular application. The job of a resistor is to resist current flow through a
circuit and it does this by dissipating the unwanted power as heat. Selecting a small
wattage value resistor when high power dissipation is expected will cause the
resistor to overheat, destroying both the resistor and the circuit.

From the table above and the obtained values of current (measured), we traced the
next graph

Calculating the power in resistors.

Before connecting the power supply, we did to set it to 1 volt, then shut it down and
without using the breadboard, we connect the circuit shown in figure 3, for this circuit
use the 1K resistor to a quarter of watt, once connected turn the voltage source
Low ohmic, low power value resistors are generally
used for current sensing applications were, using ohms law the current flowing
through the resistance gives rise to a voltage drop across it.
This voltage can be measured to determine the value of the current flowing in the
circuit. This type of resistor is used in test measuring equipment and controlled
power supplies.

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