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Game Rules:

Class split into two teams

Round begins with a member or each team coming up to their bell
Teacher reads a question of their choosing and first team to ring in
with the correct answer gets to play
A member of the team thats playing spins the wheel to determine the
category of their question
The team will be asked up to 3 questions per round, 1 point will be
awarded for every correct answer, if they get all 3 correct they get a bonus
question, if they get a question wrong the other team has the opportunity to
steal with the correct answer and finish out the round
After 2 rounds of this both teams compete in a speed round
For the speed round, teacher will ask 5 questions and the first team
to ding in with the correct answer will get a point, if a wrong answer is given
the other team has the opportunity to steal
After 2 regular rounds and a speed round both teams will be given a
final bonus question worth up to 5 points
Team with the most points at the end wins

Overview Questions:
How many Member States are currently in the United Nations?
Where is the UN Headquartered?
New York City
Name 2 of the 4 main Purposes.
To keep peace throughout the world
To develop friendly relations among nations
To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, conquer
hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other's
rights and freedoms
To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals
Name 3 of the 6 Principal Bodies of the UN
General Assembly
Security Council
Economic and Social Council
International Court of Justice
Trusteeship Council (suspended operation in 1994)
Name the only Principal Body of the UN not still in operation
Trusteeship Council
Bonus: When did it stop operations?
General Assembly Questions:
What is one of the main purposes of the General Assembly?
Policy Making

Determines and mandates UNs year round work

Bonus: How many vice presidents does the General Assembly have?
Bonus: Who is the current President of the General Assembly? Where
is he from? (point for each question)
Sam Kahamba Kutesa from Uganda
Security Council Questions:
What is the primary responsibility of the UN Security Council?
The maintenance of international peace and security
How many total members does the Security Council have?
How many permanent and how many non-permanent?
5 Permanent
10 Non-permanent
Name 3 of the 5 permanent members.
United States, United Kingdom, China, Russia, France
Bonus: Name 3 current non-members of the Security Council.
Angola, Chad, Chile, Jordan, Lithuania, Malaysia, New
Zealand, Spain, and Venezuela
Bonus: How long does each country hold the presidency of the
Security Council for?
1 month
Bonus: More than how many states have never been a member of the
Security Council?
The Economic and Social Council Questions
What is the primary responsibility of the ECOSOC?

To coordinate economic, social and related work of the United Nations

How many member states are there in the ECOSOC?
How long do member states serve in the ECOSOC?
3 year terms

Bonus: The ECOSOC representation is based on geographical locations.

Give me a specific geographical area and the number of states
represented from this area.
14 African States
11 Asian States
6 Eastern European States
10 Latin American and Caribbean States
13 Western European and other States
Bonus: Who is the current president of the ECOSOC? Where is he
from? (1 point each)
Martin Sajdik from Austria
The International Court of Justice Questions
How many judges are on the court?
How long are the judges terms?
9 years
Where is the court located?
The Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands
What are the official languages of the court?
English and French
Bonus: What is the name of the body that takes care of all the

administrative duties for the court?

The Registry
Secretariat Questions
What is the primary purpose of the Secretariat?
Carry out the day-to-day work of the UN
Who is the head of the Secretariat?
The Secretary-General
How long is the Secretary-Generals term of office?
5 years
Who is the current Secretary General?
Ban Ki-moon
Where is Ban Ki-moon from?
South Korea
Bonus: Name one of the two universities Ban Ki-moon attended?
Seoul National University and Harvard University
Bonus: What did Ban Ki-moon do before becoming the Secretary-General?
Served in South Koreas Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 37
Bonus: What does UNICEF stand for?
United Nations Childrens Fund
Final Bonus: Name up to 5 other subsidiary bodies, commissions, and/or programs. 1
point will be given for each correct answer.
Under General Assembly
Human Rights Council (HRC)
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
World Food Programme (WFP)

Under Security Council

Counter-terrorism committies
Peacekeeping operations and political missions
Sanctions and standing committees (ad hoc)
Under Economic and Social Council
Regional Economic Commissions
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
World Health Organization (WHO)
Under Secretariat
Department of Management (DM)
Office of Legal Affairs (OLA)
Department of Political Affairs (DPA)

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