Practical Precautions

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All of us have practical hours in our time table. Each practical subject is considered
a separate subject on its own. This means that there is no such thing as combined
attendance or combined marks in the practical and theory subjects. Practicals have
their own endsems and midsems. There are marks for viva, practical and files. There
are 2 or 3 credits for each practical. We have 7 practical subjects in 1 st year.


Applied Physics aka AP(2 ) permanent in both semesters as AP-I and AP-II
Applied Chemistry aka AC(2) - A batch first
Electrical Sciences aka EE(2) - A batch first
Information Technology aka IT(2) - A batch first
Programming Fundamentals aka COE(2) - B batch first
Mechanical Workshop aka PIE(3) - B batch first
Engineering Drawing aka ED(3) - B batch first

Here are some random precautions in the practical labs

1. Always wear shoes in each of the labs except IT and COE. Else you wont be
allowed to attend.
2. Always sign your attendance. Some people forget and they do not allow you
sign it the next day you come.
3. It will all be in vain to befriend a lab assistant. Its not your school mind it!
4. Lab coat in AC lab and apron in PIE lab is necessary.
5. For ED lab bring your sub-machine gun and grenade launcher with you.
( Drafter and sheet holder).
6. AP lab assistants are quiet strict. So always complete your work and maintain
your file for it, if you dont want remarks in your index.

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