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Name: Brennan Andrews Date: 5/2/15

HLAC 1096 Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

Write a paragraph on each of the following:
1.What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this activity class?
I learned that working out makes you feel better, and provides for a higher level of
wellness for life. I also learned how to make and maintain a regular exercise schedule. I
also learned that I have higher blood pressure that I should monitor and try to improve
1.How would you apply this information to your life?
By continuing to implement a exercise schedule. Also learned the proper foods
that I should be eating, despite the lack of good eating my self I do know what I
should be eating to have a healthy diet.
1.What is your intention to continue to exercise in your life and why?
I have good intentions to continue working out regularly because working out
make me feel better and decreases the amount of hard breathing that occurs
after walking up stairs. I will do this because I am terrified of becoming American

1.General ideas for improving this course?

Have video be made with all the hours on it

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