Hlac1096applicationpapersp2014 Eportfolio - Brett Mcneill

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Name: Brett McNeill

Date: 5-1-2015

HLAC 1096 Lifelong Wellness Application Paper

Write a paragraph on each of the following:
1. What did you learn about lifelong wellness from taking this activity class?
The main point I take away from this class is the value of balance. No amount of
additional physical activity can eliminate the need for emotionally healthy habits
for example but I do think that physical activity can enhance other aspects of well
being. No one aspect of wellness should come at the expense of another.
Showing unhealthy preference for one aspect can lead to growing disparities in
life balance that require drastic changes to address.

2. How would you apply this information to your life?

I dont think I differ from many people in that I go through phases on intense
interest in a given activity or topic that is usually unsustainable and can create life
imbalance. These activities that I genuinely enjoy, like reading or weight training
or playing guitar have seen at one time or another a disproportionate amount of
my time and passion. What I am learning is that these things can be good things
and have a place in my life but none of them exist in a vacuum. All the time we
spend has an opportunity cost and I need to make sure that no aspect of my life
renders another incapacitated.

3. What is your intention to continue to exercise in your life and why?

My wife has definitely been a great balancing force in my exercise habits,
showing me a different and still satisfying aspect of fitness in running. I expect
that will be a very consistent activity we engage together. Signing up for races
has also been a very helpful motivator in addressing my interest in increased
physical capacity. Also, this is the last semester that I will be working and
attending school simultaneously. Starting this summer, I fully intend on reinstating
a consistent weight training routine to supplement my current cardio regemin. As
far as beyond the forseeable future is concerned, I expect exercise to be a
regular and irreplaceable aspect of my maintaining health and satisfaction.

4. General ideas for improving this course?

Something that I think might be improved is class interaction. I take online
classes exclusively and have come to enjoy the occasional interactions I do have
with fellow classmates. Also, it might be fun if all the lifelong wellness students
had an opportunity to run in a SLCC sponsored 5k or something together.

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