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What is organization behavior?

Assignment # 1
Group members:
Abu Bakar Imran
Ali Turab Malik
Fahad Amjad
M. Faisal Haroon
M. Hassaan Manzoor
M. Umair Ijaz

Q1 Behavior is generally predictable so there is no

need to formally study OB. Why is the statement
Behavior is the action or reaction of something (as a machine or
substance) under specified circumstances.
Every person perceive in different situations so behavior is generally
predictable if we know how the person perceived the situation
But still some barriers come in between, so always predicting the
behavior is not possible
OB provides a set of tools that allow people to understand analyze
and describe behavior in organization.
from the perspective that formally study OB improves managers
predictive ability

If job satisfaction is not a behavior, why it is

considered an important dependant

Job satisfaction is a general attitude towards ones job resulting

from an evaluation of its characteristics.
primary dependant variable for two reasons
Demonstrated relationship to performance factor
The value preferences held by OB researchers satisfied
employees are more effective.
Organizations have responsibility to provide employee with
jobs that are challenging

What are effectiveness and efficiency,

and how are they related to OB?
An organization is effective if it achieves its goals
and if it transfer outputs and inputs at lower cost
then it is efficient too.
Productivity implies a concern for both effectiveness
and efficiency at all three levels of the organization,
the individual, the group and the organization
Thats why OB provides ability and tools to balance
these elements.

On a scale of 1 to 10 measuring the sophistication of

a scientific discipline in predicting phenomena,
mathematical physics would probably be a 10.
Where do you think OB would fall on the scale?

OB would be at 4 on scale because it is a human

science but using objective and empirical tool
to improve the applicability of its findings.

What do you think is the single most critical people problem that
managers face today? Give specific support for your position.

The single most critical people problem

facing manager today is technology

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