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(A2) The world of exoplanets p2-5


Explain why exoplanets cannot be directly observed.

They are very far away and reflect very little light so cannot be directly observed using
conventional methods.
Why is it easier to find large exoplanets than small ones?
They have a larger mass and so interact more gravitationally with surrounding objects more
than a small exoplanet would.
What two things can we measure that provides the evidence for an exoplanet?
Radial velocity of star being orbited and if there is a dip in luminosity of that star as the
exoplanet orbits it.
Why does the Kepler observatory need to take these measurements over 4 years?
It needs to be sure that the dipping luminosity is due to the regular transit of the exoplanet and
not just a rouge object.
Use fig 4 to calculate the diameter of Jupiter compared to the Sun.
If a planet is twice as far from the Sun, how will its orbital period compare?
8x larger
Explain why we only look for Earth like planets with an orbit of about 1 year.
It is in the goldilocks zone, it is not too hot, not too cold, just right. This means we can have
liquid water.

(A2) Worldly wobbles p6-9


Explain why the pole star changes over time.

As the earth wobbles, the relative orientation of the stars in the sky change so the pole star un
aligns and a new star takes its place.
Explain what Nutation is.
The nodding motion of the earth as the moon orbits it.
What is thought to be responsible for the 14 month period of the Chandler wobble?
Movements of the oceans causing a wobble of the earth.
Why can earthquakes also cause the Earth to wobble?
Eathquakes move huge masses involving huge energy, this energy can be dissipated in the
wobble of the earth.
Explain why an ice skater spins faster when they pull their arms in.
Their inertia is reduced so the momentum increased so they can spin faster.
Estimate the time period of the two cycles shown on fig 5.
About 20ish years.


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