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INTASC Standard #3:

Learning Environments
"The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative
learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and selfmotivation."

What does this standard look like?
The environment in which a student is in is important for learning.

Student feedback is important for teachers because it lets them know what the students liked
and disliked, found easy and difficult, and what teachers can improve on.

In order for a classroom to succeed, students and teachers should have good communication
and cooperation and that is achieved best when there is a respectful positive classroom

With a proper classroom environment, students will be engaged and participate and will have
the opportunity to learn from other students opinions and perspectives.

A proper classroom environment is imperative for the success of INSTASC standards one and

Online Resources
o This is a blog that provides articles about learning, teaching, and technology. Teach
Thought also has its own twitter account. This website also provides a list of apps that
teaches could use in their classroom.
o This website posts academic articles that relate to teaching and learning environments,
and how they affect students. The website provides a place for educators to discuss new
and innovative teaching techniques and learn from one another. This is an open journal
so anyone can submit a manuscript of their teaching thought.
o This website describes different classroom settings, such as: school classroom, home
classroom, out of classroom settings, and 21st century classrooms. It describe
different classroom layouts, such as rows or groups. This website also provides teacher
hints and types of learning.

o This website addresses personality types and how students learn. This demonstrates
how a students personality can make a difference on how they learn. A Myers Brigs test
is recommended, and the website explains what the personality types mean.
o This website explains the physical environment in a classroom and how that can change
a students ability to learn. It goes over desk placement and designing efficient
classroom space.

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