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Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

Managing Media Projects and Dissertation 20142015

Sareena Kaur Bains

Submission Date:
Degree Enrolled In:
Student No:

Monday, 26th May 2014

Managing Media Project Proposal
Media and Communications (Broad Course)

Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

Table of Contents



















Production Project Proposal:

Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

Aim to create an advert to promote an awareness campaign. The advert

and campaign will be based around the relationship between obesity and the
increasing risk of cancer amongst 18 to 25 year old women within

ABSTRACT Background of Campaign:

A recent article states how 20% of the worlds deaths are a consequence
of over-consumption and 63% of UK adults are obese, costing the NHS in
excess of 5bn every year (Pigott, I.2014. (Online). Along with obesitys big
price tag, our concern involves the serious dangers in society and how the
impact on being obese, decreases life expectancy by nearly 10 years [on
average] (University of Birmingham. 2014. (Online). Having such a great
influence over individuals health makes it more understanding on how there
are various campaigns that address the issue of obesity through outlets of
fitness and eating healthy. With this said, along with my partner Ameera
Chitalwala, we have established a gap in the health market where we want to
address how obesity increases risk of cancer through an awareness
Obesity are behind around 17,000 cases of cancer each year in the UK.
(Parkin, D. 2011 (Online). This number is also predicted to increase in the
future where more cancers are being linked to obesity, and the number of
people who are overweight is increasing. (Parkin, D. 2011 (Online) This has
encouraged us further to look into this field of obesity, where we would like to
create awareness on a young generation of 18-25 and potentially help change
the future problems of obesity and its increasing risk of cancer. It is also

Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

evident that there is a significant amount of material, which suggests that

women are more obese than men. A health survey for England mapped out a
graph showing information regarding obesity in men and women between
2010 and 2011(Health and Social Care Information Centre, Lifestyles
Statistics. 2013:21). Here it expresses a steep decline in obesity amongst
men however in women, obesity remains consistent from 2010 onwards.
Having looked into this problem further, it became apparent that targeting
women in the 18-25 ranges will be most appropriate considering this is an
area which shows women obesity is greater. Having focusing this campaign
on women between the ages of 18-25 has also allowed us as young women
to understand the struggle other women go through towards obesity and has
therefore encouraged us to support and create awareness to this intended
It is important to understand that our campaign hasnt been created for
promotional purposes but to solely convey a message to society. We plan to
make change, enlighten and eradicate problems regarding the existence of
obesity and its risks of cancer. Before working on my specific element to this
project my colleague and I have come together with the campaign name
Terminator. The delivery of the name terminator signifies ideologies of power
and strength, where both areas are seen a characteristics to compliment our
campaign aim, (to terminate obesity.)

My production challenge:

Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

Within the awareness campaign, my duty will be to use videography to

produce and direct a commercial. Craig Penn (2012. (Online) once
announced how If a picture says a thousand words, it stands to reason that a
moving picture says many times more. With complements of Penn,
constructing a video is a creative way to engage audiences and can be seen
as a prime element to send out messages. Kevin Daum (2012:10) reinforces
this view, by expressing how videos passively communicate to the reader and
create benefits from an emotional view. Video offers the opportunity to use
sight and sound to connect emotionally with viewers via storytelling. The use
of the term story telling is a concept in it self that allowed me to start thinking
about what this advert for this campaign should involve.
With the help of research, it is almost to say that the use of short adverts is
a type of format that is conventional in campaigns. Along with this, Lisagor a
director of 140 video ads so far, suggested how Humans receive and retain
information at a certain pace and in a certain linear order, and recommends to
keeping videos in the 90- to 120-second range. (Cantor, D. 2014(Online).
Having agreed to this way of thinking, a video of 80 seconds will help me
produce content, which is concise and effective so that the message will
directly come cross.

The concept:
The advert is based around a woman aged 20 in Birmingham where the
use of clothes is used as a metaphor to signify obesity.

Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

Here, experience a day of her life. Considering this is an advert lasting 80

seconds, I plan to use small 5-second clips to merge together towards the
beginning of the advert. From the minute the woman is in bed and wakes up,
she is wearing layers of clothes, which to the public eye looks strange
however, she sees this as normal and doesnt think to question this. Other
clips of showing her daily routine involve her in the shower (still wearing the
layered clothes), her eating a big breakfast, talking to and going to the shops
with friends. From the audiences point of view at this stage, it may look like
this woman is in a hurry as whilst she eats her breakfast she multitasks and
puts on clothes at the same time, (metaphorically this is to portray how eating
fatty food creates an extra layer of clothing - fat). While she speaks on the
phone to her friend they discuss the plans for a night out and focuses on the
clothing they will wear. Here they use language associated to describe food,
for example wearing a JUICEY dress or I want to look YUMMY and
They then decide to go shopping where she goes into a shop to try on
clothes on top of her layered clothes. The use of food language continues
here whilst looking at clothes (i.e. this looks SWEET). As she tries on the
clothes, there is bold writing on the back of each clothing item, stating
different cancers which obesity increases the risk of. This is something in
which we will be able to see however the woman will be oblivious to. This is
up until she looks in the mirror and looks at herself as the camera slowly
zooms in. At this point a black background will appear with white text stating
you choose what you wear with a 2 second gap to then say . And eat.

Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

After another 2 seconds, the tagline for the campaign appears- Terminate
Obesity, escape cancer.

Challenges and Past Experiences

After viewing many different types of campaign adverts, it became
apparent that the most effective ones are short yet skilfully constructed to
make you think and send out a mesmerised message. This intrigued me to
follow a concept along these lines so that my end production is as successful
as these. At this point, I found the beginning stages of having a strong
concept for the advert challenging. The fact that our concept of targeting
women between 25-30 in Birmingham about obesity and the increasing risks
of cancer, is a narrow topic to start with and so taking out time to solely plan
an idea was imperative. Here I spent time looking into campaign
advertisements (some are listed in appendix 1), to look at generic codes of
this type of media texts.
The fact that I havent produced advertising content in the past makes me
feel that this project is out of my comfort zone, and can be seen as
challenging. However this encourages me to produce my best and help
develop my videography skills through additional learning in this field. In
relation to learning, Nick lacy (1998:132) reinforced the view of how different
media texts have different conventions. Having started to look into this,
research has given me specific points, which has directed the concept
created. For example Agama Advertising (2014 (Online) suggests a
connection with its audience leads to good advertising. In relation to my
advert, I feel having the concept of looking at a routine of a womens life may

Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

help audiences relate this to them selves and create a connection. This can
be referred to the uses and gratification thoery where they use this advert as
reflecting their own identity to the woman in the advert. (Jacobus, P
2001:279). Although this is one area I have looked at, I still feel that the area
of camera angles, lighting. mise en scene and background sounds are areas
in which I need to continue to look into so that my end product is presented as
an industry standard advert.
Although there are elements to look into, I personally feel that I play a
strong candidate to fill this role through my previous experiences. During
University I have undertaken many television modules which have helped
develop my camera and editing skills.
Having taken MED2105 Drama Workshop, I feel that this module will help
me dramatically in this project. A key lesson I learnt was the consequences of
working with a group, which lacked motivation and enthusiasm towards
producing good quality content. This meant I needed to take control and work
on each role. Although this was stressful, looking back, I feel that this has
polished both transferable skills e.g. being organised, and my overall skills on
each role e.g. director, camera, sound etc. If anything this has now given me
more confidence to pursue this project and deliver my vision.
MED2105 Music TV and promo production reinforced the use of styles and
conventions in different promotional material. To some extent this can be
useful as this campaign can be looked at promoting the awareness of obesity
and the increasing risks of cancer. Having gained experience to a shoot on
location and interact and build relationships with actors and musicians are a
few of many elements I can bring to the table. The fact that I enjoy working

Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

within this field, I also work with small companies, charity organisations where
I film events and edit content. These opportunities have helped me gather
external experience with a range of equipment and have therefore made me
more knowledgeable into the technical side of videography.
Recently I am also fortunate to have started work with BCU as apart of a
TV runner for external commercial uses. This is an area which I feel will help
to develop my creativity of producing adverts as I will be able to receive some
hands on experience from industry standard companies before I undertake
this project.
Taking on various roles in this project can be challenging however from
previous modules, I understand the importance of organisation and timing. As
a result I aim to finish my final proposal of the concept with locations, budget
and scripts by September 2015 so that I can continue the pre-production
process with efficient time to think of contingency plans.

Realism and Interests to the topic

The concept in hand is simple however effective and is the main reason as
to why I believe that this is realistically achievable. The advert concept does
have elements, which I used in my modules. Having the story telling approach
of her daily routine is a big asset to TV drama and also working on a music
video in studio, involved learning how to be concise to fit narrative scenes in a
specific time limit. Having being able to relate specific elements in which I
have already experienced makes it more evident that this isnt over ambitious.
Having the opportunity to create material for tackling a genuine issue in
society through videography is my key interest into this project. Most if not all

Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

projects I have been involved with are created for entrainment purposes
whereas this project allows me to challenge myself and construct a creative
message, which can impact and help our society for our future. The topic in
hand is viewed as a gap in the market as many if not all obesity campaigns
focus on solutions to make a fitter society or changing food consumption.
However, we believe that that start involves accepting the problem and
understanding what risks can be caused (i.e. cancer). This is the area in
which our campaigns plan to acknowledge. Mick Cornett the Mayor of
Oklahoma also compliments this way of thinking by stating how the first step
to reducing obesity is accepting that youre obese. (TED. 2014. (Online)
The fact that I havent created an advert before will also help build my
portfolio where I can gain experience in producing advertising and potentially
open up more doors as a videographer. Having the chance to work into this
field will also reflect my willingness to trying challenges and projecting my
creativity through different outlets of videography.

Critical Evaluation
Looking at current health campaign ads, has given me guidance as to what
I would like to produce. My research in existing and competing media covers
obesity overall, as the link between cancer and obesity has not yet been
looked into.
Please refer to Appendix 2 for the adverts I refer to in this section.
From research, it has become apparent how campaigns, which attack issues
in society, are in my opinion highlighted in two ways, emotional and
unemotional. As an emotional approach, Daniel Michelis (2011: 8) expresses

Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

how the use of emotions is very common in advertising since people

remember situations better based on emotions rather than the factual
information Having said this, Resource one looks into both factual information
and a emotional concept. Here the man walks towards the screen as he ages
and gains weight with short cutaways of facts about obesity.
A key component in this video along with many others (e.g. Recourse
Two and Three) is the use of children. Dylan Evans (2003:26) adds to this and
suggests how children are apart of subliminal advertising. It is a technique of
persuasion that relies in power of emotion to influence our judgements. In
the advert a girl is used towards the end and as the daughter looks at the
father it is evident that this is subliminally suggesting the negative impact of
obesity on their relationship. Here, the text immediately wants audiences to
relate with this and make them think that they should question their own
With the use of emotion as a scare tactic it is also evident that specific
signs have been used to convey the message further. Hall describes signs as
vehicles or media, which carry meaning because they operate as symbols,
which stand for or represent the meanings we wish to communicate (Hall,
S.1997: 5). In this case the use of dull colours in emotional adverts may be to
communicate the negativity surrounding obesity. For example the use of black
and grey can be signified as depression and intimidating (all of which could
relate to a negative approach) whereas the contrast in white could signify
hope or strength to fight against obesity.
On the other hand unemotional adverts seem to have an uplifting
approach as opposed to the emotional adverts. For example Resource Four

Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

moulds an iconic song to fit into the theme of obesity. The fact that the song is
positive, this has influenced the advert dramatically to give off a happier
ethos. Fiske express how most texts contain preferred meaning (intended by
producer) however also offers a polysemic approach to create own
assumptions (Fiske, J.2011: 127) This advert to some extent can highlight
Fiske approach to interrupted. Firstly it is apparent that the preferred meaning
relates to the tagline of stop making excuses to loose weight however I also
feel that this advert unites different people together which have issues with
weight. The fact they are happy singing about the same problem can suggest
that people are not alone and that weight issues affect many.
Resource Five is another campaign which I was drawn to and had
impacted my concept for this project. From this advert, it became apparent
that like smoking, obesity is something, which individuals have control over
and is one out of a few areas in which society can prevent. As a result I was
intrigued to widen my search to look into smoking adverts where the use of
language in Resource Five and Six had inspired some elements of my
concept. In both adverts, metaphors have been used to replace the word
smoking into other habits, which are not so harmful (farting and earwax
picking). This as a result creates the advert to have a slight sense of humor
yet still delivers the message across. This is something, which I felt a simple
play on words was creative and effective.

Production Roles and Budget


Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal


Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

Funding and Distribution

Above is a table indicating the production stages, which I will be working
towards over the coming weeks in order for this project to be successful. After
adding up all the sums shown there is a budget of between 2,153.20

Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

3.493.20. Please do take into account that this is a budget if this was the
real world. The fact that this topic is related to public welfare, we aim to
receive no money from this and therefore our budget (with the help of our
client) will be limited and will mainly consist of voluntary roles. As shown on
the table the process starts relatively early (July 2014) as we plan to receive
help in regards to funding.
Our main aim is to pitch to Teenage Cancer Trust in the early weeks of
October in order to propose a budget and see what facilities they can offer. As
a result I aim to finish specific material like storyboards, scene orders by this
time so that I will be able to show that this is what I plan to create. Having
planned to speak with Teenager Cancer Trust at an early stage could also
allow me to amend my idea to their opinions considering they will be
perceived as our client. It is also worth mentioning that as a contingency plan
we also currently looking at other organisations based in Birmingham.
In relation to the distribution of the event, we would preferably like it to be
on television however realistically we understand that Teenage Cancer Trust
wouldnt provide us with this budget. As a result we plan to use free space
advertising where the campaigns YouTube account will be connected to a
website that supports the campaign. Having Teenage Cancer Trust as our
client will allow us to have professional context and with the help of this,
society may be more attentive.


Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

Cantor, D. (2014) [Online]. 5 Tips for Making an Effective Video Ad. Available:
Last accessed 16th May 2014
Daum, K (2012). Video Marketing for Dummies. New Jersey: John Wiley &
Sons. 10.
Evans, D (2003). Emotion: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. 26
Fiske, J (2011). Television Culture. 2nd Ed. New York: Routledge.
Hall, S (1997). Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying
Practices (Culture, Media and Identities series). Milton Keynes: SAGE. 4.
Health and Social Care Information Centre, Lifestyles Statistics. (2013).
Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet: England, 2013. The
Information Centre for health and social care. 1, p4-36.
Jacobus, P (2001). Media Studies: Institutions, theories, and issues. South
Africa: Juta and Company. 297.
Lacey, N (1998). Image and Representations. Hampshire: MacMillan. 132.
Machin, D and Mayr, A (2012) How to do a Critical Discourse Analysis,
London: Sage.2.
Michelis, D (2011). Pervasive Advertising. New York: Springer. 8.
Parkin, D. (2011). The fraction of cancer attributable to lifestyle and
environmental factors in the UK in 2010. British Journal of Cancer. 105 (2),
Pegg, C. (2012). [Online] The importance of Video in Marketing. Available: Last accessed 16th May 2014.
Pigott, I. (2014). [Online] OPINION: Farmers can help overcome obesity
crisis. Available: Last accessed 13th May 2014.
TED. (2014). Mick Cornett: How an obese town lost a million pounds.
Available: Last accessed
24th May 2014.
University of Birmingham. (2014). [Online] Obesity in the UK. Available: Last accessed 13th May 2014


Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

Appendix One:

Production Name: REVIVE

Sareena Bains

Managing Project Proposal

Some Campaign Adverts viewed whilst researching:

Change4life: Obesity -
Why am I fat? -
Break the habit -
2010 elections;
Be Clear on Cancer:
Anti smoking:
Road safety:
Toxic cycle:

Appendix Two:
To be referred to in Critical Evaluation
Resource 1: Measure up -
Resource 2: Eating out-
Resource 3: Grocery store
Resource 4: Tomorrow -
Resource 5: Social Farter -
Resource 6: social ear wax picking -


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