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IJI v1.

Game copyright Remar Games 2004-2010
Iji (including its soundtrack) is freeware, with the following definitions: the
game is illegal to modify, distribute for profit, or bundle with adware or insta
ll programs. It cannot be hosted on the Internet or otherwise distributed withou
t my expressed permission. The game contains modified sound effects used without
permission, and a cover of a copyrighted song. Coupled with my respect for my t
esters, voice actors/actresses and musicians who all worked for free, neither I
nor anyone else can make any money on the game. If the game enters a competition
any prizes would go to humanitary aid. may host a copy of the gam
e following a private communication that assured the above statement will not be
broken, and if the original holder of the sound effects or VNV Nation wish it,
the game will be immediately removed from their site.


Introduction, system requirements etc.

Credits and thanks
Difficulty levels
Sectors and saving
Nanofields, Nano and leveling
Special traits
Nano Overloads
Cracking interface
Know your enemy
The road less traveled
Hidden skills
Questions and answers
Version changelog

The manual will explain the game in more detail than the help/info section in th
e game's pause menu, but it's not necessary to read in order to understand the b
asics. The first part of the game has a tutorial designed to introduce it in a m
ore methodical fashion, while this manual is more of a reference guide. See the
Questions and answers chapter at the end if there's something you're still wonde
ring about.
Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/Vista (may run slowly on Vista)
1 Ghz CPU
32 MB graphics card

200 MB working memory

Note that even such a computer can experience slowdown in the game. You are reco
mmended to play it on a more modern, powerful setup for optimal performance.
Iji will likely not be able to create a savefile if you run the game from within
the zip archive. You need to extract it to play it. Also, do not attempt to run
the game from a slow USB drive or similar, or you may not be able to save the g
If you choose the fullscreen option, Iji will run in 800*600 32-bit dedicated fu
llscreen. This allows it to use certain special effects and improves running spe
ed. If you Alt-Tab out of the game (or another running program interferes), all
graphics are dumped from video memory, causing flickering graphics, "black boxes
" and stuttering framerate on slow computers when you Alt-Tab back. To fix this,
select "reload graphics" from the in-game pause menu after Alt-Tabing back into
the game. This also reloads sound effects and other resources which may have di
sappeared along with the graphics, but there may still be bugs depending on your
system. It's recommended that you do not Alt-Tab the game in the first place wh
en running it in fullscreen.

Game design, script, programming, graphics, SFX/voice edit: Daniel Remar
The Iji soundtrack: Chris Geehan and Dan Byrne McCullough
Music also by: Tom Mauritzon (Boss theme), Captain Goodnight (Hero3D theme), Lif
eForce (Ending theme (not specifically made for Iji))
Voice acting: Anna Ashabova, Annette Nielsen, Birgitta Johansson, Camila Dalence
, Henrik Engstrm, Johannes Helgesson, Lisa Lenkel, Louise Stigell, Monika Mikucka
, Ola Holmdahl, Miguel Nalvarte, Erik Sjstrand
Testing: 2005 Ultimortal community, 2005 MaSu community, Eo community
In-depth testing: Anders Davallius, Annette Nielsen, Anton Grundvall, Audric, Ba
g, Beoran, Berra, Cactus, ChevyRay, Chris Laviolette, Erik Sjstrand, Grashaboras,
Henrik Engstrm, Linus Nordgren, Ola Holmdahl, Oscar Aludden, Pondwater, ReallyJo
el, Srehpog, Thomas Ahlstrm
Special thanks: Beoran, Blender 3D, Mark Overmars, Trollis

Carl Christiansen (voice acting), Tau (voice acting), Jay Stevenson (alpha
music), Potatismos (music), Radiczor (music), Simone (voice acting) and So
(music) for their demos, work and concepts which did not make it into the
game for various reasons

Waking up from a long coma, Iji finds herself trapped with her brother in a remo

te military complex. As the only remaining survivors of a local alien space-to-g

round bombardment, they must find the leader of the sudden attack force, discove
r their motives, and what it takes to make them leave the complex and return to
deep space.

Left and Right: Move
Up: Jump
Down: Duck / turn pages when reading text
Z: Kick
X: Fire
C: Use
Enter: Abort cracking / view detailed stats
Escape: Pause / skip chats / skip cutscenes
Keypad: Move the view
1: Weapon 1
2: Weapon 2
3: Weapon 3
4: Weapon 4
5 or Q: Weapon
6 or W: Weapon
7 or E: Weapon
8 or R: Weapon


A: Previous weapon
D: Next weapon
S: Change to super-weapon
Hold F2: Return to Main menu
Hold F4: Retry Sector/boss
Hold F12: Quit game
You can change the keys for kicking, jumping and firing in the options in the Ma
in menu. You can also change the weapon cycling keys, and the four extra keys fo
r weapons 5-8 (so that they are placed directly beneath the numbers 1-4 on your

You can gain 5 levels per Sector
Cracking time is normal
Some enemies may dodge/reflect projectiles
When failing to crack a security box:
there's a 25% chance its Security will increase by 1
When failing to crack a door:
there's a 25% chance its Security will increase by 1
Red nanofields recover 2 HP

Bosses are of normal difficulty

Some enemies are slower compared to all higher difficulties
There are less enemies compared to all higher difficulties
You can gain 4 levels per Sector
Cracking time is decreased by 2 seconds
Certain enemies attack at a faster rate
Certain enemies dodge/reflect projectiles more often
When failing to crack a security box:
it has a 25% chance of breaking
When failing to crack a door:
there's a 50% chance its Security will increase by 1
Red nanofields recover 1 HP
Bosses are more difficult
You can gain 3 levels per Sector
Cracking time is decreased by 4 seconds
Certain enemies attack at a very fast rate
Certain enemies almost always dodge/reflect projectiles
When failing to crack a security box:
it has a 25% chance of exploding
When failing to crack a door:
there's a 75% chance its Security will increase by 1
Red nanofields recover 1 HP
Bosses are very difficult
Nano Overloads do not exist
Same basics as Extreme, with the following additions:
Each Sector has a time limit
Only Health can be upgraded
Red and green Nanofields do not exist
Most enemies are faster
Note: the security of a door cannot increase on a failed cracking attempt if its
security is 1.

The military complex is built of Sectors. At the end of a Sector, you can save.
If you quit the game without saving, all progress in the current Sector is lost,
with the exception of unlocked Posters and Hidden Skills.
Around the middle of most Sectors, you'll find a Checkpoint. Activate it by walk
ing into it. If Iji dies, she'll be revived at the Checkpoint - but only once pe
r Sector! Particularly long Sectors may have more than one Checkpoint, in which
case activating the second will deactivate the first. The game will notify you w
hen this happens.

| 7. HEALTH |

Like the Tasen, Iji's body is surrounded and maintained by a personal Nanofield,
a layer of Nano so thin it appears invisible. The Nanofield doubles as a shield
to protect her from harm.
You have a health bar and an armor bar. A full armor bar equals one point of hea
lth, so if an armor-damaging weapon drains your armor to zero, you lose one hit
point and the armor regenerates to 100%. Whenever your health is damaged, you wi
ll be invulnerable for a short while.
If you're hit by a particularly powerful attack, you will instantly lose a hit p
oint regardless of your armor, and the armor regenerates to 100%. Some attacks,
like enemy rockets, will deal more than one hit point of damage in a single blow
To recover armor, assimilate any kind of Nanofield. To regain health, you must f
ind Red Nanofields. You cannot recover past 100% armor.

Nanofields are free-floating gatherings of Nanomachines, and are the essentials
of Nanotechnology.
BLUE Nanofields recover armor, but also add to your total Nano. When you reach a
certain amount of Nano, you will level up and get a "point". Points can be spen
t at a Cyborg station, which will upgrade one of your seven basic stats. Levelin
g up does not make you stronger unless you spend the points you get at the Cybor
g stations!
RED Nanofields recover both health and some armor, but don't help you level up.
These are essential to stay alive.
GREEN Nanofields only recover armor. They don't help you level up.

| 9. STATS |
Your maximum hit point total increases by two for each Health level.
The power put into all your Nanoweapon attacks (not your kick). A maximum Attack
level effectively means that you deal double damage.
Determines how much armor you regenerate when assimiating any kind of Nanofield,
and increases ammo capacity for all Nanoweapons.
Your physichal strength. Determines what enemies you can successfully kick back,
and how far they'll fly. Also used to kick down Shield doors.

Determines how secure computer/nano systems you can crack, and how well you can
combine the technologies in your Nanogun. Also used to open Security doors.
Determines what Tasen weapons you can wield (weapons 1-4). If you try to pick up
a weapon you can't use, you'll see a small text where the weapon is, telling yo
u what level you need.
Determines what Komato weapons you can wield (weapons 5-8).
Determines the maximum height of your jump. Can only be upgraded by picking up u
nique Jump upgrades.
Determines how well you absorb Armor-damaging attacks. Can only be upgraded with
unique Armor upgrades.

For every stat that reaches level 10, you gain a Special trait. These will perma
nently enhance your abilities in a number of ways.
Iji's personal nanofield gains extreme resistance to nano-based attacks. If an a
ttack deals more than 1 HP damage in a single hit, the damage taken is lowered b
y 1 HP. For example, an attack that deals 3 HP damage now deals only 2.
Lowers the reload time of all non-rapidfire weapons by 20%. (Weapons that fire s
o fast that they don't affect the blue reload bar in the lower left of the scree
n are rapid-fire weapons, such as the Machinegun and Pulse cannon.)
Assimilating a red nanofield will recover 1 more HP, and assimilating a green na
nofield will recover 1 HP instead of none.
The invulnerability time after being damaged is increased by 50%. You are no lon
ger knocked to the ground when firing the MPFB Devastator.
When you fail to crack something, no adverse effects occur (enemies don't notice
you, security crates don't break/explode on higher difficulty levels, and the s
ecurity of doors cannot increase etc). Additionally, the "Ice nodes" no longer f
licker while cracking, and a few bonus seconds are added to the cracking time li
+1 to all Tasen ammunition you pick up.
+1 to all Komato ammunition you pick up.

| 11. WEAPONS |
Iji carries a Nanogun, a Tasen weapon capable of shapeshifting its interior to f
ire any Nanoweapon it is programmed with. At first it contains only the Shotgun,
but by assimilating additional Nanoweapons, your arsenal increases.
If you find a Nanoweapon station, you can attempt to combine two of your Nanowea
pons into a new "super-weapon". Super-weapons are selected by pressing a weapon'
s key twice.
To obtain more ammunition for your Nanoweapons, you need to assimilate ammo pack
s - simply walk into them.
Below are the basic Nanoweapons you'll encounter, and their corresponding weapon
A low-end, short-ranged Nanoweapon with infinite ammo, the Shotgun is still capa
ble of causing severe damage in close combat. Hardly anyone uses it anymore, as
the development of other weapons soon made it redundant, but it shouldn't be und
erestimated, especially with a high Attack stat.
A rather accurate long-range Nanoweapon, the Machinegun is
t larger enemies. Most Tasen are equipped with one, though
es rely on it as their primary weapon. Due to Iji's unique
of the Machinegun is special; it's more accurate and deals
to the Tasens'.

effective even agains

few higher-ranking on
Nanogun, her version
more damage compared

This deadly Nanoweapon launches self-propelled rockets that explode on impact. V
ery powerful, and able to knock enemies flying.
The MPFB Devastator launches three massively concentrated crystals, capable of c
ausing spontaneous nuclear fission upon contact with any object. These crystals
even violently react to the air around them, making them glow in a light blue an
d severely enlargening the area of impact. It's part of the Tasen Elites' defaul
t equipment - the only troops able to fire the Devastator without flying back fr
om the recoil.
A weapon stolen from the Komato race, it can be powerful in the right hands. It
uses the personal Nanofield of the person firing it to create a shockwave around
her. This can knock back enemies and send them flying, depending entirely on th
e strength of the holder. A good estimate is that it's exactly as powerful as if
the person had kicked her enemy, except the shockwave of this weapon enables th
e user to extend her reach. It uses no ammunition, either.


These rare, concentrated gatherings of Nano give Iji a temporary special ability
when assimilated. The abilities will only last for 20 or 40 seconds, depending
on the type of Overload. You will have to discover and understand these abilitie
s on your own. Tasen research suggests that the more aggressive the user is, the
more her Overloads will be geared towards offense and destruction rather than s
urvival and stealth.
Note to explorers: No Nano Overloads can help Iji reach areas she couldn't witho
ut their aid.

(Cracking is learned in a short tutorial in Sector 2, and doesn't appear in the
Pause menu help section until that time.)
Press the Use key to touch things and crack them. The cracking interface is simp
le: press the Use key to get started (or Enter/Escape to bail out), then move yo
ur green dot around using the arrow keys, until you reach the red dot. Avoid the
flickering dark blue "Ice nodes". If you hit an Ice node or the time runs out,
the cracking attempt fails. (It also fails if you take damage, or the object you
're cracking moves too far away.) The length of the puzzle depends on the securi
ty of the object. Note that if you press Enter or Escape to bail out of an ONGOI
NG cracking attempt, it counts as a failure.
Security doors and multi-colored Security boxes must be cracked, but you can als
o crack enemies - it's best to do it when they're standing still, and their back
is turned against you. If you successfully crack an enemy, you'll often disable
its most powerful weapons, and if you're lucky, you'll heavily damage it as wel
l. If an enemy tries to fire his malfunctioning projectile weapon, the projectil
e explodes in its Nanogun's barrel. If the enemy survives, it'll resort to whate
ver lesser Nanoweapons it knows will still work safely.
Some enemies have a very large amount of health or rely almost entirely on highpowered weapons, and are thus particularly vulnerable to cracking. Cracking an e
nemy will also make it guaranteed to drop some ammo upon its death, even certain
enemies that never drop ammo otherwise.

Iji will have to face several kinds of Tasen troops and their defenses on her wa
y to Krotera. Stay away from the more powerful foes or attack them from a distan
These defense turrets were set up by the Tasen to specifically protect the compl
ex from humans. They target anything that doesn't have the proper subroutine pro
gramming in their personal Nanofield, like Iji. The Tasen are by no means subtle
when it comes to dealing with humans - some turrets wield absolutely devastatin
g Nanoweapons, and will only stop firing when they have no more targets in their
field of view, or when they are destroyed. Normally, the ammunition being pumpe
d into the turret makes it highly volatile, making it explode when shot. If knoc
ked off its support pole, however, it becomes completely harmless.

Armed with a burst Machinegun and plain green armor, these grunts usually patrol
new areas in search of threats before the rest of the Tasen follow. Having not
reacted entirely well to the drugs the Tasen use to boost their senses during co
mbat training, the scouts sometimes appear slow and dull, and most are incapable
of dodging projectiles or performing similar feats that require quick reaction.
Therefore, they're more often relied on as sentries than actual warriors.
The shock troops of the
gun and Rocket launcher
ery strong and are easy
ty allows them to dodge

Tasen, clad in blue armor. The Soldiers use both Machine

Nanoweapons, making them a versatile foe. They are not v
to overwhelm with more advanced weapons, but their agili
incoming projectiles, if they see them coming.

Commanders are red-armored cyborgs fitted with an enormous claw, which can smack
their opponents clear across the room. They prefer explosive weaponry, and don'
t go down easily. The Commanders are usually the ones giving orders on the battl
efield, but while their strength is respected by the lesser troops, they're too
large to dodge projectiles.
These walking death machines in golden-yellow armor use an advanced nanotechnolo
gy that literally pins to them to ground. Upon taking damage, their nanofield us
es gravitational forces to lock them in place, making them impossible to knock b
ack - even with the most explosive of weapons. As the most powerful type of Tase
n warrior, the Elites fear no enemy, and even boss around the Commanders on the
battlefield. The only way to stop an Elite in its tracks is to hit it repeatedly
with powerful weapons, so that it has no time to react. Luckily they are too bi
g to dodge incoming projectiles.
Blits are a strange breed of parasite, consisting entirely of Nano, and resistan
t to all forms of weaponry. These pesky slug-like bugs infested the Tasen spaces
hip, and spread like wildfire when they landed at the complex. Alone, they're ha
rdly a threat, but a large group of Blits can drain the Nano-armor off their vic
tims at a frightening rate.

Your actions in the military complex may change chat sequences, characters' reac
tions, Tasen computer terminals and logbooks, Iji's personality, access to restr
icted areas, or the fate of those around you. The Tasen are not oblivious to wha
t you do.
Killing five or less enemies per Sector to make Iji more of a pacifist is an exa
mple of a way to affect dialogues and logbooks. The game does not immediately re
ward or punish you for sparing your enemies, but not assimilating their Nanofiel
ds makes progress more difficult. Note that the game does not count the destruct
ion of completely mechanical enemies towards your kills, nor do enemies dealing
the final blow to themselves or each other.
Note too that the game does not have a "moral slider" and won't punish aggressiv
e behaviour, nor will it immediately tell you when something has changed or has
multiple possibilities. Play the way you like!

Iji is a versatile cyborg. While still mostly human, the new powers she possess
are largely unknown to her. Make sure to read the enemy logbooks to learn about
new techniques and abilities. You can also discover new combinations for creatin
g superweapons there, or strategies to use against enemies or bosses.

This section that should answer some questions the game does not.
Q: The game doesn't start, throws an "Unexpected Error" or hangs suddenly and/or
the full-screen gamma effects don't show. Can you fix these?
A: Sorry, there is nothing I can do about Game Maker compatibility errors like t
hese. But you can try using the "Special effects" option on the Main menu to rem
ove most polygons, lines, stretched/transparent sprites and lower the overall de
tail if the game suffers from slowdown, since these things usually cause issues
on some graphics cards. Also try turning off the full-screen gamma effects or pl
ay in Windowed mode.
Q: Is there a high-quality soundtrack available?
A: Yes, on the game's homepage,
Q: I can't save the game, I don't hear music and it keeps telling me the savefil
e is corrupt eventhough it's my first time playing.
A: You can't play Iji from within the Zip archive; you must extract it to your h
ard drive or another fast read/writable place. If you play the game from a slow
USB stick or similar, it'll likely be choppy to save and when a piece of music p
lays or restarts, or the saving may not even work at all.
Q: The music is garbled / I still don't hear any music eventhough it's turned on
in the Options and I have no other programs running. What do I do?
A: Try updating Windows Media Player, setting it to be the default music player,
or updating your sound card drivers. If all else fails, you need to try the gam
e on a different computer.
Q: There's too much text. How do I know what's important?
A: If you're following the story, only reading the cutscenes and chat dialogues
should give you the basics to understand everything. If you want more backstory
and discover secrets and hints about the game, you need to read the enemy logboo
ks. If you don't care for the text at all, you can skip most dialogues and cutsc
enes with Escape, although you may miss alternate dialogues and texts if you ski
p them when replaying the game.
Q: I'm stuck in a Sector, where should I go next?
A: The chat dialogues will tell you what to do. If you don't remember or skipped
them, you need to go exploring places you haven't been, or look for doors, term
inals etc. After getting a Jump upgrade, you should also look for high ledges yo
u couldn't reach before. Sometime Iji will tell you outright that you're going t
he wrong way.

Q: I'm stuck on a boss, what do I do?

A: After losing to a boss and restarting the boss room, Iji will give you a hint
on how to beat it during the introductory chat. This chat is unskippable for a
few seconds, to make it hard to miss. Note that restarting the boss room manuall
y before dying doesn't give you the hint. Some hints also don't show up immediat
ely when the boss fight begins, this is the case with the final boss - although
it gives you a lesser hint immediately.
Q: I moved a lift out of the way, can I still beat the Sector?
A: As of version 1.6 all Sectors have been confirmed to be beatable no matter ho
w you move the lifts and use the Checkpoints.
Q: I noticed that the requirements for "Immortal" rank was getting zero damage,
and "Skilled" was 100. Does that mean I must take zero damage to achieve "Immort
al" rank?
A: No, it means that you must take LESS than 100 damage to get "Immortal". You d
on't have to get zero (phew!).
Q: Will there be translations of the game to different languages?
A: No, since it's far too much work for me to implement at this point. The game
should have supported it from the start if it were to be a realistic feature to
implement now, but wasn't considered back then.
Q: What are the "Remar Games" speedrun times on the Records screen?
A: They're my personal records, and they're all beatable with skill and some luc
k. Doing so doesn't unlock anything and doesn't lead to any secrets, however. It
's unfortunate that luck (such as randomized enemy and boss behaviour) plays a r
ole in speedrunning Iji, but in the end the support for speedrunning didn't beco
me top priority.
Q: Must the game music be placed in the "music" subfolder?
A: Files from the "music" subfolder are checked first, but if the game doesn't f
ind a file there, it looks in the root game directory instead - it's a precautio
n in case you extracted the files incorrectly.
Q: How do you pronounce "Iji"?
A: Like "ee-gee" or "ii-dji".
Q: Can I suggest something for a future update?
A: Sorry, no new features will be implemented, only bugfixes.
Q: Will you release this or any of your other games on XBLA, Wiiware, Steam, PSP
A: No, even in the cases where it's technically and legally possible I don't wan
t to do it.
Q: Is Iji based on any specific real-life war or conflict?
A: No.
Q: I thought I heard an enemy speak a language other than English, is this true?
A: No, everyone speaks English words and sentences (with the exception of names
like Iosa and Ciretako), but their distorted voices may sound like something els
Q: I heard names like "Iji" and "Tasen" mean something in some languages, was th
is intentional?
A: Nope, it's inevitable for short words to mean something in one language or an
Q: Why are three actresses credited with Assassin Ansaksie's voice in the ending

A: Her voice is the combination of three separate people to achieve the "warped"
Q: Can you really play as a Tasen Soldier?
A: No, that was a hacked version of the game that replaced Iji's sprite.
Q: Can you really meet Mia in the game?
A: No, she dies in the opening cutscene. Iji was supposed to find the bodies of
Mia and their father in Sector 2, but this was cut early in development.
Q: Why is there no MP3 of "fabrikat" and why doesn't it appear in the high qualit
y soundtrack?
A: This song is not an MP3, but pitched sound effects being played back in realt
ime, which allows it to change instruments, tempo etc as you progress through th
e level. It can only be played back by the game itself.


Q: (SPOILERS) I've unlocked everything on the Extras menu, but the Records scree
n still says "Extras and features: 11/12". What is the last feature?
A: Entering Sector Z, which adds it to the Single Sector Play option.
Q: (SPOILERS) Is there a reward for beating Sector Z without shooting any of the
enemies in there?
A: No, this is just a forum rumor. Nothing happens if you do.
Q: (SPOILERS) Are there any rewards for beating the Maximum Charge final boss?
A: No, it's just for fun and an extra challenge.
Q: (SPOILERS) Is there a reward for beating Hero 3D 242 times?
A: No, it was meant as a joke. There are no rewards related to Hero 3D at all, i
t's just a bonus game.
Q: (SPOILERS) Is there a reward for finding all Supercharges?
A: No, they are undocumented in the game for that reason, and because they
e considerably harder and more far-fetched to find than the Posters. There
sually no hints to finding them, either. Think of them as gameplay rewards
mpressive achievements rather than secrets you're meant to actively search

can b
are u
for i

Q: (SPOILERS) Are there gameplay rewards (as in pickups, secret areas etc) for d
oing some things differently during a playthrough?
A: Yes, in some cases, especially involving pacifism or with the aim to save peo
ples' lives.
Q: (SPOILERS) What's the absolute minimum number of Total Kills when beating the
game, and is there any reward for acheiving that number?
A: As of version 1.3 it is now 0, but there are still no unlockables related to
kill count. There is an in-game reward for 0 kills however. NOTE: This reward is
not obtainable on the Ultimortal difficulty, as the lowest possible kill count
on Ultimortal is 1 rather than 0.
Q: (SPOILERS) Do I need to change my speedrun strategy in version 1.3 and above?
A: No. While there is now a reward for 0 kills that potentially makes a small pa

rt of the game faster, the unavoidable 10 minute penalty for obtaining 0 kills i
n the first place means that it's not worth it. In short, speedruns on earlier v
ersions can still compete with higher versions, and it is not efficient to chang
e to a 0-kill strategy.
Q: (SPOILERS) Exactly where is this 10-minute penalty and how can I avoid it?
A: Reach Elite Krotera after breaking the Tasen truce, or without having formed
a truce at all. You will get 1 kill for Krotera but no time penalty. This also e
nsures that you must deal with Krotera as you did in the previous versions of th
e game if you want a faster speedrun, that is to defeat him in battle.

1.6 (6 March 2010)
-Added a "special effects" option that removes lines, polygons and stretched spr
ites as much as possible, plus lowers effects like debris and smoke puffs, to pr
event slowdown on some computers. This greatly degrades the apperance of some gr
aphics, in particular the bosses.
-Reflected projectiles no longer count as your kill, providing that you were not
the one who fired the original projectile. In other words, the game keeps track
of who initially fired the projectile rather than who last reflected it. This d
oes not count with Elite Krotera, as pointed out in the game, to keep speedruns
comparable between versions.
-Added a pacifist modifier to Sector 4: if Vateilika killed Krotera and Iji is p
acifist, she won't call for the Komato. They attack anyway, but this opens the T
asen defense base at the end of Sector 9 if you're still pacifist by then.
-Berserkers now have a 1.5 second cooldown before they can use the Resonance det
onator again.
-Fixed pausing while using Retribution.
-You can no longer get stuck in Sector 2 by increasing a certain door's security
by failing to crack it, and then teleporting back from the Elite room. Dan will
lower the security to 1 for you if the door has not been opened when you use th
e teleport.
-You no longer lose cracks by repeatedly performing Nanofield Reboot and restart
ing a Sector.
-Fixed the total time sometimes jumping forward one second when restarting boss
-Timer stops correctly in Iosa battle.
-You no longer get Jump 3 and Armor 3 when entering boss rooms in the Single Sec
tor Play and Sudden Death Sector modes.
-Asha2 no longer freezes when facing him for a third time.
-Enemies entering a teleporter with a trapmine will not die; the teleporter expl
odes as usual but without the enemy appearing. This should mean that it makes mo
re sense why you don't get a kill during a certain in-game cutscene.
-Massacre reloading time halved and power increased.
-If you met Ansaksie, she appears again at the end of Sector X.
-Tasen Elite idle animation fixed.
-The timer displays an "x" when it's not counting, to make it easier to see when
it's paused. You'll notice that time stands still for a short while after crack
ing something; I didn't fix this since it would make speedrun times not comparab
le between versions.
-Cutscene pics updated.
-Logbooks and chats updated. Some details of the story have been modified or fur

ther explored.
-The boss music now restarts correctly if you reach Krotera after breaking the t
-Ansaksie now uses her Massacre, and her teleportation speed is no longer depend
ant on the difficulty level.
-Added Yukabacera and Ansaksie to the main menu enemy info.
-"Killer" rank changed to "Pacifistic" to make it more clear than getting less t
han 50 total kills or less still counts as being pacifistic when it comes to kil
l-related modifiers.
-Added an alternate startup pic that has a 1 in 3 chance of appearing.
-Modified part of Sector 7.
-Annihilators can no longer fire the Splintergun through walls.
-Iji no longer says "damnit" when using the Nuke while low on health.
-The position marker no longer permanently disappears when entering areas not sh
own on the map.
-My Normal speedrun time is now listed as 27:18, a recording of which as of writ
ing this is featured on
-A very rare bug with unknown cause lets Iji move while cracking or riding an el
-A very rare bug with unknown cause makes enemies freeze in place.
-I still don't consider the Annihilators destroying themselves with the Shockspl
inter an error, since it suits their nature.
-Troopers sometimes running the opposite way is not a bug, but their way to put
more distance between themselves and their opponents, since Shocksplinter deals
more damage but can't be fired in close quarters.
-While additional ending pictures for the pacifist path were planned, they still
haven't been made. Maybe for the next version.

1.5 (10 July 2009)

-The game can now be run in windowed mode, but you cannot change between fullscr
een and windowed mode in-game. Gamma effects will not work in windowed mode. I a
pologize for not wanting to implement this before and saying that I couldn't do
it neatly; I considered the drawbacks of windowed mode, and the inability to cha
nce modes in-game, not to be worth it before.
-Fixed a serious pausing bug.
-Fixed being able to "Use" a weapon combination station and an enemy at the same
-Deep Sector is not as dark as before (only applicable in fullscreen with gamma
effects turned on).
-Fixed a bug with Nanofield Reboot which prevented your total cracks from loweri
ng while possessing cracked weapons.
-Made it possible to toggle the Scrambler in the Extras part of the Main menu.
-If you haven't saved your game on the Sector Clear screen, the message "Go to n
ext sector?" will be replaced by "Continue without saving?", and "Quit to main m
enu?" will be replaced by "Quit without saving?".
-Fixed Annihilators dropping ammo inside walls.
-You can no longer pause to dislocate doors when entering boss rooms.
-Endgame screen tweaked for when gamma effects are turned off.
-Fixed a discrepancy in a Ribbon chat and edited some other text.
-Changed requirements for "Killer" rank to 1 kill and "Destroyer" to 51 kills, s
ince these mark the lines of certain content at the very end of the game. Note t
hat there are still no unlockables related to kill count, so this change is only

-If the detail level lowers in the final battle when the game notices slowdown,
the "black polygon explosion" will be less detailed as well.
-Added heights to the unlockable enemy information.
-Moved a Shield door in Sector 7 so you can't kick/destroy it through the nearby
Security door.
-Added subtitles for the voices in the Sound Test.
-Updated the FAQ section of this manual.
-A very rare bug with unknown cause lets Iji move while cracking or riding an el
evator, but it may have been subverted in 1.3.
-A very rare bug with unknown cause makes enemies freeze in place.
-Saving before boss rooms is still not possible due to the fact that you can ent
er one with no stats, making it very hard to win, thus nearly impossible to cont
inue if you decided to overwrite the save slot you used for the beginning of the
Sector. It's unfortunate I didn't plan such situations better from the start, a
nd I apologize for abandoning this feature after promising it in an interview.
-I still don't consider the Annihilators destroying themselves with the Shockspl
inter an error, since it suits their nature.

1.4 (9 May 2009)

-Fixed being able to trigger the "wrong way" message in Sector 7 if you die afte
r opening the floor hatch, but before reaching the second Checkpoint.
-Fixed getting stuck at Sector 5 end lift if you blow yourself up at the top. No
te: some players think Sector 6 becomes unbeatable after moving the main lift ou
t of reach, but you have never needed it to beat the Sector.
-Being knocked down from firing the MPFB Devastator or Nuke no longer refills yo
ur armor.
-Detail level in the final battle lowers sooner if the game notices slowdown.
-Iji automatically switches to the Resonance reflector whenever you lose and ret
ry the final boss.
-Berserkers know how to destroy obstacles with the Resonance detonator again (th
ey forgot in version 1.2).
-Turrets no longer fire instantly when idle and shot by the Velocithor V2-10.
-Null driver-assisted stats can no longer be reset when entering Sector 3.
-Altered the final two cutscene pictures of the "killer path" ending (over 50 ki
lls), and the final picture on the "pacifist path" ending, to make them more dif
ferent. The picture of a certain boss character's helmet remains, as his final l
ogbook implies that he ended it himself if you managed to skip his return fight.
-Blocked some remaining lift shafts from enemies.
-Fixed spelling errors and altered certain logbooks and dialogues.
-Massacre now drains 50 Armor instead of 1 HP.
-Updated the FAQ section of this manual.
-Null driver altered.
-There will not be an option for windowed mode. Due to limitations in this versi
on of Game Maker this is too difficult to implement neatly on all systems.
-A rare bug with unknown cause lets Iji move while cracking or riding an elevato
r, but it may have been subverted in 1.3.
-A very rare bug with unknown cause makes enemies freeze in place.
-Saving before boss rooms is still not possible due to the fact that you can ent
er one with no stats, making it very hard to win, thus nearly impossible to cont
inue if you decided to overwrite the save slot you used for the beginning of the
Sector. It's unfortunate I didn't plan such situations better from the start, a

nd I apologize for abandoning this feature after promising it in an interview.

1.3 (25 December 2008)

-Additional weapon keys customizable in the Main menu, to allow Xpadder/Joy2Key
users to easily change weapons with a gamepad. By default, the A and D keys cycl
e the base weapons, and S changes to the currently selected weapon's super-versi
-New pacifist modifiers. It is now possible to get 0 kills, by fulfilling certai
n requirements where the story previously demanded that Iji was responsible for
the deaths of certain bosses. Note that there are still no post-game extras/unlo
ckables for kill count.
-Nearly all logbooks that were previously near enemies have been moved. If there
are enemies present (other than ones that do not award kills), the logbook does
not have any pacifist or other modifiers to its text, and is still intended to
be reached only by players with aggressive playstyles. Logbooks explaining Hidde
n Skills have not been moved.
-Fixed various kill count-related bugs; enemy pulse cannons, Iji's Plasma cannon
and Tasen Shredders now count kills correctly.
-Kicked turrets and dismounted Shredders that hit enemies only award kills withi
n half a second of Iji kicking/dismounting them. While this may lead to intentio
nal but unawarded kills, it's better than unintentional but awarded ones.
-Getting hurt by a Beast now adds 1 to your damage counter.
-Weapons no longer jam when using Retribution while they reload.
-Stats no longer reset when entering Sector Z, and you keep the ribbon as well.
-Suffering a warpback (due to a very rare elevator bug that may have been subver
ted) now resets the Ultimortal "time to live" timer.
-Skysmashers now check collisions with explosions correctly.
-When teching while the "bouncing on the floor" animation is playing, such as af
ter firing the MPFB Devastator and teching another explosion as you hit the grou
nd, Iji is no longer momentarily pushed into the floor.
-"Innocent" is once again listed as needing at least 0 kills rather than 2.
-Some enemies removed/replaced throughout the Sectors.
-Tweaked and rewrote many cutscene, chat and logbook texts.
-Maximum Charge Tor now only drops one Red Nanofield.
-Some logbooks now make it more clear that defeating regular Assassins does not
increase your kill count.
-Boss hints are now only unskippable once per boss room.
-Ambient sounds are no longer heard in the Pause menu.
-Fixed Iji's outfit temporarily changing back to default in a boss room.
-The Iosa battle now has a better camera.
-Iji now sits for a longer time after a very high fall, but the animation can st
ill be cancelled by jumping.
-New weapon and other secrets.
-Moved Null driver.
-Many graphical tweaks.
-There will not be an option for windowed mode. Due to limitations in this versi
on of Game Maker this is too difficult to implement neatly on all systems.
-A rare bug with unknown cause lets Iji move while cracking or riding an elevato
r, but it may have been subverted.
-A very rare bug with unknown cause makes enemies freeze in place.

1.2 (10 October 2008)

-Added gamma effects to Main menu options due to incompatibility with some graph
ics cards or drivers. The Turbo mode and Sound test unlockables have been moved
to the new "Extras 3" submenu.
-If the final boss detects consistent slowdown during the battle (some graphics
cards don't like how Game Maker handles polygons and line drawing), the polygon
and particle count will be automatically reduced in an attempt to make the game
run faster. The threshold is at least 15% framerate drops for 10 seconds, and al
so applies to Turbo mode.
-Berserkers must now briefly charge their Resonance detonators to fire them.
-You can no longer glitch the Asha2 fight by firing certain weapons just before
he appears.
-Made Krotera slightly easier on Normal and Hard (fires less rockets, kicked Tur
rets deal more damage).
-Fixed a glitched chat trigger in Sector 5.
-"Innocent" is now listed as needing at least 2 kills, not 0, since 2 is the abs
olute minimum.
-Reaching Krotera with the truce intact, dying and restarting no longer causes K
rotera to act is if the truce was broken.
-Made the final boss's Rage burst weapon (tall green energy spikes) slower.
-The explosive barrels now have yellow and red warning tape instead of just yell
-Fixed an old mistake by removing the "metal butterfly" logo from the Security b
oxes, since they're Tasen technology and have nothing to do with the human facil
-Fixed some typos, triggers, chats and cutscene images.
-Scrambler updated.
-Null driver.
-There is yet no option for windowed mode. Due to limitations in this version of
Game Maker this may be too difficult to implement neatly.
-There is still a rare bug where Iji can move while cracking.

1.1 (10 September 2008)

-Enemy Plasma cannon shots killing a Tasen no longer award Iji the kill if she a
ttacked them first.
-Fixed being able to fall outside the intended route in Sector Z.
-The game now correctly gives 10 or more kills the "Killer" rank, instead of 5 o
r more.
-When rebooting your Nanofield, your number of Total cracks are now decreased fo
r every weapon combination you had. This prevents you from repeatedly rebooting
in order to get a lot of Total cracks.
-Getting killed by a Komato Trooper and being revived at the Checkpoint no longe
r breaks the truce in Sector 3.
-Fixed various logbooks and chats.
-Fixed the Shredders typing numbers to the game window caption (only visible whe
n Alt-Tabing).
-The Enemy Information in the Pause Menu, when viewed from Sector Z, now display
s correctly.

-Added a logbook at a critical point to explain that defeating an Assassin does

not increase your Kill count.
-Fixed the spelling of Machinae Supremacy in the music text file.
-Fixed the background color remaining blue if you fell out of the ship in Sector
7 but died, returned to the checkpoint and fell out again.
-There is yet no option for turning gamma effects on/off or entering windowed mo
de. The other issues were considered more important to fix quickly.

1.0 (1 September 2008)

-Game released.

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