3project Final Essay

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Sihui Liu

Professor Tiffany Ingle

12April 2015
In the 21st century, a great number of people have admitted to being gay, lesbian,
and bisexual people. It was shameful for them to express the truth in the past. There has
been a great change during the past decade in America in which those people are being
accepted and protected by legal state laws, gay marriage license, and the right of raising
children. An increasing number of people have converted their attitudes from opposed to
affirmative. However, there are still a part of homosexual people struggling from family
and society matters to blend into society. I think for those who have been suffering
discrimination and prejudice should be supported and treated equality in American
One of the most vital reasons for supporting homosexual people is that more
orphans can have a happy and warm family. An article, Why Gay Parents May Be the
Best Parents states that Lesbian and gay people are more motivated, responsible, and

committed than heterosexual parents. Gays and lesbians rarely become parents by
accident, compared with an almost 50 percent accidental pregnancy rate among
heterosexuals, said Goldberg- a psychologist at Clark University in Massachusetts. This
shows some people have children by accident, so they may have less sense of
responsibility compared to those LGBT who have been considering of adopting children
carefully. Moreover, gays and lesbians contribute a lot in the system of foster children.
According to the report from Williams Institute and the Urban Institute in 2007, 65,000

children were living with adoptive gay parents from 2000 and 2002, with another 14,100
in foster homes headed by gay and lesbians, which means more children are having a
family and the adoption rate in America is being affected. Furthermore, homosexual
people also saved a lot of children from discrimination. For example, most people would
adopt the children of same race like them, so there are number of children like African
American, Asian, and some other minority are hard to be adopted. However, after the
adoption law became legal, more colored and minority children are being adopted by gay
and lesbian people, which gives those children more confident and encouragement.
According to a study published in Pediatrics on June 7, 2010 found that children of
lesbian mothers were rated higher than children of heterosexual parents in social and
academic competence and had fewer social problems. This illustrates those who were
raised by homosexuals have a better school performance than their peers, so homosexuals
should not be rejected, intimidated, and avoided instead we should provide them more
programs to help them foster their children to have a happy family.
Another reason for supporting homosexuals is that everyone is similar and should
have equally rights in the society. America has a very short history of homosexuality, and
the largest and well known communities are living in New York, Los Angeles, and San
Francisco. Because of economic dislocation and farm crisis, people moved to those big
cities for work and most of them were living at military and industrial barracks with
same-sex because they were not allow living inside of the family structure. As a result,
living in those places with same gender caused gays and lesbians appearing. At that time,
they were treated as abnormal and different from others. Also people believed that
those people violated the law of nature, offended God, and cannot produce children

together, so they discriminated them as a different species of society. However, over time
there is a significant change in peoples attitudes and actions. For example, In Gay

Marriage Controversy states that Ever since Massachusetts became the rst
state to legalize same-sex marriage in 2004, the marriage equality movement has made
great strides with successful legalization efforts in New York, Vermont, Connecticut,
Iowa, New Hampshire, and Washington, D.C. Nowadays, there are 37 states that allow
same-sex marriage, which shows more people hold positive attitudes and care about
homosexual peoples lives. Also, there are lots of gay movements that happened in our
city, one of which is Pasadena Gay Parade which was held in 2013. Two gay people have
been in love for six years, but finally married after it officially legalized in California.
Moreover, a recent national survey shows that in 2012, fty-four percent of Americans
consider lesbian and gay relationships acceptable, and fty percent support the
legalization of same-sex marriage (2012). The reason why American peoples attitudes
aromatically changed toward the LGBT community is because more gay and lesbian
protection laws were built, so those laws make people are more aware of to gay people
have the equal right as them. Therefore, I think in the past those people cannot be
accepted as normal people, lack of laws is a part of problems. For example, California
and Florida are the two states that have protections laws and same-sex marriage license,
and now those cities are well known for gay community states. For example, in Florida
people are more optimistic to vote for same-sex marriage especially for Catholic. An
examination in Determinants of Electoral Support for Anti-Gay Marriage Constitutional
Amendments: An Examination of Ballot Issues in California and Florida. These ndings
suggest that Florida counties with higher proportions of Catholic voters actually tended to

express higher levels of support for gay rights. This expresses a very important concept
that in the past those who have religious beliefs are the group who against gay people, but
nowadays they began to support gay and lesbian people which reflect the changes of
different kinds of peoples attitudes as well. Moreover, president Obama officially
announced that same-sex couples should have the right to wed. He said, He believes
same-sex couples should be granted the right to marry, becoming the first U.S. president
in history to fully embrace that level of civil rights for gays. This is the biggest support
in American society, which gives an immediate jolt to the state which are moving to ban
same-sex unions. Having seen the examples above, it is clear that American society and
people began to pay attention to the gays and lesbians civilization, and those LGBT
people now find more easily, reveal their identity, and talk to the same group of people in
Although LGBT people are legally allowed to marriage and have their own
children, some people still cannot admit their identity because they are afraid of infect of
aids from gay couples. The research Effects of AIDS-Related Bereavement and HIVRelated Illness on Psychological Distress Among Gay Men indicates that It has also
been shown that being an integrated member of New Yorks gay community puts one at
high risk of being bereaved because of AIDS and that bereavement leads to AIDS
activism. It is commonly known that gays are the ones who are likely to have Aids
because of their chaotic sexual behaviors. A kind of infectious virus called HIV-Human
Immunodeficiency Virus which is a main virus that causes gay man to die. Through their
unnatural sexual behaviors, this virus would spread out via broken vessel, so some people
would be infected by AIDS from those kinds of gays. Therefore, they are against gays

and lesbians for better preventing their health and ensuring the whole society is in a wellbeing environment. The other reason why LGBT are denied because people think that
only a father and a mother could provide the best parenting for children. If same-sex
civil marriage becomes common, most same-sex couples with children would be lesbian
couples. This would mean that we would have yet more children being raised apart from
fathers. Among other things, we know that fathers excel in reducing antisocial behavior
and delinquency in boys and sexual activity in girls. Said Ellis Bruce. This reflects that
if sexual orientation is supported and being a common phenomenon, most children would
be adopted and living with gay people which may cause them to be the second generation
of gay people. Thus, people concerned that if this happens, then American society would
not be organized in order, and children may have the same unnatural behaviors as their
parents, which is the biggest obstacle to support gay people.
However, after analysis the advantages of disadvantages for supporting LGBT, I
think they should have the same rights like us because some of them were born with the
DNA of being homosexual people, which is not their fault. Moreover, as the research
shows above that gay people cultivate better children than their peers, I think we should
have a thankful heart for LGBT because they have been saving many children from the
foster system, and those children benefit a lot, both physically and psychologically, from
their gay parents. Apparently, those people provide a happy and warm place for children
in American society, which not only helps the foster system but also the development of
American society. Lastly, we should not limit gays and lesbians behaviors and rights
because everyone is similar and should have equal rights, we should not judge them
while ignoring their good aspect of their identity.

Works Cited
BRADY, MCCOMBS. "As Gay Marriage Bans Fall, Corporate America's Sponsorship
For Gay Pride Parades Increases." Canadian Press, The (n.d.): Newspaper Source
Plus. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.
Martin, John L., and Laura Dean. "Effects Of AIDS-Related Bereavement And HIVRelated Illness On Psychological Distress Among Gay Men: A 7-Year
Longitudinal Study, 19851991." Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology
61.1 (1993): 94-103. PsycARTICLES. Web. 22 Apr. 2015.
Pappas, Stephanie. Why Gay Parents May Be the Best Parents. Livescience.com. 15
Jan.2012. Web. 22 Apr.2015
Lee, Badgett. Should Gay Marriage Be Legal22. ProCon.org. Mar. 2011.Web.22
Hackl, Andrea, C. Boyer, and M. Galupo. "From 'Gay Marriage Controversy' (2004) To
'Endorsement Of Same-Sex Marriage' (2012): Framing Bisexuality In The
Marriage Equality Discourse." Sexuality & Culture 17.3 (2013): 512-524.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2015.
Becker, Amy B. "What's Marriage (And Family) Got To Do With It? Support For SameSex Marriage, Legal Unions, And Gay And Lesbian Couples Raising Children."
Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell) 93.4 (2012): 1007-1029. Professional
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Salka, William, and Raymond Burnett. "Determinants Of Electoral Support For Anti-Gay
Marriage Constitutional Amendments: An Examination Of Ballot Issues In
California And Florida." Sexuality & Culture 16.1 (2012): 59-75. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 22 Apr. 2015.

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