Standards 2

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INTASC Standard #2:

Learning Differences

"The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to
ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards."

What does this standard look like?

Teachers need to understand that children are different because of their background, culture,
and upbringings.

They need to take into account and learn students different backgrounds, skills, and learning
styles in order to better teach them.

Teachers should use a variety of approaches when teaching to accommodate for students
different learning styles.

Lessons should be arranged in a way to allow all children to participate including the very
gifted children to those with disabilities.

Online Resources
o This was the website that will allow students to learn their Meyers Brigg Personality
types. A teacher can use these results to learn about their students personalities which
will help them understand how the students interact with others and learn.
o This website is a breakdown of all the different Meyers Brigg personality types. This can
be helpful for a teacher to use as a resource to understand their students better. It could
also be a helpful tool for students to learn about how other peoples personalities are
different than theirs.
o This website contains a test to determine what type of learner you are. Knowing the type
of learner that your students are (either Auditory, Visual, or Tactile) will help a teacher
when planning lessons. A teachers should take into account the way a student learns
when they teach.
o This website is a breakdown of the three different learning styles. It includes helpful
hints and suggestions for students with different learning styles. It also includes the areas
in which each learning has difficulties with. This is helpful for a teacher preparing

o This website talked about the challenges and advantages of teaching in a diverse
classroom. The website included links to articles on different subjects concerning
diversity and other topics. It also included lesson plans on related topics.


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